Chaos Heir

Chapter 1037: Tree

Chapter 1037: Tree

Some minutes ago, in another area of Baoway's main quadrant, far away from where Khan was training, Colonel Mark Norrett exited his private quarters to enjoy the fresh and cozy air of Baoway's nights.

Those relaxing strolls had long since become necessary for the Colonel. His quarters had an underground lab beneath them, and scientists often subjected him to tests or other experiments. He was making significant progress, but his mind needed occasional breaks, hence the habit of wandering through the area.

Truth be told, Colonel Norrett had never been the type to indulge in those recreational activities. His life had always been too busy for that anyway. Yet, he didn't have actual obligations on Baoway, and the planet's natural environments were the perfect cure for his prolonged stay in the underground lab.

Of course, the Colonel had to walk for a while to reach areas untouched by technology, but that wasn't a problem. If anything, he welcomed such long breaks, especially in the recent period. Much had happened, and Colonel Norrett used those opportunities to sort out his mind and decide how he felt about those developments.

The news of Khan's battle against Brigadier General Meadrey had shocked the Colonel, and the same went for his following declaration. The kid he had met on Onia had ended up resorting to such extreme methods, leaving humankind for good.

Colonel Norrett didn't know what to think about that issue. On the one hand, he blamed Khan for being too harsh and reckless. Khan could have handled the situation in countless, better ways without needing to reach that point of no return.

On the other hand, Colonel Norrett understood Khan. What he had suffered at the hands of the Global Army was what the Colonel wanted to change. It was the reason behind his political career, which he would have a better way of pushing now.

Bringing change was never easy or peaceful, but Khan had established a good foundation for the Colonel to work with. His faction had resources and events the Global Army craved, so negotiating with it was still possible.

Moreover, Colonel Norrett was the only person on Baoway who could handle that job. Khan's relatives were nobles, and Monica and her family were too connected to him. The same went for Lieutenant Dyester. Only the Colonel had the authority and public distance to mediate with the Global Army without representing parties it couldn't refuse.

Of course, the opposite was also true. Colonel Norrett's decision to ask for Khan's help had compromised his position. He could pursue his politics only through Khan's organization since no other party could turn a blind eye to that background.

Colonel Norrett actually expected Khan to visit him soon to make that task official. He even planned to use that chance to talk about his progress. After all, his strange, alien methods were working, and Colonel Norrett wanted his glowing eyes to confirm it.

The relaxing strolls had an additional reason. Colonel Norrett's brown eyes couldn't help but widen as soon as he reached his targeted green spot. A patch of woods stretched from that point until the nearby quadrant, and its appearance changed whenever the Colonel visited it.

The changes had nothing to do with the woods. The tall trees, vegetation, and soil were the same, but Colonel Norrett could see something different after each prolonged session in the underground lab.

Clearly, the Colonel was transforming, reaching a superior realm that allowed him to sense and see more. He wasn't quite sure about what he was feeling but knew he enjoyed exploring those new sensations.

Per the Colonel's routine, he dived into the woods, treading a familiar path to reach a relatively hidden and tiny river. Its clear water almost shone in his eyes, and he planned to stare at it while sitting on a boulder that had become his resting spot months ago.

Nevertheless, a strange sensation hit Colonel Norrett's brain when he reached the tiny river's rocky shores. A faint but powerful feeling touched the corner of his perception, diverting his attention from the shimmering waters.

At first, Colonel Norrett believed that sensation to be the result of the recent training session inside the lab. After all, he was changing faster than he could get used to, so unclear and unknown feelings were the norm. The scientists had also warned him about those possible side effects.

However, something about that faint sensation didn't sit right with Colonel Norrett. It was pleasant, too pleasant to be natural. It was as if a hidden but radiant vitality had invaded the woods, overflowing them with energy that made them appear more alive.

Unknowingly, Colonel Norrett had become quite protective toward his private resting area. His gradual changes also made him curious, so he decided to investigate that pleasant sensation, walking alongside the river to dive deeper into the woods and toward its source.

The sensation grew stranger as Colonel Norrett approached its source. Baoway's trees were huge, and the same went for their roots, which the Colonel felt were pulsating with energy. It seemed random bursts of vitality ran through them, spreading throughout the woods and leaking into the ground.

At some point, the pulsations became a continuous stream of energy, almost illuminating the underground roots and allowing Colonel Norrett to see them from the surface. He didn't have Khan's eyes but clearly felt them, acting as perfect directions toward his destination. Eventually, Colonel Norrett stopped before a huge tree. Its trunk was wider than anything else he had seen on Baoway, and he couldn't help but frown while inspecting it.

Something so big should have been visible outside the woods, but Colonel Norrett was certain nothing similar had existed during his previous strolls. Moreover, the intensity of the strange vitality didn't increase even while standing before its source. The situation was beyond confusing, so the Colonel decided to investigate further.

Colonel Norrett lacked Khan's alien methods, but the same went for his carelessness. He didn't resort to any reckless attack but stretched his hand toward the trunk, hoping his new state would reveal more details.

However, the Colonel didn't expect the tree to speak before he could complete his action.

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