Chaos Heir

Chapter 1040: Call

Chapter 1040: Call

Colonel Norrett couldn't explain how he felt. Ethereal barriers were hindering his movement, and something even stranger followed.

Miss Christen's fingers applied weight on Colonel Norrett's uniform only to pierce it, digging through his skin, muscles, and bones to reach something more ethereal than his heart.

Colonel Norrett's mind was too muddled to study what was happening, and his perception wouldn't allow a proper investigation anyway. Miss Christen was reaching for the essence of his life, which resonated with her element and gave her some control over it.

The Colonel's whole being seemed to fall into a trance. The slight awareness his brain had retained vanished, preventing any action on his side. He could only watch and record as a foreign will fused with his existence and overwrote his own.

Miss Christen wasn't doing anything forcefully, but Colonel Norrett felt powerless against her. His whole existence dulled, falling prey to Miss Christen's inputs. He was on the verge of becoming a puppet under her control, and nothing in his power could oppose the process. Colonel Norrett felt helpless and ashamed. The whole reason behind his trip to Baoway was to finalize his evolution, and he even believed he had progressed toward that point.

However, a real evolved warrior had turned out to be too much for the Colonel to tackle. Realistically, he would have performed better if he had spent time adjusting his battle prowess to his improvements, but it was too late for regrets now.

Colonel Norrett felt his consciousness slipping away, his awareness retreating toward a dark corner of his brain. He had been overpowered, and defeat was only a few seconds away. His bold and arrogant stance had amounted to less than a minute.

However, as the Colonel's consciousness slipped away, a loud, familiar shout reached his ears, making its way through the numb parts of his brain. He barely considered it, not that he was able to, and his eyes remained dazed even when the scenery in it changed.

Miss Christen suddenly disappeared, replaced by a huge, far less graceful figure. Colonel Norrett even recognized it, and his muddled mind slowly came back to life at its sight. "Gener-," Colonel Norrett began to say before being interrupted by the dust he inhaled. The figure's sudden arrival didn't come without consequences. The former had landed violently, breaking the ground and lifting a dusty cloud that failed to hide its colossal frame. The Colonel ended up inhaling it, coughing, and interrupting his line.

Yet, the coughs didn't stop the Colonel from recognizing the newcomer. Somehow, Major General Arngan had landed in those isolated woods, arriving out of nowhere. If the Colonel didn't know any better, he would believe the General had flown toward the area.

"Breathe, Mark," Major General Arngan ordered. "I can't have you die due to some dust."

"Talk for yourself, General," Colonel Norrett snorted, coughing out what was left of the inhaled dust. "I heard the Fuveall chained you into a lab."

"I told them to!" Major General Arngan laughed, revealing his new right arm. "They thought I couldn't endure the surgery."

Part of the General's military uniform hid his right arm, but his hand and wrist were in the open. The two had nothing organic. Only silver metal came out of his dark blue sleeve, revealing a perfectly harmonious but metallic limb.

The limb wasn't a simple stump or a makeshift weapon. It had five fingers, a proper wrist, and proportions that matched Major General Arngan's size. All the joints were there, too, creating a perfect recreation of what was supposed to be a human limb.

Of course, Major General Arngan didn't waste time showing off his new piece of technology. He turned to his right, seemingly shielding Colonel Norrett with his huge body while staring at a figure that had appeared a few meters away. Miss Christen was there, emotionlessly inspecting the two warriors.

"Mark, what is happening?" Major General Arngan couldn't help but ask. He was an expert on the battlefield, but politics had always been an acquired taste for him.

"You came here without knowing?" Colonel Norrett couldn't help but ask.

"You know how my element works," Major General Arngan declared. "I'm better than the cocky brat at that."

"We are lucky our labs are nearby," Colonel Norrett commented.

"You have always been too serious," Major General Arngan complained. "So, what's the issue?"

"I randomly spotted a spy on the quadrant," Colonel Norrett explained. "She is an evolved warrior from the Nognes family."

Major General Arngan couldn't help but put aside his cockiness at that revelation. He was infringing on noble businesses there. Actually, he already did, and his intervention was too late to take back. Somehow, the General had stumbled upon an internal conflict he shouldn't be aware of.

"Shit," Major General Arngan exclaimed, looking straight at Miss Chirsten's graceful figure. "Shit, indeed," Colonel Norrett echoed. "Still, she claimed the area was isolated, so maybe the little shit will come."

"That's hard to say," Major General Arngan admitted. His lab was nearby, but his perception was awful. He had to thank his element for noticing that disturbance, but nothing in his actions hinted at Khan's arrival.

Major General Arngan didn't indulge in strolls like Colonel Norret but had a clear understanding of his element. He had sensed what he had sensed because of his nature, so he had no guarantee support would come.

"Mark," Major General Arngan eventually called. "Do you think we can defeat her?"

Colonel Norrett didn't expect such a straightforward question. After all, the General had to have some knowledge of the political environment. He had to know the repercussions of his actions, but his question showed no hesitation.

"Major General Craig Arngan," Miss Christen called while the two warriors conversed. "The Global Army knows about your element deeply. You chose to intervene. Why?"

Major General Arngan seemed surprised about the question. He tilted his head to look at Miss Christen, his stern face seemingly unaffected by her aura.

"You people completed my profile long ago," Major General Arngan snorted. "You know exactly why I followed my call."

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