City of Desire [Kingdom Building]

Chapter 48: To the Enemy

Chapter 48: To the Enemy

“The bunker had opened,” shouted someone jubilantly, and it immediately caused chaos inside the circle. 

Even those fighting lost their focus, and one ended up losing his life as the skeleton had directly pierced its rusted sword inside his throat. 

They moved him into the circle, trying to heal him, but I don’t think he would survive.

The wound is too big, and we don’t have a high-level healing mage or priest who could heal him from that kind of damage.

“Quiet, be disciplined,” came a shout from the Knight and along with a power of the skill. 

It immediately lessened the chaos inside the circle.

I could hear the sound of steps behind me; they were moving into the bunker one by one. 

Though there is chaos, it is being managed.

Soon, a minute passed, and nearly all the people inside the circle disappeared inside the circle, that only a few mages had remained, and now guards were looking with yearning and hope.

“Everybody,” said the Knight in a loud voice, which instantly made us focus on him while still fighting the coming undead.

“There are two choices in front of you, first move into the bunker and second fight,” 

“Moving to bunker would be safe as you will wait for the rescue there; if it came within an hour, you would be safe, or if it did not, then undead will blast through it and kill everyone that is within,” 

“The bunker might be strong, but there are thousands of undead, and the being leading them is at least Level 30,” he said while cutting down a ground of undead with a swift strike of his long sword.

“The second choice you have is to fight, not here; fighting here is just waiting for death. We are going to take a fight to the one who is controlling it all, and killing it will end everything,”

“I am taking a second choice, even if I am alone; I like my fate in my hand, not some people from Namdar, who might not arrive in time or not arrive at all,” he said and looked at all the people in the circle.

“So, make your choice; no matter what choice you make, I will not blame you,” he added at last.

For a second, nobody moved before some guards began to take a step back; within a few seconds, over twenty guards moved back, and many were thinking about it.

“Are you not entering the bunker, Remus?” asked Eva, to which I shook my head. “Like the Knight of the black star said, it is better to fight for our fate than depend on others,” I replied, and a small smile appeared on her face.

“Well said,” she said and her golden string to cut a few more zombies.

I did not ask her whether she is entering the bunker; it is clear from her body language and words that she intended to fight, and that made the women look even hotter.

“Mister Silver, you should enter the bunker,” said Leena, who was not far from me. “I am fine outside, Leena,” I replied with a smile. She opened her mouth to say something but closed it a moment later.

She is not entering the bunker, and neither is Dan; it is clear by their body language.

It will be dangerous, without a doubt, and many people will die. There is a high chance I might die too, and it would have been wise if I had entered the bunker.

I will not.

I would not wait for a savior in fear; rather, I would fight as at least I would die knowing I had given my all.

Another minute passed, and now only thirty-nine people remained, including the seven mages; the rest had entered the bunker.

“I do not have flowery words for your courage, but I will say that I commend your bravery,” said the Knight after the bunker had closed.

“Fanya here could sense the leader of the undead, and we will go for it; it will be dangerous, and many of us might die, including me, but there is no choice, as we could not stay here and wait for a rescue or die defending,” he said, and there was a moment of silence.

It is clear by his words that we will be going for the leader, the one who is controlling all the undead.

“Arrow formation,” said the Knight, and the power of skills flowed through the circle; some were weak, while others were the strongest I had ever felt.

I moved with people, and soon, we were in the arrow formation; the one at the tip was Knight of Black Star, who was wearing jumbled armor made from pieces of equipment, he had gotten from the guards who went inside the bunker.

Armor is necessary for him; it is part of his class.

Behind him was a woman, Fanya, with a pet on her shoulder, which turned out to be not a cute animal but a magical beast.

In the middle are the mages, led by High Mage Blackstone; I am quite surprised he stayed, considering he is not a battle mage but a scholar mage.

Still, he would be very useful, the spells of High Mage are very powerful, and I am sure he would have few offensive defensive spells; every mage has them.

In the rear is captain Julian; he is far more impressive than I had thought, and if I survive long enough, I will be able to see the full range of his abilities.


Seeing we could charge out any second, I immediately drank the stamina potion, like many around me. 

It is likely the last chance I will get to drink any potion, and seeing I am feeling a little weak, I decided to drink the potion. 

The moment it entered my stomach, it had turned into energy and spread around my body, taking my weakness away rapidly and filling my body with energy.

It made me a little disoriented, but I controlled myself with deep breathing, which helped a lot.


Shouted the Knight, and another layer of skills envelope the people, this is even bigger, and it is not just skilled, but also buff spells, like Haste, Magic Skin, and Minor Healing.

The buffs have a little overwhelmed me, but I did not have time to properly get used to it as we moved, and speed that was even greater than what I could get from the quick steps.

Despite that, I felt no imbalance; everything is much smoother than before; I am beginning to have more ease in cutting the undead.

It took just a few seconds for us to get out manor through the broken glass wall, and we moved down the hill.

Whoever leading the undead is also seems to understand we are moving to target it, as the undead, who were spread across the hill before, gather toward us.

At first, things were easy, as the skills and spells have not only increased the speed but also increased the power of my attacks and also balance, which is vital considering, we are moving downhill.

Things began to get slightly difficult when we reached halfway into the hill. Lots of undead had gathered together, and at every second, more of them were gathering.

Like an arrow, we are piercing through them, killing every undead coming our way.

The Knight of the black star is amazing; despite facing the greatest pressure and most powerful undead, he is cutting them like grass, and he is not even using his skills for it.

The pressure is increasing, but I am managing with all buffs, killing one undead after undead.

Still, the one that impressed me most is Eva, her strings have become killing machines; mages have cast spells on her strings. One spell made the strigs red hot, and it simply slid through the undead without any resistance, killing tens of them in a single attack.

Which has lessened the pressure on people around her, including me.

“Your strings are amazing,” I praised, to which she smiled. “This is my life’s work Remus, my craft,” she said with a hint of pride.

People with combat classes are not the only people who can fight; the holder of craft classes could also fight with sufficient mastery over their craft, like how Eva is doing.

There are many examples of them achieving the impossible feat, but the most recent is from the city in herald about a century ago.

It was a small city hundred thousand, close to an extreme magic region from where a beast tide had come out. 

Nearly ten thousand magical beasts attacked the city and, within an hour, overwhelmed its defenses and broke through them.

It was obvious that the city was going to fall when a large cloth appeared above the city before it enveloped it, before biding the beasts in the cloth, and then came the needles.

These tiny needles pierced through the thick skin of magical beasts, destroying their hearts and brains and killing them.

That day, the seamstress of Melsar was born.

There are many such examples across history. It is not just craft classes; people with other classes, too, have performed the impossible.

It is this world there is saying, ‘Masters conquer,’ and after seeing Eva, I couldn’t help but agree more with it.

We climbed down the hill, killing with steps, but more were gathering. 

I could already see a large number of undead gatherings at the base of the hill to meet us; their number had already reached over five hundred, and more were gathering fast.

Their numbers would increase by a few hundred more by the time we meet it at the base.

My heart begins to beat loudly in fear and strangely in excitement, seeing them gathering in huge numbers, and more than a third of those are uncommon undead. 

It is clear as day, even at such a distance.


Another minute passed, and we had reached quite close to the base of the hill when a change occurred.

Sup Sup Sup

Twelve huge fireballs the size of my whole hand materialized in the sky before shooting toward the large gathering of undead at the base.

Seeing that, a big smile couldn’t help but appear on my face.

High-Mage Blackstone had been silent, but now he had cast the spell; what a spell it is. In a single spell, he had shown the power of the High Mage.

Thank You My Patrons: Kristaps Ruluks, Neric, Stephan, Elen Zhang, Jerad Stephans, Christian Petterson, Daniel Hernandez, Vincent Emil, Zip, Thomas Borseth, Zachary Thomas Potter, Landen Sweeney, Jon, Whalehunter, Matthew Sidewell, Thomas B Wilkes, Scott Turner, Josh W, Jeffrey Iverson, A disgruntled nondescript Squirrel, NobleBoy24, Colin Love, Jose Miguel Labao Lopez, Deane L Uptegrove, Matt M, William Holcomb, Alon David, Antab, Mattias Klason, Constantin II, Wega, Anonymous, Shoelace, Book_Ascendent, Constantin, John Waddell, Marco, FIOdis, Andre, Falls, Hakan Olofson, Mark Mollegaard, Bjorgy, LemonOx Kaine, Funki, Loise Taylor, Olaf Dahlstrom, Chuck Sleeve, Ray George.

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