Chaos Devourer System

Chapter 637: Please Do Not Unlock

Chapter 637: Please Do Not Unlock

Chapter 637: Please Do Not Unlock

In the Dark Abyssal Waters…

The abyssal plain stretched into the black unknown, a world devoid of sunlight and filled with eerie silence, where only the faint bioluminescent glow of strange, otherworldly creatures offered any light.

This was a realm far below the reach of humanity, a place where the pressures of the ocean could crush steel, and the darkness was so complete that even the concept of light seemed an alien intrusion.

In this desolate underwater wasteland, two colossal figures moved with the slow, deliberate grace of predators accustomed to the depths.

Both were none other than the Abyssal Krakens, legendary behemoths that had long been the subject of myth and seafarer tales.

Their sheer size and power were enough to make the sea overrun on itself, a gigantic wave of water bustling above the ocean, which they both remained oblivious to.

Yet there was a difference: one of them was a true Kraken, the last of its type, while the other was a being who was far beyond…

Now that Khan was fully standing before the Kraken, only now was he able to fully sense its form, a form that told tales of its ability to rule an entire realm without a single thing worthy of challenging it.

Its massive form, covered in scarred and ancient scales, was a testament to countless battles fought and won. Its tentacles, each as thick as a ship’s mast and adorned with suckers lined with razor-sharp hooks, extended from its body, wriggling like snakes and spreading around its body in cautious guard.

Its eyes, twin orbs of abyssal darkness, pierced the darkness with an unyielding gaze as it locked on Khan, a slight confusion and weariness in its gaze. It didn’t understand how or why.

There was absolutely no way he could mistake that he was really the last of his kind. Every one of its species was wiped out during that calamity, and it was the only one barely able to survive and prevent extinction.

Yet, what was this before him? It possessed close to zero difference from his own form, almost like a full copycat of him. It confused the Kraken, as if there was another Kraken in this sea, it would have long known, and it didn’t believe there could be any other Kraken beyond its world. It was no doubt the last of them…

“Tell me, who are you?” the Kraken asked, Khan, who used the pause between them to get himself familiar with the ocean and the body he was in.

The reason why Khan had chosen this form to fight was because he knew well, fighting the Kraken in a human form would be hard.

The Kraken would protect its core with all of its heart after it almost got destroyed by Captain Jack’s slash, and would no doubt be wary. Besides, the Kraken could also rapidly recover from its wounds which would make attacks on it close to useless. All the Kraken needed to do to win any battle was to simply faintly protect its core well with about half its tentacles and use the remaining to fight its opponent.

In such a way, it could attack and defend firmly, and sooner or later, its opponent would wear itself out.

That was why the battle of the crew and the Kraken had taken a total of three days and the Kraken had won in the end.

Therefore the best way to go about the fight was to become a large Kraken himself! Then they would be equally matched bodily and it will be a battle of experience.

Something which the Kraken no doubt had better of, but Khan also had many skills to more than counter that. In fact, he already had a plan forming in his head as he looked up and down at the Kraken.

“I am Khan!”

“I do not ask for your bloody name! I care about who you really are! Are you a true Kraken or not?!” the Kraken asked. Silence reigned over the sea before an abyssal grin appeared on Khan’s abyssal maw as he turned to look at the Kraken, while screaming in his mind…


For this battle with a galaxy-rank creature, Khan had decided to go all out with every ounce of strength within him.

“Why do you ask, if you already know…”

The words were said just an inch away from the Kraken’s face as Khan burst out with a speed that belied his size, launching himself at the Kraken, his tentacles flaring out in a deadly embrace.

With a will, they became covered by all his elements, as gigantic bolts of lightning appeared over three of his tentacles, four of his tentacles enveloped in a piercing light energy while one of them was enveloped in a dark aura…

“Just As I Expected!!!” the Kraken also roared out in anger as it soared forward with horrifying speed towards Khan, its tentacles also lashing forward with horrific power.

“TO DARE VILIFY THE BODY OF MY OWN RACE! YOU DESERVE A THOUSAND DEATHS FOR YOUR DISRESPECT!!!” the Kraken roared out in anger, as tentacles violently clashed against tentacles, a powerful reverberation of energy soaring through their bodies, causing them to jerk away from each other.

Yet, they were unrelenting…

The water around them churned violently as the two titans clashed, the force of their collision sending shockwaves through the abyss, and the crew above watched as an incredibly huge wave rose above the sea from the clash of the two titans.

The Kraken’s experience showed immediately. It parried all of Khan’s brutal assault with practiced ease, its own tentacles striking back with devastating power.

Each blow was a calculated strike, aimed to wound and weaken Khan. It not only wanted to defeat the insolent being, it wanted to slowly tear off each and every body part before eventually ending his life.

But Khan, however, was not easily cowed. He twisted and turned with incredible agility, avoiding the worst of the Kraken’s attacks and countering with his own tentacles, and he couldn’t help but notice the Kraken jerking back from shock every time his light and lightning tentacles clashed with it.

“I have found the way to win…”

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