Card Apprentice Daily Log

Chapter 796 Black Merchant

Chapter 796 Black Merchant

  Date- 2 April 2321

Time- 15:48

Location- Sky Blossom City, Southern Watch’s temporary military base. 

Cole Wilson, the black sheep of the Wilson family and a black merchant by trade. Wilson Family is one of the vassal families belonging to the heatsend family, known for their bravery at the Way Beyond. Unlike his family, Cole Wilson did not choose a life of a warrior but he joined the trade business because of his love for money. Cole Wilson believed that if he had enough money he could get the world to spin in reverse. And not to mention that he was too good at it, making money that is. So much so that the Wilson Family, which called him the black sheep of their herd, handed him 15% of families annual revenue to manage. Cole has never disappointed their expectations and has kept reeling in more and more fortune for the warrior family. Taking Cole’s case into account the family head of the Wilson family, Cole’s grandfather decided to encourage the children of the Wilson family to explore other fields along with their warrior training.

”Fatty, if you love your nose then don’t butt it in things where it doesn’t belong.” Anna had her plan’s for the venue for the dinner date with her young lover, she did not need any help or recommendations especially not from a fat fuck who hasn’t been on a single date. 

”My bad cousin.” Cole didn’t argue with Anna and instead turned to her young lover and said, “Master Wyatt, the client is free and has agreed to your arrangements, let us move to your workshop so that I can give them the coordinates to teleport here.” 

Since they currently stood in a temporary southern watch military base, giving out its coordinates would be irresponsible on Cole’s part so he suggested that they move to the young card creationist’s workshop in order to send his clients the coordinates to teleport to. Hearing Cole’s suggestion Anna looked at him and said, ” Fatty, what about the materials we collect from the demigod worshipers?” 

”It can wait,” Cole answered nonchalantly. The reason Cole was here was that he heard about Anna had killed a Devil, as a black merchant how could he let go of the opportunity to get his hands on some high-level ingredients. This arrival was the reason why Anna had to leave the warehouse abruptly earlier. 

”Okay sure,” I answered to Cole’s proposal, and turning to Anna I added, “there is no harm in taking Cortney with us right? After all, there are already two hostages held in the warehouse what’s one more.” 

Since I was already here I planned to meet Cortney before leaving, while I was at it I also asked Anna if she allows Cortney to stay in the warehouse instead of being holed up in the barracks of the temporary military base.

”Sure, she has been on her best behavior, so why not? As long as she doesn’t leave the city I don’t see a problem.” Anna generously agreed to my proposal, it seems me asking her on a dinner date has her in a good mood, and mostly because the base was having a headache feeding Bloodette, the blood ghost reincarnate, no matter how much monster blood you feed her she is never full. She had to assign two soldiers just to feed Bloodette, if not for Cortney being a Tao physique, Anna would have already lost her patience by now. When Anna heard her young lover’s proposal, Anna thought if Cortney was out there then she hunt the monsters to feed Bloodette herself saving a lot of trouble for the soldiers in the base. 

”Great then,” I said and sighed in relief seeing Anna be so easy to reason with. 

Anna, Cole, and I arrived at the barracks where Cortney was being held. As we arrived we saw Cortney practicing her swordsmanship by swinging a sword made of blood. I felt like I had since the sword in Cortney’s hand somewhere and then I remembered that it looked very much like the blood ego spirit I created by feeding calamity daughter gem to the broken rune blood swordsman. The sword in Cortney’s hand wasn’t my blood ego spirit but a replica. 

Feeling our presence, Cortney stopped swinging her blood sword and greeted Anna, “Southern emperor, what brings you here?” while nodding toward me.

”Little girl, if someone hears you they will think that I am trespassing your property,” Anna commented hearing Cortney’s plain greeting.

”Wyatt, you are here. Did you miss me already?” Cortney ignored Anna and addressed me. 

”Yes, I had a work at the base and decided to pay you a visit,” I answered. Hearing my words Cortney’s face had a glowing smile. 

”Hi, Wyatt.” A blood-red colored pseudopod extended from Cortney’s neck and greeted me, it was Bloodette. 

”Hi, Bloodette.” I returned Bloodette’s greetings and said, ” I have good news for you two.” 

”Really? What is it?” Bloodette asked while Cortney didn’t seem as enthused as Bloodette to hear the good news I spoke of. Clearly, Cortney hated being caged so much so that any good news she heard in here was only news to her unless it was about her regaining her freedom. 

”I know this isn’t much but Anna has agreed to let to go as long as you promise her not to leave the Sky blossom city,” I said.

”Really?” asked enthused Bloodette, unlike Cortney, Bloodette was used to being confined so being held in the military base did not affect her as much as it did to Cortney. After all, here she got to drink monster blood to her fill but back in the blood rock cave gate dungeon she would usually have to fill up on the blood rule in the cave. But this didn’t mean that Bloodette didn’t hate being confined to the base. After decades of solitary confinement in the dungeon seal, Bloodette was finally able to leave it only to be confined again. 

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