Code Zulu Alpha: Nerd in the Apocalypse!

Chapter 1297 "Spiders"

At this moment, we were still a little bit inside this huge area with different ticket booths, food stalls, smoking zones, etc., and we were just trying to open up the place as a whole before venturing over to the connecting bridge to reach Morales’ group. But yeah, those pods we were looking for were located on the 2nd floor where a lounge area and a mini strip mall were located.

With each flesh wall we’d take down, it’d take a bit of time to haul them all out because not only were they dense and heavy, we’d double tap each head poking out or just straight up cut them into sections or strips just to be sure that the people carrying them and throwing them over the same spot as last time wouldn’t get merc’d to fuck.

But once again, the moment one of our bobcats tore through an unsuspecting flesh wall, it was like a recreation of those football teams coming out of their team flag and the dead just came pouring out like there’s no tomorrow.







And this time, with a wider area to cover, the All-Stars spread out with each of the younger generation standing behind them—either there to support or handle shit on their own. I’d hate to say it but we’d have to give them some experience points too or else they’d stagnate and just let us do everything for them.

So while we were doing our own thing, I was still keeping attention to them—just in case, and to see how they would do—but let’s just say keeping them at the back for the most part earlier made them a little more active once they were given the chance to shine.

In addition, most of them just didn’t stick to the people they’ve known ever since and they were blending in a nice way since Seb was with Marvin and Ashley, Brian was with JP and Isaac, while Lee and Nia were with Megan and Alexa. But yeah, Hooper and Brownie were still sticking behind Tennyson’s back though Ruben was with them at the moment and they seemed to be merging well.

But back to my current situation, I was with Quinn and Tatiana—Kaley supporting us from behind—and we began to notice deadheads that were a little… wetter… than usual.

It wasn’t like they were recently bitten or just had taken a nice long bath but it looked like they dunked themselves on a tub of lube or they just had a fresh clear coat. These motherfuckers were glistening and I bet they’d start simmering if they stayed out in the sun for too long—but speaking of long things, one of them suddenly unhinged its jaw before its tongue reached several feet.

However, Kaley’s .308 could reach farther but as soon as that cunnilingus connoisseur fell flat on its back, the rest of its slimy friends tried to rush at us but ultimately failed.

You never bring just your lubed-up body to a gunfight—even if your fucking tongue could reach at least 15 feet—but the weirdest thing fucking happened when one other Stitcher stuck its tongue onto this pile of bodies on top of one another.

“What the fuck—”

And right after that, its tongue and bits of shit at the other end came off the main body—which made it reel back before catching a bullet to the head—but as its long fucking tongue disappeared inside that flesh heap, the flesh heap started breathing and scattered around like touching a fur ball which turned out to be a bunch of little spiders bunched up together.

But in this case, several “whole” bodies from the pile got up and started to hobble towards us while the rest of the pieces started to build a working shell or something a weapons manufacturer turned superhero would do as he’d gather his iron suit one by one.

This was a lot of shit to take in—but not as surprising—but the surprise couldn’t be more apparent for them when Tatiana chucked a grenade as they were still doing their stupid slow-ass cinematic.


But yeah, one particular detail everyone else missed was that the main body already ate a bullet from Kaley’s rifle, why the fuck does its minions were still able to move and shit?

‘Could it be that shit at the end of its tongue? Is it part of its brain?’

Speculating aside, the grenade definitely did the trick since the moment it blew into pieces and had its metal fragments punch through the living shit of that flesh heap, it must’ve done enough damage to the tongue in question—or the shit at the other end of it—causing its suspenseful entrance to fall short in our eyes.

Still, everything was still being recorded either by our drones or body cams—and I figured that it wasn’t a coincidence these lubed motherfuckers came from the stairs at the far end, which also coincidentally the place we were trying to get into.

Then I heard Morales’ voice:


[Kid, you were the one that threw that grenade?]



“Yeah— Tatiana did but we’re together.”



[You close to the stairs more or the connecting bridge?]



“Closer to the stairs but we can focus on the connecting bridge first if you want to link up.”



[You should.]



“Any compelling reason that saving your slow ass?”



[Enough jokes. There’s also pods here you’d like to take a look. We’ve secured a few but they seem to… die right after we pull it off the flesh wall.]



“Shit, for real? What does it look like up close?”



[Like a… Like a pod— more like if you pull out a human’s bones, inflate it, and stick another living body inside it.]


Hearing Morales’ weird description of the pods Artem discovered, it didn’t come as a surprise but it made me think of the most fucked up wallet known to man or this artifact used by the most hated antagonist when he used to sacrifice his whole crew just to obtain unfathomable power.

Anime references aside, I imagined that its limbs would’ve been torn off if it looked like the pod in one of those space movies or if Humpty Dumpty was tortured by four horses pulling on its arms and legs.

But yeah, our side of the station encountered more lubed-up motherfuckers while the group on the opposite side encountered more dried-ass motherfuckers that never used lotion their whole life.

On that note, that team on the dry side continued to progress more smoothly than us—ironic, I know—as they had less stuff to worry about because the stairs where the wet motherfuckers were coming from was like a leak that kept on giving while the dregs on their side were a set of clusters that would pop up each time the bobcats tore down a few sector.

It was just an amniotic slip and slide on our side of the station right now so we were making more people focus the power washers on our area—while at the same time—we had another group using leaf blowers to completely dry up the areas that were now squeaky clean, and it was the weirdest formation known to man at this point.

But yeah, it ain’t fucking stupid if it fucking works.

We were cleaning up this station, the dead, and the mess all at the same fucking time—and it’d be great if the fucks we were up against just gave up because this shit was fucking inevitable.

But yeah, I think we might have seen one of the most fucked up “spiders” known to man as a pair of deadheads that were on each others’ backs—one walking on all fours while the other was unnaturally using its limbs to crawl upside down—came down the flight of stairs we were still trying to get into.

The thing was, it looked the weirdest shit because its tongues were hanging on each end and the one on top had an inflated stomach with various body parts on it—mostly arms and legs—making it look like part-cactus.

However, what followed after it were fucking heads attached to a pair of hands trying their best to imitate spider legs—and let’s just say if you were scared of humans, zombies, and spiders, this wasn’t the place for you.

All sorts of signals came running through my head and the thought of just burning this place to the ground crossed my mind.

Even more when Kaley took shots at the “main body” because it just flipped around like it was nothing and had two fucking lives—but everyone else was getting more fucking shocked when whole torsos came crawling in with just about anything else—even stumpy arms and legs—to bring them to places.

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