Card Apprentice Daily Log

Chapter 813 Grimoire Creation

Chapter 813 Grimoire Creation

  Date: 2 April 2321

Time: 19:41

Location- Sky Blossom City, Guild Association Mall, Warehouse no.234

”Big sis Asong,” Ann who arrived at the warehouse greeted Asong enthusiastically. 

”Little girl, how are you?” Asong was delighted to see Ann, unlike her friend Anna, Ann was very reliable. 

”I am fine, what about you?” with that Asong and Ann exchanged small talks about each other, mostly why Asong was here and rebirth of demigod Redfall. 

”Now that both of you have caught up why don’t we get started,” Anna said to Asong who seemed impatient to catch Redfall earlier but now she was taking her sweet time talking to Ann. 

”Okay, Ann give me Yin Widow’s blood,” Asong asked Ann.

”Here,” following Asong’s request, Ann took out Yin Widow’s corpse from her storage card and extracted a few drops of blood, and handed them to Asong. 

Taking the blood drop Asong signaled her aid, who appeared next to her in an instant. Asong handed the blood drops to her aid. Who fed the blood drops to her card in the grimoire. Then Asong said, “Now we wait.” 

”What is happening?” clueless I asked hoping to get an explanation of what they were trying to do. 

Hearing me, Ann and Anna both turned to answer, but seeing Anna was about to speak Ann backed away but still she had to explain to me as Anna signaled her to answer me. This was best for me as Anna was not well versed in theories and gives a very vague explanation with no details, let’s hope that Ann was different. She should be, based on what I have heard about her so far.

”Master Wyatt, we meet again,” Ann started with small talks and went on to explain, “There is an SS-rank card called The Dummy Card. this card is a one-time use card usually used as a precaution against the curse. But we are going to use it to trick the world will and unlock the diamond grimoire.” 

[Card Name: The Dummy 

  Card Type: One Time Use Item card.

  Card Rank: SS-rank, Legend Grade 

  Card Rate: 9-Stars

  Card Durability: [89/100]

  Card Effect: The user is able to summon a doll, when fed the blood of the user it can automatically act as the user’s replacement to face deadly attacks. 

  Additional Effect: Meat shield.

  Note: After feeding it blood once it cannot be reused]

Meat shield: The user is able to transfer all the physical damage suffered to the Dummy Doll once at will.

  Note: After feeding it blood once it cannot be reused

Going through the card info of the ‘The Dummy Card’ I was puzzled as to how they were going to use it to trick the world’s will to open the diamond grimoire and why did they have to do that. Ann seemed to have noticed the confusion on my face and answered my confusion even before I asked her, ” Master Wyatt, you must be puzzled about why we are trying to trick the world’s will and how it all affects us retrieving the cards stored in the diamond grimoire right? For that, you will have to understand how a grimoire is created and the principle behind its working.” 

”…” Ann gave a dramatic pause as she said those words. I understood why she did that. She wanted to check with others if it was ok to tell me about the creation of the grimoire and its working principle. I could see Ann’s eyes seeking permission from Asong and Anna. 

”Ann, you can tell but don’t go into details as some of the parts of explanation are too much and taboo for him,” Asong spoke giving Ann permission to explain to me how the grimoires were created and what was their working principle. While avoiding the taboos that apparently I wasn’t ready for. 

This did not make sense, I am not ready for this information then how is Asong who is in the same realm as me ready to know the taboo knowledge. Asong and I, both were in the card soldier realm so if Asong can know the secrets behind the grimoire then why was it that I was denied permission to know those secrets and they went as far as to call it taboo. I was indeed dissatisfied by their remarks but I knew better than to rise my dissatisfaction and question their judgment, let’s first hear what they were willing to tell me, and then maybe I can get other parts through other means.

”Master Wyatt, you know that grimoire allows us to do many magical and powerful things. To access it we make a contract with the grimoire. What you don’t know is when you are creating a contract with the grimoire, you are actually creating a contract with the world’s will using the grimoire as a medium to access the power of the world.” Ann paused to let the information sink into my mind. After all, she did reveal huge secret. 

”You are telling me, a grimoire is just a vessel and in reality, we are actually contracting with the world’s will? How does that work? And what do you mean by accessing the world’s power?” hearing Ann I felt like everything I knew about grimoire and cards was a lie. If it were not from a trustable source I would think that Ann was trying to punk me. 

”Master Wyatt, to understand this you have to question yourself, we were not born with this power so where is power coming from? Yes, we practice our active soul control, but all we are doing is strengthening our souls and enhancing our control over them. So how are we able to create cards? And why does it has to be cards? Why not scrolls or some other item? Or why can’t we directly use this power, why do we have to use cards to access them?” Ann’s explanation only added to my confusion. Thankfully I had no opinion about grimoire before today so I was a lot more open-minded to hear what Ann was trying to explain.

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