Card Apprentice Daily Log

Chapter 822 Asong's Hope

Chapter 822 Asong’s Hope

  Date- 2 April 2321

Time- 22:45

Location- Sky Blossom City, Guild Association Mall, Warehouse no.234

After the dinner, Cortney and Bloodette decide to return to the orphanage, they planned to sleep there as people from fine gold would be meeting Cortney there tomorrow morning to discuss the future of the orphanage. As for me, I returned to the warehouse, and was greeted by Susan, ” Wyatt, you are here.”

”Susan, what are you still doing here.” It was way past 10 in the evening, Susan would usually get off work by 8:30 something so I thought she would have left after dinner but that doesn’t seem to be the case.

”With so many guests, how can I leave?” Susan asked. 

”Don’t worry, we have Aba and Agatha for that now.” Hearing my words the two hostages glared at me. 

”What? You two just sit around all day, might as well help around a little.” I glared back at the duo reminding them this was my warehouse. 

”Wyatt, what’s wrong with you?” Aba asked. She clearly remembers repeatedly asking her friend not to talk to her like that yet he keeps at it. 

”Aba, chill. I am messing with you.” I said to Aba and then read the message that I just received in my grimoire, it was from Agatha and it read, ‘Wyatt, you better pray that Southen emperor doesn’t lose her interest in you, the day she loses interest in you it will be your D.O.D.’

Reading the message I replied, ‘Agatha, come on don’t be like that, I thought we were friends. I pull your leg, you pull my leg, why take it as far as to threaten each other.’

Agatha suddenly glared at me, it seems she read my reply. In response to Agatha’s glare, I just shook my head thinking, ‘People are way too serious these days to react so seriously to a snarky comment.’ 

”See, Asong. Wyatt is here. We can check on the dungeon relocation testing some other day.” Anna persuaded Asong who kept asking to check on the dungeon relocation testing that Luna was conducting. 

”Good, let’s do that,” Hearing Anna’s excuse, Asong knew Anna was trying to hide something from her. If she were here as a politician she would have tried to uncover what the Southern Royal family was up to this far down south. But she was here as a client so she decided to lay back and not make things difficult for her friend. 

”Master Wyatt, was your work unhindered and successful?” Cole said seeing he wasn’t the only male in the warehouse anymore.

”I don’t know Mr. Cole, the results will be out tomorrow morning, I desperately hope that it works out,” I answered to Cole. 

”Then I will pray for you,” replied Cole saying that he will pray for my success. 

”I didn’t know the Royal family was a believer,” I said because I have been with the Southern royalty and they did not seem like a group of god-fearing people. Especially, Anna.

”No, they don’t. But we Wilsons do, we pray to our ancestors.” Cole answered proudly. 

”That’s not even a thing, you damned fatty,” Anna yelled hearing Cole claim that the people of the Wilson family were believers and prayed to their ancestors. 

”Cousin, sorry but I think I know better than you about the Wilson family.” Cole didn’t stop having his lie pointed out by Anna instead he doubled down on it, burning full of confidence. If it were some stranger they would think Cole was telling the truth but unfortunately, he faced his cousin. 

”Fatty tell the truth or I will use your arm to bash your skull in.” Anna threatened Cole. 

”What’s the big deal, I was just making small talk. This is the way of the merchants. Do you have to police even that?” Cole confessed believing that Anna would stand true to her words. If he had continued to insist on his lie then she would have definitely used his arm to bash his skull in. 

”No, but I don’t want Wyatt to get the wrong impression of my family and its vessels.” Said Anna. Hearing this Cole almost coughed out blood unable to suppress his anger but in the end, he sighed letting go of his anger helplessly.

”Master Wyatt, if you are free can we get to the origin card creation,” Asong asked me. Though her voice and tone did not suggest any impatience I could feel that Asong just wanted to be done with her origin card creation, it seems she was having a hard time believing my promises for her origin card. Well, I don’t blame her for that as her condition was chronic and everybody she met in search of a solution for her condition must have had no answers for her, helpless she wants to believe in my words but her rational self said otherwise because it did not want Asong to get hurt by getting her hopes high only to face a disappointment at the end yet again. 

”Yes, let us get started, right away.” Asong wasn’t showing it but I could see that she was worried about her origin card creation. After all, no matter how rational she forced herself to be there was a little part of her that hoped for a miracle. I don’t know how to create miracles but what I was going to create as Asong’s origin card was nothing short of a miracle for her. Not wanting Asong to suffer anymore, I decided to create her origin card right away. 

”Wyatt, you can work after having your dinner, I saved some dishes, let me reheat them for you.” Anna stood true to her word she had saved some dinner for me as she said she would, now I felt guilt for eating out, but that guilt vanished remembering the company of Cortney and Bloodette, it was fun.

”I am sorry Anna, I ate out. With Cortney and Bloodette. I am full. Madam Asong, let me lead you to the card lab,” Hoping Anna would understand I lead Asong to the card lab. 

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