Card Apprentice Daily Log

Chapter 783 They Work Under You

Chapter 783 They Work Under You

  Date- 2 April 2321

Time- 11:53

Location- Sky Blossom City, Fine Gold Sky Blossom Branch, Fine Gold Tower no.2

”That’s rich coming from you? I remember you were the one who killed most of them.” Diana reminded Cindy. 

”Yes, I did. And I own it unlike you. That is why I am going to do everything it takes to live and live for the souls that helped me reach here.” Cindy recalled how the Circle pitted them against each other in name of training and survival of the fittest. Diana should know, as she was the one who introduced them to that hell hole.

”Oh, I own it alright. Unlike you, I don’t use it as an excuse to help me sleep at night for all the heinous things I did.” Diana argued and even had a hint of disgust in her voice towards Cindy’s reasoning. 

”Oh yeah, you want to go at it bitch?” Cindy had always hated the fact that Diana thought she was better than her, even though both of their origins began in the pits of the Circle. 

”See, you can take out a dog from a street but not the street from it.” Diana looked down at Cindy.

”Yeah, right back at you bitch.” Siad Cindy and turn to look at Jaya who was staring at the duo and yelled, “What is it?” 

”Let’s go, I don’t want to keep the boss waiting.” Jaya hurried the bickering duo. 

”You are head over heels for him aren’t you? You no longer hide your feeling in front of us.” Cindy commented looking at eager Jaya. 

”Yes, I like him, there I said. You two better stay away from him.” Jaya warned Cindy and Diana. 

”Don’t worry, he is too young for my taste. But if you dare to meddle with what is supposed to be mine, don’t accept me to play by the rules. You do understand what I am saying right?” Cindy replied to Jaya’s warning with a compromise. 

”Yes, the new pleasure card business is yours. Even if the Boss gives it to me I will reject it and recommend you to him. But in return, you will help me keep other sluts away from the boss.” Jaya understood what Cindy was hinting at and cut a deal with Cindy. 

”Fat chance of you being chosen as the lead for the pleasure card project, but I like what you are offering, deal.” Cindy did indeed believe have a fear that Jaya would be chosen over her, but she thought that the chances of that happening were slim and was more worried about her Boss bringing someone new to lead the project. 

”Jaya, I am disappointed that you are putting your teenage crush over your career. You are just mesmerized by the fact that you finally meet a boy of your age group who could stand up to me. But as you climb higher you will see that there many more fish in the sea each one more dangerous than the other. So I recommend that you stop pausing your career over something that will not last for long.” Diana did want her sister to experience love and its tasteful shades but not at the cost of Jaya’s progress. Diana wanted a life for Jaya that would help Jaya’s future, not a life with no clear future. 

”This is what I have chosen sister. Please don’t stop me. And also you heard our boss say that if I am able to forge an Ego gem before the college selection, I could attend Morning Star college with him. I still have a lot to do, Let’s not think of a career for now. And if nothing works out I can always mooch off you.” Jaya replied cheekily to her sister’s stern reminder that her teenage crush will not last. 

”…” Though Diana did not like the fact that her sister was willing to risk a future on a silly crush, she thought as her only sister Jaya could afford to make a few mistakes in her life. Shaking her head Diana signaled the driver to bring the card over. 

”You know the destination, take us there as fast as possible, remember your life depends on it,” Jaya ordered the driver as she got into the car.

”Jaya, don’t threaten the driver. Do you know how hard it is to find capable and trustworthy drivers?” Cindy reminded Jaya that they can’t keep switching to new drivers over little things. 

Date- 2 April 2321

Time- 12:20

Location- Sky Blossom City, Guild Association mall, Warehouse no.234

”How did you guys reach here faster than me?” I asked the Fine Gold trio who were about to enter the warehouse as I recalled my hover bike.

”We got a new driver,” Jaya replied. 

”Come on, let’s head in together.” I headed into the warehouse along with the three. 

”Wyatt, you are back. And you bright back more guests.” as soon as I entered th warehouse Susan greeted me. 

”Manager Susan, we are not guests. We too like you are the boss’s employee. Don’t treat us any differently.” Diana corrected Susan.

”Susan, CEO Diana is right. They work under you. You don’t need to treat them any special.” these words were not just for Susan but for Diana, Jaya, and Cindy too, they needed to know that Susan was not someone they could mess with. 

”Fine, I do as such. But you have a visitor, it is your sister-in-law Jackie.” Susan reported.

”What is she doing here?” I knew why she was here, she must be here to beg me to save Ronnie. I had not informed Uncle Wyatt and his family that my people had rescued Ronnie because I wanted to plunder Ronnie’s origin card first before informing them that their son has been rescued but tragically he was no longer a card apprentice. 

”She is waiting for Guild Master Van and Captain Ben to bring her husband,” Susan answered. Hearing Susan I was confused, how did Jackie know that I rescued Ronnie from Butcher Bob? Not even Susan knew about this. As I walked in further, I finally knew why…

”Jackie, you don’t have to worry about your husband, he is safe now. I and my mercenary group have rescued your husband, Wyatt’s people should be bringing him back to the city any minute now.” 

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