Card Apprentice Daily Log

Chapter 883 Lorenzo's Test

Chapter 883 Lorenzo’s Test

  Date- 3 April 2321

Time- 10:39

Location- Sky Blossom City, Airstrip

”Old people these days I think you guys should brush up on your kindergarten books, and relearn that no means no, lying is wrong, sharing is caring, etc,” I said glaring at Lorenzo who was blocking my path to the carrier. After my warning, Rami had already boarded the carrier to give Lorenzo and me some privacy. 

”Hahaha, kid you are funny,” Lorenzo suddenly laughed out aloud, making me skip a heartbeat in fright, and added, “Kid, you want to be treated equally and know everything? Fine, prove to me that you are worthy of being treated the same as me.” 

”Buzz off, old fool, I do not need to prove anything to you. Since you need my help you need to prove your sincerity to me,” Saying that I wanted to rush and board the carrier as it was just a few feet away but I suddenly felt the gravity on my body increase by several times. With my physique this increase in gravity was no big deal to me I could handle it but the gravity suddenly increases by a few hundred folds, though I did not slump to the ground I felt stuck because I was so heavy that even blinking my eyes felt like a workout. Giving it my all to keep standing, I moved my eyeball to find a smirking Lorenzo with a condescending look on his face. 

It did not take me long to figure out that the old bastard had set up a temporary A-rank gravity multiplier array to trap in it and keep me from ignoring him and moving. What surprised me was that he set up the temporary A-rank gravity multiplier array in the time it takes a person to blink once. Now that was fast considering the fact that setting up a temporary array of any rank requires the said array master to calculate the behavior pattern of nature’s soul pathway in the surrounding. For Lorenzo to be able to carry out all the complex calculations in less than a second, I guess his title Raining Alchemist wasn’t just for show. 

Right now I was facing a few hundred times more gravity than the average gravity, this was the peak gravity enhancement a temporary A-rank gravity multiplier array could carry out. If it was some other card soldier they would have turned into blood and gore paste under the influence of this gravity as even a card lord would not stand under this gravity and would have to knee to reduce the burden. Knowing the effects of the temporary A-rank gravity multiplier card I understood what Lorenzo was trying to achieve. 

Those who have seen me clash and survive Bloodette in the city tournament finals knew the limits of my physical strength. And Lorenzo was one of them, so his aim by using the temporary A-rank gravity multiplier on me at full throttle was to make my knee in front of him and feel good about himself. Knowing Lorenzo’s thoughts I was pissed and determined at that moment that even if my knees were to break under the gravity I would not kneel, to not give this sadistic conniving old bastard the satisfaction. 

”Kid, it seems your strength has progressed in the last few days, now that is unexpected. You never fail to surprise me,” Lorenzo was genuinely surprised to see the rude card soldier display physical strength equal to an initial stage card overlord so much so that he wanted to open up the kid to find out what kind of physique allowed the card soldier to have the physical strength of a card overlord. As the capabilities demonstrated by the physique so far were comparable to the prowess of the top 25 physiques in the world. Therefore, Lorenzo couldn’t help but become curious about the physique of the kid, especially considering the kid’s background. 

”…” I wanted to cuss aloud at Lorenzo but right now under the influence of a few hundred times the average gravity even moving my jaw had become a difficulty for me. So I could only glare at Lorenzo. But my glare only gave Lorenzo more satisfaction, which only added to my annoyance. Irritated I could only swallow my anger for now. 

Lorenzo’s smirk grew as he said, “Glare all you want kid, it ain’t changing anything. this is the real society, not some made-up story from the fairy tales in a book, Things here do not go according to your say-so just because you are in the right, only people with the bigger fist get their way, consider this as my first lesson to you as your mentor.” 

”…” I could do nothing but listen to Lorenzo gloat and flaunt his prowess while thinking, ‘Agatha, this would be the moment you make your entry.’

As if Lorenzo could read my mind he said, “Don’t expect the girl hiding in your shadow to rescue you, this is the southern region, if she acts she will need people to rescue her.” 

Hearing Lorenzo, I finally knew that I had hired a wack bodyguard and couldn’t help but think, ‘Agatha, to let an old card emperor like Lorenzo walk all over you, are you a really semi-demigod?  What was demigod Windsor thinking hiring you as a retainer to protect and serve his only daughter? If it is not too late I would like to return you.’

Then I heard a mental message, it was Agatha explaining the situation, “Wyatt, as long as your life is not in danger I will not act, to not jeopardize demigod Windsor’s relationship with the southern region. I am sorry, please understand.”

’My life may not be at risk but my dignity in front of this old bastard is under attack,’ I wanted to yell this but I had no power to do so. 

”Kid, here’s your chance, break free from this temporary array and I will treat you equally and be truthful regarding the array master certification. Otherwise, you accept my arrangements henceforth,” Saying this Lorezo had a big smile pasted on his face as him he had already won.

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