Code Zulu Alpha: Nerd in the Apocalypse!

Chapter 1347 Be An Idiot Day!

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After Mrs. Batiancilla’s earlier debacle, I really thought I’ve reached my quota of dealing with idiots for the day, but this random fucking dude who was strongly against exercise can’t stop yapping about his chronic illness caused by inflammation and muscle tightening around his airways, making the simple act of breathing difficult.

But yeah, I do understand how his disease works, and I do understand it’d be a lot more difficult for him to do what we were asking—but how many times would we go around in circles saying that I wasn’t asking him to a run a marathon, just walk a few more steps a day and him telling me he has asthma over and over and over?

Once again, my insistence was making me sound like an asshole—and I sometimes am—but it wasn’t like we were speaking in different languages.

“I said what’s your name!”


“What?! The red dog?!”

“Hah?! I said, Clifford!”

“Your last name! You’re Clifford-What?!”

“Baesa! B-A-E-S-A!”

I shook my head, “Alright, Mr. Clifford Baesa, tell me, what do you do around here?”

“I grow crops.”

I facepalmed, “Then what’s the problem with your asthma?”

“Are you an idiot? It makes it hard to breathe!”

“You— Nielsen’ing me aside, you smartass, doesn’t growing crops already give you more than the minimum steps I required all of you to do? Even if you run a hydroponic system, just checking your crops each day would get you out of the house every single time. And how far is your house compared to this hall?”

“A ways away, that is! Took me 15 whole minutes to get here!”

“Mr. Baesa…”

“What?! And stop looking at me like I’m an out-of-shape man! I may have asthma but I do honest and diligent work!”



“…you. You’re definitely messing with me, right?”

“I don’t get where you’re getting at, kid.”

“Look, the minimum steps I put in there is 2000 but the overall time each day is at least 30 minutes of walking. And where you out of breath when you got here?”


“Then this conversation’s already moot, Mr. Baesa. You’ve been doing the required exercise I have for everyone already and you’ve been yapping about your condition! It barely affects you!”

“Hah? I-I thought I’m supposed to do all that bull on top of the things I’m already doing!”

“Umm, no?”

Mr. Baesa just stared at me in silence for a good while before he crossed his arms, “Huh.”

I never felt so exhausted, “Are we good?”

“Sure, carry on.”




“Why is everyone quiet? Are we done here? I need to catch on some reading, sleep too.”

Hearing that, I don’t necessarily condone unwarranted violence but no one fucking stopped his peers when they gave him several love taps for being a fucking idiot. Not only did he waste everyone’s fucking time, but he also made everyone else who shared an adjacent condition feel their faces burn for the second-hand embarrassment.

So once again, as things calmed down, I thoroughly explained our new plans for the people of Tierra Del Sueno Homes before we ended the night in a somewhat high-ish note.

It was already close to 10:00 PM when I looked at my watch and even if it was a couple of hours before, I strongly suggest we spend the night.

Because not only would visibility be less than ideal, but the noise we made from clearing those three spots would definitely attract some zeds in their general direction.

Though surprisingly enough, despite the “lack of space”, I found out that Mr. & Mrs. Garciano had a home for themselves and as their guests, they invited us all to stay the night in their home.

And even though it came as a shock to everyone, we could literally eat food off the floor because of how clean and minimalist the whole place was—and coming in with our dirty boots was like a war crime or something similar.

Mr. Garciano just waved us off, “Don’t worry about that, you’re our guests—you don’t need to take them off, really!”

I waved him off as I began taking mine off before coming in, “Pardon the intrusion~”

Mrs. Garciano chuckled, “Thanks for that, truly. As much as a germophobe my husband is, he’s also a clean freak and he’d be more than happy to bust out his cleaning tools to make everything else squeaky clean.”

“Don’t tell them that! How can I used my homemade cleaning kit now?!”

“When we actually need something cleaned! Now head on up! You don’t want to miss on sleep, right?”

“Ah— It’s been a long~ day! I actually forgot, I have to do my skincare—” then he stopped momentarily to turn to me, “Hey, kid.”


“Before I get too comfortable in my own home, I wanna say thanks, alright? You’ve done a lot for me, I’ll never forget that.”

“Heh, alright. Cool.”

“Hah! Thanks, I’d love to hug you but there are limits, alright? Take care, tell my wife if you need anything.”

“Will do, will do~”

Mrs. Garciano chuckled, “Alright, we do have two extra rooms for guests but if you’re not too keen on bunking, you have the living room to yourselves and the blankets and pillows are all in the closets. The fridge is stocked with food we grew ourselves and again, if there’s anything, don’t be shy to call for me. Okay?”

“Will do, thanks!”

“Alrighty, then. I’ll leave you kids here but don’t be too loud after midnight, alright?”

“Yes, Ma’am~”

With that said, the rooms provided for us were obviously for the ones in our circle and the ones who weren’t, but we still spent an hour cleaning and maintaining our gear—while a few gave our vehicles a quick wipe down before trying to close the night.

However, right as everyone was just about to warm up for our evening activities, we heard a knock on the door—and it was James #2 telling me that my cousin, Jared, was waiting for me outside.

“Did he say why?”

“He caught these two girls sneaking in.”

“Which girls?”

Looking at James #2’s weird expression, I just walked with him outside to see Mrs. Batiancilla’s daughters on the ground, zip-tied, gagged, and blindfolded—though their tears were already seeping through the rag Jared put on them.

JP and a few others were already present and were in the process of patrolling the perimeter, but before things go another weird turn, I walked up to my cousin and said, “What the fuck?”

“They’re trying to sneak in, bro. Caught them trying to get into the Raptor. They’re probably trying to mess with it—”

I waved him off as I took into account Mrs. Batiancilla’s daughters trying to speak through their gagged mouths, “Hold up, hold up, hold up— I thought you’d sleep inside, how did you spot them?”

“Ah, I was in a call with Alex and climbed this slanted part of the roof there, saw them creeping in so I fired a shot with my silenced .22. Good thing JP was sleeping in his Raycolt and he helped me bag them.”

JP nodded, “Their bags are heavy too, we were just about to check them. If they’re planning to plant a—”

I cut them off, “Is it Be An Idiot Day today?”

“Huh?/The fuck you sayin’, bro?”

I rolled my eyes as I looked at JP like an idiot, “Open their bags then.”

“O-Okay, sir…”

And the moment JP opened up one of the girls’ bags, I was already undoing the restraints on them—despite Jared’s complaints—and lo and fucking behold, these two were just trying to runaway from this place, and quite possibly, just their mother.

I kowtowed for the first time in a while in front of our two accidental victims, “I’m very sorry about these two, they’ve been critically failing as of late and it’s due to severe lack of sleep and lack of brain cells.”

The older one who I still don’t know the name of—even the younger one—glared at them both before her gaze softened once it landed on me:

“It’s… I-It’s our fault, we should’ve just come in normally… I-I’m Lori, by the way…”

Then her younger sister followed, “I’m Lisa—But can you take us?! We don’t want to be here anymore! After Mom’s tirade, everyone else in the house we’re in is gonna hate us even more!”

I never looked so confused, “Where would I take you two, and why would they hate you?”

“You were there! You should know!”

I waved her down, “Chill, chill, the Garciano’s are already sleeping, take it down a notch. Also, while it’s true that your Mom’s not in the right place, shouldn’t you two be taking care of her?”


“She’s the only one you two got and vice versa, isn’t running away a little too stupid right now? It would’ve worked if the dead were out of the picture but can you two even survive on your own? And even if I do take you in my fold, she’s bound to know, then what?”

Right as I said that, there was a brief moment of silence before the two just looked like they had a ton of things to unpack. However, with the choice of the two idiots who tied them up and me who barely had any EQ, I just decided to bring them in and have them unpack some shit with Kaley.

It’s just that the “atmosphere” wasn’t too safe for work the moment I opened the door for them.

“Umm… Kaley? Can you umm… come with me for a bit and l-lose that thing i-in you?”

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