Card Apprentice Daily Log

Chapter 829 Space Abilities

Chapter 829 Space Abilities

  Date- 3 April 2321

Time- 00:35

Location- Sky Blossom City, Guild Association Mall, Warehouse no.234, Card Lab

Clearwater Oyster Monster’s shell was extremely hard, making it impossible to kill the monster from the outside and its multi-core system along with instant regeneration made it impossible to kill it from the inside too. So basically the card apprentices declared this monster as unmatched in the same realm and the only way to kill it would be with absolute strength that came with higher realms.

Destroying the Clearwater Oyster Monster’s shell with absolute strength was the solution the card apprentice came up with but once they were successfully able to break the bivalve shell covering the Clearwater Oyster Monster the Card apprentice realised that they all were tricked by the monster’s biology, the multiple cores they saw in the monster’s shell were not its actual core but the actual core was hidden between the hinge of the bivalve shell of the Clearwater Oyster Monster. It was only visible after they were able to destroy the monster’s shell. So, killing the Clearwater Oyster Monster was not possible until its luminous bivalved shell was destroyed. 

As for the fake cores that were mistaken as the multi-core system of the Clearwater Oyster Monster by the card apprentice were actually the waste produced by the monster. Like every shell monster, the Clearwater Oyster Monster’s body also secretes chemical fluids to the parasites that have infiltrated its system and to dispose of other bodily waste. This chemical fluid secreted by the monster swallows the parasites and other bodily waste and unintentionally or intentionally hardens to look like the monster’s core, confusing its predators. 

The Clearwater Oyster Monster’s super regeneration ability, extraordinarily hard shell,  multiple false cores, and strategically placed monster core were the trick behind its supposed immortality, it too like other monsters could not escape the natural limit of their specie’s lifespan and realm limit. But I had something that could make up for the shortcomings of this monster’s immortality trick and turn it into near immortality. 

Keeping these abilities of the Clearwater Oyster Monster in mind I separated and fused the soul pathway related to these abilities with the soul pathways of the modified fate ingredient in the origin core while making sure that they would not hinder the modification made to the soul pathways earlier. Next, I reached for the B-rank Deep Sea Murex monster core and shell and transferred the soul pathways of these two ingredients into the origin core containing the modified soul ingredient. 

Deep-Sea Murex monster has abilities related to space, space abilities were extremely rare therefore despite its low-rank Deep Sea Murex monster shell and core have a high commercial value. The dungeons containing this monster are highly regulated by the government and the royal families compared to the other monsters with rare ingredients I had listed in the ingredients list for Asong’s origin card creation.

Space storage, Space expansion, Space suction, and Space collapse were the four-space abilities that could be found in the Deep Sea Murex monster. 

1. Space storage- The name of the ability was self-explanatory, this ability allowed the Deep Sea Murex monster to store items in its shell at its will.

2. Space Expansion- The space inside the shell of the Deep Sea Murex monster can increase based on its needs but it was limited by its realm. 

3. Space Suction- This ability allows the Deep Sea Murex monster to suck its prey into its shell and suck out the parasites and impurities that have entered its shell.

4. Space Collapse- This ability of the Deep Sea Murex monster was the only attack option available for it to defend against its predator. Using this ability the Deep sea murex can make the space surrounding its target collapse and crush the target.

Any of these abilities of the Deep Sea Murex monster were would make a card apprentice go mad and I was going to add three of these space abilities to Asong’s origin card except the space collapse ability. Not that I didn’t want to but because this ability was not as strong as its description, it was flawed. I could hope that its flaw would be rectified with the baptism but if that doesn’t happen then it would hold back the other three space abilities. 

I say so because the space collapse was the total opposite of Space storage, Space expansion, and Space suction. These abilities were the manipulation of space while space collapse was the destruction of space. During Baptism if the space collapse gets enhanced then other their abilities will not receive enhancement because the miracle of baptism cannot contradict itself. 

It’s like a person being blessed with good luck and bad luck, both blessings would contradict themselves and the end result would be bad. Which in the case of the origin cards could lead to serious consequences for their card apprentices. 

Thoughtlessly adding all four of these space abilities would not only become a problem in the future but will also affect the creation of the origin card. The creation of the origin card itself was a miraculous event, therefore I always looked forward to creating an origin card for a client. The creation of the origin card was not about a fixed recipe but an idea and uniqueness. As long as the idea was unique and was within the limits of the card ingredients used then the creation of the origin card would be successful. This was the miraculous merit of the origin card creation, it was random as the encounter of the fate ingredient, it had infinite possibilities similar to infinite ways a fate ingredient could be used and sought individuality like the card apprentice equipping it, it was like creating a person. This miracle behind the creation of the origin card was what made it possible for me to successfully create an origin card with my half-baked card creation knowledge. 

Space storage, Space expansion, and Space suction were opposite meaning to the meaning of space collapse, therefore if I were carelessly to add two opposite meanings then the chance of the origin card creation failure would increase by a huge margin, not to mention the future troubles. Even though these two meanings were of the same rule it did not change the fact that enhancing one meaning meant hindering the other meaning, even if the origin card were to be created it would be subpar and filled with flaws, therefore I chose to exclude space collapse ability and keep the other three space abilities, Space storage, Space expansion, and Space suction.

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