City of Desire [Kingdom Building]

Chapter 75: Whore of Flute

Chapter 75: Whore of Flute

Fifty minutes passed, and over forty carriages had entered Red Fragrance; it is still daylight. If this continued, then by the time sky darkens, the whole brothel will be filled with people.

The brothel is huge; there are over three hundred girls in it, with hundred girls over level 20.

I did not even have to use my sources to know about it; he had advertised it so much that even a small child of Greltheaven knew about it by now.

For me, it is a huge thing that will require years of work, but for Norman Lucas; it is a not big deal. House of Lucas deals in brothels. There are over a thousand brothels, they run into the empire.

He even had access to the Level 30+ girls. Though his family will not send those girls here, the Greltheaven is too small for that.


A few minutes passed, and when my expressions change suddenly, even a frown appeared on Carla’s face.

“Bastard!” I cursed. Norman is really a bastard. He had used some sort of skill that nearly nullified the power of my Torch of Seeker that I had activated in the establishment.

Though, I am a little surprised that it was not able to nullify the skill whole. I know Norman is level 25+. He might be able to do it, but it is not the only skill he is using, and thus less power to nullify my skill fully.

It is more than enough to affect my business.

“He had done something to your skill, right?” she asked, to which I nodded, without saying any words.

Finally, it is six, and right on time, the door of the establishment opened. I watched with the same nervousness I had a month ago. I could say I am even more nervous now.

As of now, it is the future of my business on the line; the brothel opposite mine has the power to crush me.

The competition is not only bigger, shinier, and higher-level girls, but also had a far greater reach than me. I don’t know how my establishment will do against it, but all I could do now is watch.

A few seconds passed and two carriages came and stopped middle of the road for a few seconds, before turning toward the Red Fragrance.

My expression couldn’t help but change seeing that. If that was not enough, another carriage came and entered through the gates of the opposite brothel.

As such, more than ten minutes have passed and all the carriages that came had gone to the red fragrance. 

Seeing that, I couldn’t, but grab my table hard. I would have been satisfied. If a few had come toward me, but no, not a single carriage of over thirty had come to my establishment. 

Each one of them had gone to the Red Fragrance; even on the worst day in these past four months. Something like this didn’t happen.

I was cursing the bastard Norman when the carriage came out of Red Fragrance and did something surprising. Instead of turning in either direction, it entered straight through the gates of the establishment.

It couldn’t help but surprise me; not only me, but even Carla had been surprised.

The carriage parked, and two young men came out and walked toward the door of the manor. We were watching the two when another carriage walked out of the Red Fragrance and rolled straight into the establishment.

The first time was a surprise, the second time, a shock.

A few seconds later, another carriage entered the establishment, but it was not from the Red Fragrance. 

It came from the street and directly entered the establishment, but the latter three that came after it has come from the Red Fragrance.

“What is happening?” asked Carla with a strange expression on her face. “I don’t have a fucking idea,” I replied. 

It is really strange that more carriages are coming into the establishment from Red Fragrance than the street. Though, I did not fail to notice that far more carriages were entering the Red Fragrance than the establishment.

An hour passed, and more carriages entered the establishment. 65% of them came from Red Fragrance.

I was seeing what I had not expected to see, but it is giving me a sadistic joy seeing the patrons coming to my establishment from my enemies. I also noticed they were not leaving fast as they left Red Fragrance.

Till now, only one carriage had left, and it had gone directly into the Red Fragrance. It is a likely person sent by Norman to see what is happening.

I am sure seeing what is happening made him frustrated, even angry. I would pay huge money to see his face.

It was at seven fifty-six; we had to close our gates. An hour later, than we usually do, even so, it is much better than what I had thought would happen, with this big competition right in front of me.

The door had remained closed for thirty-five minutes before they were opened again and the thing after that seriously shocked me.

A minute after the gate opened, the carriages from the Red Fragrance begin to come inside one after another. In that entire minute, nine carriages came before we had to close the gates.

“My god,” said Carla, and I turned to her and took her lips in a passionate kiss, to which she responded just as passionately.

I wanted to take it further, but there are some things to do. Though I will have her in a few hours. I have been having sex with her daily, and I want more. 

She is like a nectar from the gods, the more you drink, the more you want. I am feeling like I had got addicted to her and I like it.

“Let’s go, down,” I said, and we walked out of the office and walked toward the hall.

Soon, we were in a small room looking at the hall, where we stayed for two hours, using half of the time to make out like horny teenagers before we couldn’t control ourselves and went up. 

We returned below an hour later, a lot more relaxed with our lust vented, and observe everything in earnest.

What I saw couldn’t make me happy and I am sure, despite six fewer girls and competition, I have no doubt there won’t be any reduction in my earning. Instead, there will be an increase of one or two thousand crowns.


“Let’s go to the room,” said Hans; we have been talking for more than an hour and as girls had said, he is a charming, handsome man, who knows how to make a woman laugh genuinely. 

A skill that makes him desirable to any woman.

“Sure,” I said with a smile and got up from my chair and we walked out of the hall before stopping and looking at the board.

“Diamond,” said Hans, before I could ask him which room he wants to choose. “We are lucky,” I said and picked the silver metal card with a diamond in the center before walking up toward the stairs.

When Margaux had told me about the diamond rooms; I had a hard time believing anyone would choose them.

The truth is that the Diamond Rooms are the most chosen, while the common rooms are the least. Barely anyone chose them. It had shocked a lot of girls and made them happy, as the paid rooms helps them earn more money.

I walked up the stairs with Hans. He is a handsome man who looked to be in his early thirties, with thick raven hair and piercing blue eyes.

He is from Owlspring, and, like most of our patrons, is a merchant.

He had been coming to our establishment for more than two months, and girls have rated him eight out of ten, a very high rating that less than thirty people have.

He is a funny and good conversationalist. Leaves good gifts and has good sexual prowess. It is my first time with him. Unlike most people who had few favorite girls. He moves around and has been with over fifteen girls in the establishment.


Soon, we reached the diamond room. I inserted the card inside the small hole and a moment later; the door clicked open, and we entered inside.

“The Normans did good, but he could not match Silver,” he said, as we walked inside. He had said he went to a new brothel opposite ours and stayed there for half an hour before coming here, as he felt bored there. 

“Thank you for your kind words,” I said as I looked around. I had done it in all the diamond rooms except for this one. It was always unavailable.

The room is big as other diamond rooms, with a big room and large window giving a beautiful view of the entertainment district. 

Like all the diamond rooms, it is big with a wide, beautifully carved bed and silk sheets. The room had a bookshelf, which is filled with books, and a grand piano, with violin and flute hanging on both sides of it.

A light green wall and a delicate chandelier above accent everything perfectly.

I looked at the room and turned to Hans and walked toward him slowly, activating a Seductive Movement, before appearing next to him.

I said nothing, just locked my eyes with him, and took his lips into a kiss with Tantalizing Lips.

As the girls said, he is really a good kisser, and I had let myself sink into it. I had been in the business for five decades and the one thing I learned was to enjoy when I can.

This life is not the best, but it still gives you some moments, if you allow it. It is these moments that kept me sane, till I arrived at this wonderful place, where I am happy and felt safe. 

The only place I felt those emotions was my childhood home. 

They were kissing when, suddenly, Hans pulled away and looked at me with a faint apology.

“As much as I really want to do it, I am exhausted today.” He said, and I did not doubt his words, as tiredness had been apparent in his eyes. From what he told me, he is negotiating a big deal, but it is not going well.

“It is all right,” I said, hiding the disappointment I was feeling. I really wanted to see whether he is as good as the girls had said him to be. Though I quickly controlled my emotions and put a smile on my face.

“You can rest, we can leave before the hour end,” I said, to which he shook his head. “There is no need to leave,” he said and lay on the bed comfortably.

“Do you want me to dim the lights or massage you? Though let me tell you, I am not good at it,” I said, and that brought a smile to his face. Who said only he can make another laugh?

“No, there is no need for anything. Your company is more than enough,” he said, with a smile.

I nodded and sat down on the beautifully carved chair with a soft cushion. Nobody spoke for a minute, but the silence was not uncomfortable.

“Do you play any instruments? I heard many of you can play it?” he asked. His question couldn’t help but surprise me, even though it shouldn’t.

Many girls are learning music, including Carla and Margaux, though she stopped it after knowing it wasn’t for her. 

Master Silver had encouraged us to play for the clients, which is why in all rooms, including the common, had at least one musical instrument.

I cleared my emotions and opened my mouth to lie, but ended up telling the truth.

“Yes, I play an instrument,” I replied before I could stop myself. “Which one?” he asked. “Flute,” I answered. Since I had told the truth already, there is no reason to lie further.

His eyes immediately went to the beautiful blue flute hanging on the wall. 

“Can you play it for me?” he asked, and I so much wanted to reject his request. “It is a personal hobby, it had been decades since I had played it for anyone,” I said and felt my cheeks heating up, for no reason.

“Don’t worry, I will not judge,” he said, and I looked at him for a moment, feeling his interest genuine.

“I will only play for a few minutes,” I said, with my cheeks heating further. 

I got up while doing that, I added one attribute point I have in my reserve to charisma. Taking it to thirteen.


Flutist 14

Whore 19










·     Breath Control

·     Dexterous Fingers

·     All Nighter

·     Tantalizing Lips

·     Silent Flute

·     Seductive Movement

·     Aged Beauty

·     Chime Laugh

·     Ear For Tune

Attribute Points:


I have been conflicted about the attribute point, whether to use it for vitality or charisma. 

For a woman of my age, in this business, appearance is vital. If I had been in my old brothel, I would have definitely used the point of vitality. As it would have been helpful in preserving my looks and aging me slower.

In this place, age is not that important. Seeing an old woman like me is the top earner. I earn more than many younger girls, many of them being level 20 and above.

I used the point on charisma, as I know. Here it is more important than vitality and also because it will make my subpar music more pleasing to his ears.

I took out the blue flute from the wall and walked back to my chair. As I had sat down, I looked at Hans, who was staring at me without holding any judgment or expectation.

Seeing this, I took a deep breath to calm my nerves and breathed into the flute with Breath Control and move with fingers with Dexterous fingers.

The melodious sound begins to come out of the flute, and it came out much better than I had expected. 

It is my first time playing for someone in decades; the only one I played for is teacher Sebastian, but he did not count, he is a teacher.

The tune I am playing is called ‘melody of ras,’ it is one of the tunes my dear father had taught me. It was one of his favorites. He used to ask me to play it whenever he came home tired.

My eyes welled up and pearly drops begin to stream down from my cheeks. 

I nearly stopped playing when I noticed Hans, who had been listening to me a minute ago, now had his eyes close and body relaxed.

He fell asleep.

Seeing that, I relaxed a little and continued playing. Before I know it, an hour passed, but I did not stop, nor did the tears.

It had been a long while I had played like this without using the Silent Flute, which will make the sound of the flute heard only to me.

I channeled all my memories, my happy childhood, the dreadful incident that changed my life, and even the life of this wonderful new brothel, where I felt happy after a long time.

Hours passed, and before I know it, I saw the rays of dawn breaking through the sky and I finally stopped.

When I put the flute down, there was a smile on my face.

For the first time in four decades, I felt complete, as if I had finally found the thing I had lost.

‘I found you,’ I said to the flute, and the smile on my face had brightened further. I stared at the flute for a minute before turning to Hans, who is still sleeping. I decided to let him sleep for fifteen more minutes before waking up.

I was watching the sunrise from my seat when I felt the movement and look at Hans, who had woken up.

“Thank you. It was the best sleep I had in a long time,” he said. “You are welcome,” I replied. He smiled and came to me, before kissing my cheeks and leaving through the door.

I should have dropped him off, instead waved at him and turned toward the window, and continued watching the sunrise.

A few minutes passed, and the sun appeared fully in the sky; I was about to get up when I froze suddenly when I heard the voice that everyone desires to hear.

[Conditions Met: Flutist + Whore – Whore of Flute]

[Conditions Met: Dexterous Fingers – Deft Hands]

[Conditions Met: All Nighter – Endurance of Trade]

[Conditions Met: Silent Flute – Sphere of Silence]

[Conditions Met: Ear for Tune – Tune Awareness]

[Conditions Met: Breath Control + Tantalizing Lips – Skillful Mouth]

[Whore of Flute Lv. 20]

[Skill Gained: Emotion Infusion]

I froze for more than a minute before I became calm enough to react to the texts that appeared in front of me.

I begin to cry again, and this time it was no silent cry, but one with hiccups. The staff come to clean the room, disappeared as she saw me crying and a few minutes later, Margaux rushed in with a worried look on her face.

“What happened? Did he do something to you did not give permission to?” she asked with a voice cold as ice.

“No, I had leveled up,” I replied while crying. The tears did not seem to stop, but I did not care.

Margaux understood the meaning it held for me as her expressions softened. She hugged me without saying a word.

Unlike most girls, the leveling had been hard for me. I had made one of the greatest mistakes one could make in leveling up. I had let my secondary class go above the base class.

It had not only slowed down the progress of my base class, but also the secondary class. If a whore had been my primary class, I would have reached Level 20, more than a decade ago.

Even here, where girls leveled up three times and even four times in each of their classes. I had only leveled up once in each of my classes.

Now, everything turned perfect. I had not only leveled up, but consolidated both of my classes into a stronger class. 

My new class is strong, as strong as Margaux’s class.

“Congratulation Della, you deserved it,” said Margaux. “Yes, I do,” I replied. It took me a few more minutes to stop crying. 

When I did, I opened the table.


Whore of Flute Lv. 20










·     Deft Hands

·     Endurance of Trade

·     Sphere of Silence

·     Seductive Movement

·     Aged Beauty

·     Chime Laugh

·     Tune Awareness

·     Skillful Mouth

·     Emotion Infusion

Attribute Points:


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