Cultivation: Start From Simplifying Martial Arts Techniques

Chapter 371 - Chapter 371: Heaven’s Favorite

Chapter 371: Heaven’s Favorite

Translator: Dragon Boat Translation Editor: Dragon Boat Translation

“What brings you here this time?” Chen Fei looked at Chi Shuqing with her delicate and charming appearance, his heart slightly moved.

“I have some doubts in my cultivation and would like to seek guidance from Master Chen. May I?” Chi Shuqing raised her head, casting a gentle bite on her lip.

“There’s no reason to refuse. Please come in,” Chen Fei replied with a soft smile and welcomed Chi Shuqing into the house.

A moment later, the room echoed with somewhat intense sounds, as if Chi Shuqing was enduring something, likely experiencing some pain during her cultivation.

“Master Chen, your cultivation…” Chi Shuqing gazed at Chen Fei with eyes filled with incredulity.

How had Chen Fei’s cultivation grown so much in such a short time? It seemed he had already reached the mid-stage of the aperture tempering realm, and not just recently broken through to that stage.

It had only been a month since her last visit, and even though both of them had experienced some growth in their cultivation at that time, it couldn’t have happened so quickly!

“I’ve had some gains in my recent cultivation,” Chen Fei replied.

All…” Chi Shuqing made a soft sound from her nose, unable to inquire further. Her entire body felt devoid of strength, and she could only go with the flow.

The spiritual energy around the courtyard began to fluctuate, converging towards this location. For a full two hours, the spiritual energy ebbed and flowed like a river, sometimes calm as a gentle stream and other times turbulent like crashing waves.

Occasionally, Chi Shuqing’s voice could be heard, shouting words with unclear meaning.

The cultivation of this technique was truly peculiar and hard to fathom, making it difficult to grasp the mysteries within unless one was immersed in it.

The elemental energy in all directions gradually calmed down, and the activity inside the house returned to normal, as if nothing had happened just moments ago.

“I have a question for you,” Chen Fei’s voice came through, sounding quite calm.

“Please go ahead, Master Chen,” Chi Shuqing’s voice sounded extremely lazy, as if she had no intention of moving at all and just wanted to lie there peacefully.

She was feeling a bit tired.

“Does the Sunken Water Pavilion have a method to enhance one’s core soul energy?”

“Core soul energy?”

Chi Shuqing looked up at Chen Fei with some confusion. Just now, due to their shared cultivation, Chi Shuqing could sense Chen Fei’s core soul energy, which was both powerful and agile, far superior to that of an average mid-stage aperture tempering realm cultivator.

Obviously, Chen Fei must have a core soul energy cultivation method to have refined his core soul energy to such an extent in such a short time. In this situation, he could simply follow the normal path of cultivation.

“The speed of opening acupoints exceeds that of core soul energy,” Chen Fei explained when he noticed Chi Shuqing’s confusion.

Chi Shuqing’s eyes widened slightly as she realized Chen Fei’s current level of cultivation. She felt a mix of admiration, envy, and a hint of satisfaction in her heart. Such a young genius had formed a bond with her, surpassing many fellow disciples.

“We have an internal secret method that can enhance core soul energy, but it’s extremely difficult to cultivate, and over the years, there haven’t been many who succeeded,” Chi Shuqing whispered.

“Can I cultivate this?” Chen Fei’s heart stirred, and as for the difficulty of cultivation, he didn’t concern himself with it.

“If we cultivate together, it’s permitted within the sect,” replied Chi Shuqing with a touch of shyness.

“Please teach me, Miss Chi!” Chen Fei said in a solemn tone.

After a while, the aura around the courtyard began to fluctuate again. Compared to the previous occurrence, the initial aura fluctuations were not intense, but as time passed, they gradually intensified.

In the end, it was like surging ocean waves.

“Master… Did you learn this technique before?” Chi Shuqing’s body went weak, and her mind was as shocked as the fluctuating aura, which left her speechless.

Clearly, they had just imparted the technique, and the initial operation of the technique was a bit sluggish. However, Chen Fei’s progress speed afterward was simply unbelievable.

“I haven’t learned it before, but it’s not difficult,” Chen Fei said with a smile on his face. Surprisingly, this method significantly improved his core soul energy even faster than his previous methods.

Chi Shuqing didn’t reply because she had no strength to do so. The aura from all directions had completely engulfed her, and her body and mind seemed to be floating in the clouds.

Swaying and drifting, she didn’t know where she was.

Chi Shuqing only knew that she had truly encountered a genius. Even the legendary talents she had heard of couldn’t compare to Chen Fei.

Chi Shuqing unabashedly stayed in Chen Fei’s courtyard for five days. After five days, she had to leave because she found herself unable to bear it any longer.

Chen Fei was like an ancient beast, showing no signs of fatigue whatsoever.

Moreover, because Chen Fei took the lead in guiding the technique, the progress was astonishingly fast, causing Chi Shuqing’s cultivation and mental growth to exceed her physical limits in a short time.

On the other hand, Chen Fei had no issues at all and even seemed to enjoy it.

In just five days, Chen Fei’s core soul energy had skyrocketed from controlling fifty-two acupoints to sixty. This rate of cultivation was simply unbelievable.

Although the further he progressed, the slower the cultivation speed became, it was still far superior to most spiritual pills and elixirs.

However, this rapid progress was likely a one-time occurrence. The Chi Shuqing’s technique from the Sunken Water Pavilion was indeed mysterious, but it mostly involved utilizing the collision of Yin and Yang energies to tap into the body’s potential.

Chen Fei’s surge in core soul energy to sixty acupoints seemed to have fully converted some of the latent potential absorbed from the bizarre city origin into his body.

Therefore, expecting such results every time was unrealistic.

Nevertheless, practicing this technique together with Chi Shuqing was indeed much faster than doing it alone.

“Master, please wait.” Chi Shuqing looked at Chen Fei with tender affection in her eyes, took a light step, and disappeared on the spot.

Chen Fei watched as Chi Shuqing left and then turned back to the courtyard.

These five days primarily focused on tempering core soul energy, and of course, there was no neglect in the growth of elemental power. In five days, an acupoint was opened, reaching a total of fifty-three acupoints.

The main reason for Chi Shuqing’s visit to Chen Fei was to enhance her cultivation. Of course, building a connection was also essential.

The unexpected surge in core soul energy was beyond her expectations. Even though Chi Shuqing recognized Chen Fei’s extraordinary talent, she never anticipated that he would master a technique in such a short period.

This revelation also resolved a lingering question in Chi Shuqing’s mind: why Chen Fei’s cultivation speed was so fast and how his combat power became so strong.

With such astounding comprehension, mastering a technique for Chen Fei was only a matter of time, and a very short one at that.

While other cultivators in the Aperture tempering realm struggled with their techniques, sometimes for days or months without progress, Chen Fei could make rapid breakthroughs in his technique.

Under these circumstances, how could Chen Fei’s cultivation not be fast, and how could his combat power not be formidable?

Now, Chen Fei had already reached the middle stage of the Aperture tempering realm. The late stage of the Aperture tempering realm would probably pose no difficulty for him.

This meant that Chi Shuqing’s indebtedness and connection were not tied to a future prominent figure but to someone who was on the verge of becoming a towering presence.

Although Chi Shuqing believed there might be flaws in the Primordial Sword Sect’s technique, for such a prodigy, a technique sometimes couldn’t hinder their progress.

Chi Shuqing was still unaware of the Primordial Sword Sect’s recovery of their technique. Otherwise, even this slight concern would have vanished without a trace.

Chen Fei refocused his energy on his cultivation. With the temporary resolution of his core soul energy issues, he could continue using the resources he obtained from the Yashan Sect to increase the number of his acupoints.

While Chen Fei diligently practiced, the outside world had already started to stir.

The Primordial Sword Sect had originally obtained a technique within the Strange Wind Realm that allowed them to transform themselves partially into eerie beings. However, this was only partial eerie being transformation, which was fundamentally different from becoming a complete eerie being, especially a human eerie being.

Moreover, that technique was for those in the Aperture tempering realm and was not perfected. Compared to the technique deliberately spread by Master Xi Lian, it was like night and day, utterly incomparable.

Master Xi Lian was the first in this realm to successfully transform himself into a person eerie being while being a cultivator of the Aperture tempering realm. In the past, there were instances of Aperture tempering realm cultivators transforming into eerie beings, but those were still within the Aperture tempering realm, and a peak Aperture tempering realm expert was enough to suppress them.

The higher one’s cultivation, the harder it was to become something strange or supernatural. It was considered impossible for a combined aperture tempering realm cultivator to become a human eerie being.

At the mountain gate of the Yu Clan.

“Elder, is the cultivation technique that Master Xi Lian gave us real??” Yu Zhanrong asked Yu Shoucheng in a soft voice.

Now, due to Master Xi Lian’s technique, people’s hearts were unsettled. Master Xi Lian did not give the technique secretly to a specific combined aperture tempering realm cultivator but spread it to everyone, creating suspicion among them.

In this realm, there were few young combined aperture tempering realm cultivators, and most of them were already over two hundred years old. Some individuals have several decades to over a hundred years left, while others, the minority, now have only about thirty to forty years remaining.

For combined aperture tempering realm cultivators, crossing into the next realm was beyond their reach, and finding a genius treasure that could extend their lifespan was also extremely difficult.

In the past, they could only console themselves, thinking that all combined aperture tempering realm cultivators faced the same situation and couldn’t change it. But now, with Master Xi Lian successfully transforming into an eerie being, they couldn’t help but ponder further.

The technique inscribed on the massive stone was only a general outline, and many details were not disclosed by Master Xi Lian. However, even from the outline alone, one can clearly see the extraordinary nature of this technique.

” 50,000 people a year to transcend the lifespan limitations of the combined aperture tempering realm, it’s indeed a great temptation!” Yu Shoucheng’s lips curled into a mocking smile.

He continued, “If it were really that simple, the Endless Sea would have been full of eerie beings long ago. How could it have been so many years without a single one appearing?”

Isn’t it because there are experts in the Mountain Sea realm suppressing them?” Yu Zhanrong asked with doubt.

“Even in the Mountain Sea realm, there are loved ones. If it truly only required fifty thousand people a year, how do you think the Mountain Sea realm cultivators would choose?” Yu Shoucheng turned to look at Yu Zhanrong and said in a deep voice, “Human nature is already lacking. What do you think would happen if they became eerie beings?”

Yu Zhanrong’s face slightly changed. Human nature is inherently greedy, and those who ruthlessly transform themselves into eerie beings must possess immense determination and desires. Moreover, the claim of fifty thousand a year is only what Master Xi Lian said; no one knows the actual truth.

“In that case, Elder, what should we do?” Yu Zhanrong asked in a low voice.

“Spread my words. However, for those who have made up their minds, they won’t listen to anything else.. They’ll only do what they believe is right!”

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