Card Apprentice Daily Log

Chapter 788 New Changes

Chapter 788 New Changes

  Date- 2 April 2321

Time- 13:06

Location- Sky Blossom City, Guild Association mall, Warehouse no.234

”…” Hearing Diana’s persuasion Jaya became conflicted and could find no words to mount a protest. Seeing the opportunity I decided to strike the iron while it was hot by adding, “Jaya, why don’t you look at it like, the faster you forge your ego gem, the faster you will get to help with the new project.” 

Hearing me Jaya’s eyes shined bright and looking at me with anticipation she asked, “Boss, does that mean I don’t have to join the Bright Loins and can directly get started with the pleasure card project if I forge my ego?” 

They say if you have to train a dog you have to throw it a bone, so to motivate Jaya I decided to agree with her, ” Yes, you can.”  and to make it official, turning to Cindy I said, “If Jaya forges her ego gem early, hire her for the pleasure card project.”

”Yes, boss. What about her job title?” Cindy agreed to my arrangement.

”You are the one who is going to lead the project you decide,” I answered.

”Sure, boss,” Cindy replied and the giddy Jaya enthusiastically thanked me, ” Thank you, boss.” 

”Before you guys get to celebrate, remember this, the pleasure card project can never be connected back to me,” I said eyeing the three from Fine Gold, as for Vivan and Sarah as my calamity daughter gem they would not do anything that will harm my interest. 

”…” Diana, Cindy, and Jaya, did not miss this small detail, they understood that the two on the production team were their boss’s confidantes and wanted to gain similar trust from their boss. 

”Diana, you need to be on top of this. Until the pleasure card business can be introduced to the world as an independent new blooming start-up, the Fine Gold compound will be its temporary office. The location chosen for the R&D and first phase of production should be secure and the people used as subjects for testing should know how to keep their mouth shut.” I warned Diana to be careful about the privacy of the pleasure card project.

”Yes, boss. Leave it to me.” Diana nodded in agreement and then added, “Boss how about using death sentence prisons as subjects for the testing of the cards? They will be easier to silence.” 

”That’s going too far. You three remember though I don’t mind you guys dipping your toes in the gray area to get the job done, there is a limit. We can never let our actions make this limit get blurry. If we do let the limit disappear then we will be no different from the Circle” I did not expect Diana and Cindy to do all the things by the books, but I want them to know there is a limit. Which they can never cross, though the law can turn a blind to them, I will not, because if I did then there will be no difference between the Circle and me. I have said the same to the Bright brothers and I repeated it for the trio from Fine Gold. 

I know that I have had my daughter gems kill many for less so I should not have any clams about killing a few death row inmates, but as the scientist who did not hesitate to conduct illegal human experiments to create superhuman serums to end the viltronian’s tyranny on earth, I knew better than to repeat the same for my gains. 

”Understood boss.” Diana and the other two solemnly nodded agreeing to my words. 

”Okay, then. Cindy, I will leave these two to you. I hope you guys can begin the R&D as soon as possible. Now guys can get to celebrating.” With that, I decided to bid goodbye to the three from Fine Gold and have Vivan and Sarah followed Cindy. 

As we head back, I saw Susan near me with a confused look. So I asked, “Susan, what happened?”

”I was about to go through the procedures to rent this warehouse but a weird thing happened.” Answered Susan pointing at her grimoire.

”What happened?” Susan quit working as an associate auction manager for the guild association mall so we can no longer occupy this warehouse, therefore we agreed to rent the warehouse on a weekly basis since we didn’t know exactly how long before we left for the Heatsend royal palace.

”My superior texted me saying I didn’t need to pay the rent to utilize the warehouse,” Susan was confused because she has never seen the guild association be so considerate to its ex-employee. 

”Well, Anna is seen living here for a while now. so it is not a surprise that they wouldn’t want to charge us for rent.” It would be correct to say that they didn’t dare to charge rent to someone close to a Royal. This was my speculation considering that Guild Association Mall was a big company, they work like a complex machine, so they couldn’t just let Susan utilize the warehouse for free of cost, there were so many protocols and regulations that they would have to hoop through to even make a small change like this. 

”I see, if it is regarding her royal highness, I can see why they would do this. I should clear this with the concerned staff,” said Susan. I could literally feel a brilliant light of virtue shine behind Susan blinding my eyes. 

”I think there is no need for that. It is a courtesy extended by the higher-ups from the guild association mall to the royal family for their hard work in protecting and governing the southern region.” I stopped Susan from rushing to make some enemies in her previous workplace. 

”But—” Knowing Susan was going to argue otherwise, I interrupted her saying, ” Diana, I hope Fine Gold is a good new start for Susan.”

”Don’t worry boss, with manager Susan’s work experience she will easily be able to pick up the reigns. I am looking forward to Miss Susan working with us. She will be a wonderful addition to Fine Gold Family” 

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