City of Desire [Kingdom Building]

Chapter 344: Two Kills

Chapter 344: Two Kills

The planet is called ‘Prison’. I was very confused when she told me about it. 

I mean, why would we need a powerful enchantment spell like this? But now, I am really glad, to have it. 

I wouldn’t have been able to catch and imprison Lich’s soul without it.

It is a powerful soul, but powerless without a body. A soul cannot project power without a body. It will remain in prison, without ever hope of getting out.

It seemed to sense me looking at him and stopped struggling. The soul of Lich is in the barren ground, bound in translucent silver chains.

It looked at me and a grin appeared on its face, surprising me.

‘I have to say, it is quite shocking. I had never expected something like this from the legacy.” “Well, I shouldn’t be shocked; I could feel the witch’s magic all over it and it seemed to be imprinted on it before it turned to legacy,” 

It got shocked to hear that, but quickly controlled my emotions.

“I was quite shocked too,” I replied, and confusion appeared on its face, but it pushed it away, with the grin on its face becoming bigger.

“His deathless, going to love this,” it said, and I shook his head. “You are not going anywhere from here,” I replied and it simply kept grinning.

He didn’t say any further, but I got the answer, I was looking for. I shouldn’t have wasted the time, but I wanted a reason, seeing how huge the source of information the lich could be.

Alas, it is too dangerous.

I tapped on the planet and immediately, radiant lightning covered the sky of the whole planet. Seeing it, the grin on its face turned to horror as it realized, what I was planning to do.

‘Please don’t kill me! I could be a big he’ its plea cut off mid-way, as the first arc hit its soul.


It begins to scream in pain as more and more arcs of lightning fall down on it. They kept falling on it, even when it had stopped screaming.

I thought ten bolts would be more than enough to finish up the lich, but it took a hundred and twenty-three before I felt it dying and true soul leaving.

A soul couldn’t be killed. It is eternal, what I had killed is just a shell.

The true soul of it left; it wouldn’t go to any divine domain, but directly to the universe’s quintessence. The lich had truly died, taking everything it knew with it.

I hate what I did. Lich would have been a treasure trove of information, but Stone had warned me, that its phylactery isn’t the only thing, that could pull his soul back.

He had heard that the undead king of Vris’alud was capable of doing that too and warned me not to give in to the temptation. If I am able to capture the soul of the lich.

Legacy might be able to stop the phylactery, but it won’t be able to stop the undead king. It is far too powerful. 

So, much so that even Helena Salazar isn’t his match.


Everything cleared on the planet, and I was about to deactivate it away when suddenly, I stopped. In the place where the lich had been, there is a puddle of black and transparent, translucent liquid.

“It can’t be!” I exclaimed in shock.

I am pretty sure what this is, and it is extremely valuable. As valuable as emotion essence and sometimes more, depending on demand, and now, I have a puddle worth of it in front of me.

It froze my mind for a few seconds before I could think straight.

‘I will deal with it later,’ I thought and made the planet disappear. I quickly collected everything, the bone constructs and the body of the lich, including the bags.

I put it all into the vault, before walking away.

The battle isn’t finished and till it isn’t finished, I will fight, like the rest of my people are fighting.

Soon, I walked out of the establishment and saw the battle, which had turned to become even more intense. Everybody is fighting like their life depends on it and it is not just theirs, but also on their families and friends in the safe zone.

Many thoughts came to my mind when I thought about the safe zone, but I pushed them all. It is not a time, to think about them.

My eyes fell on Stone, who is now covered in dense wisps of bronze energy. The energy coming out of him is powerful but really unstable. Anyone with even basic knowledge of awakening could tell how disastrous it was going for him.

I looked for a second before I took out the body of the lich and radiance on me. 

I could feel eyes turning toward me and soon, more than half of the battlefield looked at me with shock in their eyes.

I waited for the second more, before opening my mouth.



“Lich is dead,” said Silver, holding the body of the lich in his hand, with radiance covering him.

It shocked everybody, even our enemies.

There is a question there about who had killed the lich. Nobody intelligent thinks, that Silver did it. It is nearly impossible for him to do that, and it would be harder, even if he had been at Lv. 30.

Mages always have an advantage and Liches are especially dangerous. If the mage is good enough, then they won’t have a problem killing several warriors of the same level in a short time.

“The undead is dead. It is time, that you die too,” I said to Vansgart and attacked.

“It will be you. Who will die, little spell blade,” he replied and moved his shield to ram against my attack.


The shields crashed against my sword, shaking me, but at the same time, fire burst out of the ground. 

I have been observing him for an hour and know how he would defend against my attack. I time the spell perfectly, when we clash; it is time. He could not retreat fast, and he did not.

The Fire Burst spells covered him, but it was not enough to kill him.

His armor offers good elemental protection, but also has a good defensive skill. That attack, which would have killed a person or would gravely injure them, had just given him the small injuries.


I attacked him again, and he blocked it with its sword while moving his shield to defend against the attack from Major Hunriet, before moving it forward to defend against Scorching Bolts, I had released.

Major Hunriet tried to use that opportunity and attacked, but he defended with his sword, before attacking him, while defending against my attack with his shield.


A wound appeared on Major Hunriet. It is not big, but it is bleeding; it is the sixth wound he had given him, and the skills make it really hard to heal.

He came at me with the attack. I didn’t retreat and attacked with the Fiery Strength and Blazing Sword.

Clang Clang!

Our swords clashed, shaking me hard before he turned to defend himself against Major Hunriet’s attack. I took the chance to drink, the mana potion. A tiny sip with a lot of unwillingness.

My reserves are low, and I have drunk the three bottles of potion already since the battle began.

Drinking more will cause mana poisoning, and the speed of mana recovery will also be slow. So, I took a sip of mana potion that silver had provided.

As I drank it. I felt a burst of emotions, that made my tiredness go away and my mana, which had gone below 10% began to recover fast. fastest it had ever done.

I was not planning to use the potion. I was planning on keeping it for an emergency; this is an emergency and showing it off to my teammates. It is extremely hard to get your hands on the potion with emotion essence, even with the money.

I had taken one tiny sip, but I had ended up drinking a third of it from the half bottle.

I turned to the enemy, feeling angry that he made me drink the potion. However, I didn’t take any action in anger.

Another injury appeared on Major Hunriet, and he was going for another attack when I blasted him with Fire Blast and a couple of Charge Fireballs.

“You are really annoying me,” he said angrily. “What can you do about it?” I challenged. He didn’t answer and instead came at me with a powerful attack.

I responded and the third time, I didn’t hold back at all with my reserves being full.

Clang Clang Clang!

My blade clashed against his sword and shield, while Major Hunriet provided the support. A lot of my spells are hitting him, but the bastard is too protected for me to cause any actual harm.

He is also very alert against me. He would take a chance on Major Hunriet, despite him being covered in my buff spells, but never against me.

Even when he attacked me; he would always be ready to defend against the spells I threw at him, which made it very hard for me to do considerable damage.

If he had been on the same level as me. I would have turned him into cinders by now, despite the turtle shell he is wearing.

He is a tough opponent, but I will kill him. I only need to find a chance.

Clang Clang Clang!

A few more minutes have passed, and we kept attacking. Major Hunriet is slowing down because of his injuries as the Vansgart isn’t giving him the chance to drink the potion.

The bastard seemed to notice that as well. He begins focusing on the man more.

I am trying everything I can, and it is effective as the enemy also begins to slow down because of his injuries, but not fast enough. If this continued, he might be able to deal with Major Hunriet before I dealt with him.

I looked around, and I saw the battles for me, become intense. 

Eight of them are attacking the necromancers with everything they have, and the necromancers are responding in kind.

They are powerful and, if not for talented mages, like Val and powerhouses, like Paladin, Carr wouldn’t been there. Many would have died already, some seemed to be close to that.


I attacked him with my sword, which he defended with his shield, and, like always, he moved at the Major Hunriet, while spells hit him.


This time, it was different; I recognize it, the moment he took a step toward Major. He is faster than even at his peak.

Clearly, the bastard had been holding back.

“Major!” I screamed in warning and saw the man moving. He had been holding back some power and with my buffs, retreated quite fast, but not fast enough as the enemy reached him.

“Die, you bastard!” roared Vansgart and attacked.

His sword easily avoided Majors. He is going for wound for wound, but unlike him, Major Hunriet doesn’t have heavy armor protecting him and while he has Aeraryns Armor covering him, it won’t be enough.


The sword of Vansgart was swift and pierced through the Majors chest, before coming out at the other side.

Major watched him with wide eyes, before a grin appeared on his face, while blood spilled out of his mouth. Vansgart immediately sensed something wrong, but it was already too late.

“For Panar!” he said.

Transfer Spell. Ignite.

I activated my skill and attacked with the spell.


Immediately, Vansgart’s eyes widened, and he took a step back, before falling on the ground with steam coming out of every gap in his armor.

It is not Vansgarts sword that reached Major Hunriet; his sword had also reached Vansgart. Buried only a centimeter into his flesh through the gap of his armor. 

Which is enough to activate Ignite, through the Transfer Spell, which let me cast one spell through an ally.

“Major Hunriet!” I shouted and caught him before he fell.

I removed the potion to feed him but stopped seeing the life had already left his eyes, but there was a smile on his face.

‘He will be with his family!’ I said and closed his eyes.

His family had been killed by the undead. The few words, I had spoken with him in the morning were him telling me; that he would sacrifice his life to avenge the city and family, which the man did.

I laid him gently and turned to battle; only to see a shocking thing. 

Thin diamond spikes pierced into the Necromancer Esalya’s face, before she got cut into two by Paladin Carr.

The two Lv. 30s are dead and when I looked at third, I saw fear in his eyes. He knew, the kind of trouble he was in and began to run away, while we moved to stop him.

There is no way, we are going to let him escape.

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