Card Apprentice Daily Log

Chapter 891 Demigod Mara's Vision

Chapter 891 Demigod Mara’s Vision

  Date- 3 April 2321

Time- 11:43

Location- Sky Blossom City, Airstrip, Floater carrier, VIP Cabin

Hearing the rules and conditions of the wager I felt like demigod Mara was using the wager to force the five regional heads to search for talented individuals and teach as many disciples as possible. The rules and conditions of the wager made it pretty obvious. 

The condition said the disciple had to set the highest score in the array master certification in the history of the central array master association. Considering the 25 years old age limit this condition was near impossible. As to achieve this one would have to start to learn array formation in their mother’s womb or have a cheat similar to the one I had. 

Since the first condition was too demanding the five regional heads would choose to win the wager using the second condition which stated the winner of the wager will be the regional head who gains the highest sum total of the scores obtained by all their disciples participating in the wager.

This meant the regional heads were allowed to let as many disciples participate in the wager, even if these disciples were not able to complete the first condition their scores will be added and the regional head with the highest sum total of scores will be winning the wager. 

To achieve the second condition the regional heads would basically have to take in as many disciples as possible to get the highest sum total of the scores obtained by their disciples participating in the wager. Simple right? But guess what, the pride of the five region heads did not allow them from accepting disciples with subpar talent let alone mediocre disciples. Even if one of them were to harden their skin and shamelessly try to win the wager by using numbers by recruiting mediocre disciples the other four would bully, taunt and shame him from doing so. 

This was why over years the five regional heads have been searching for talents and trying to recruit them as their disciples for the purpose of the wager. And just in case to make sure their colleague doesn’t shamelessly take the shortcut, the Five regional heads have decided to gather their new disciples and meet up once a year to take the array master certification assessment collectively. This way it would be easier to shame the one with disciples who scored the lowest marks in the array master certification. 

As if Agatha read my mind she suddenly added, “You know the reason why demigod Mara has chosen these rules and conditions for the wager was to force the five regional heads to teach more talented disciples and add more young blood to the array master association.” 

”Yeah, I felt that too. The rules and conditions made it too obvious,” I said supporting Agatha’s words, and asked, “why would she do that?” 

”The reason is simply that the low population of array masters,” Agatha answered, then continued, “Array mastery is one of the most important, in-demand professions but there aren’t a large no of array masters to meet the current demand in the market. Which increases the price of an array formation and indirectly makes the unavailable to the middle-class and below citizens. The only solution to this is to train more array masters. But pursuing a career in array mastery is not cheap so many humble background talents do not pursue array mastery even though they have a talent for it and instead just settle for card creationist as their career. 

Even if some talents are willing to go through the trouble of taking loans to learn array mastery, there are not many sources for them to learn except for prestigious colleges and universities which have a very hefty price tag that cannot be met by a small student loan. So in the end, even the interested students end up giving in to circumstances and opt for the card creationist career path. 

If the quantity of array masters is one factor in this problem quality of array masters is another factor in the same problem. The senior array masters such as the regional heads are so busy with their research and practice that they neglect their duty towards their junior array masters, so most of the low array masters due to lack of guidance end up and proper teachings to follow are never able to promote their array mastery to a higher realm.

Not to mention, these array masters are very secretive by nature, they do not tend to share or pass on their secrets to others. If it was a decade ago senior Lorenzo would have rather chosen death over passing his notes on array formation to you. Though Array formation recipes are copyrighted by them they do not share their valuable experience in setting up array formations which can help a rookie array master waste time on the wrong path. 

Due to the lack of proper guidance, the number of array masters who advance to high ranks is very low compared to the number of card creationists who advance to higher ranks every year. You can see the difference in sky blossom city, the city produces hundred of card creationists every year but not one array master. The gap between the advancement in card creationist and Array master is that high. 

The number of array masters is so lacking that it cannot be solved in a day. Keeping this in mind Demigod Mara has come up with this wager so that the regional heads of the array master association can guide and nurture as many young and talented array masters as possible, laying a foundation for future development. Demigod Mara’s vision is set far in the future, as for now, she is doing is sowing seeds hoping that these seeds will grow into big threes and produces thousands of seed that would go on to produce hundreds of thousands of seeds.” 

Agatha’s explanation was very long but detailed and full of praise for Demigod Mara and her vision which considered the big picture with the welfare of humanity as the end goal. 

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