Card Apprentice Daily Log

Chapter 775 Mutual Trust and Respect

Chapter 775 Mutual Trust and Respect

  Date- 2 April 2321

Time- 10:38

Location Sky Blossom City, Fine Gold Sky Blossom Branch, Fine Gold Tower no.2

’Calamity Daughter Gems are easier to handle.’ I could not help but lament this thought, finding it tiresome to deal with actual people. Taming a person takes time, lots and lots of time, but once they realize what you are doing the results will not be the one you prefer. Diana and Cindy were too smart for me to try that shit on them therefore I had to rely on the classic mutual respect and trust to gain their loyalty. I may have made it look like they had to prove their loyalty to me, true to some extent but it was also true that I had to earn their trust and loyalty. Hence the Drama. If I overlook this then the cooperation between the three of us will never yield the result I was gunning for. 

”Geez, you two. Stop it, you guys are interrupting the meeting. Boss is a busy man, don’t waste his time with your drama.” Jaya commented on Diana and Cindy’s actions, acting all high and mighty forgetting that a few minutes ago she was no better than them. 

”…” Diana and Cindy glared at Jaya and then they calmed themselves, to not show their ugly sides to their boss. Even though that ship left the port long ago.

Diana and Cindy were a duo who faced many problems together. Yet, now they were at each other’s throats because of the recent regime change in Fine Gold. Diana could not help but feel that Cindy was gunning for her position by getting close to the new boss while Cindy cannot help but feel that Diana was gunning for her career by trying to pave a path for her good-for-nothing sister. In a way, they both were doing what the other suspected them of doing. So yeah, their instincts weren’t wrong. Which is why they were on edge in each other’s presence. They hated each other’s gut, they were friends and then mentor and mentee, yet the other did not think twice before gunning for her position or her career. They define the words plastic sisters. 

”Jaya is right, Diana, why don’t you continue what you were saying, and Cindy any remarks can wait until and after Diana is done,” I asked the two to continue the meeting leaving behind their grievances with each other.

”Yes,” both agreed with me simultaneously, and then Daina continued her explanation, “The brothels are a way for the government and royal families to collect information, people are more loose-lipped when drunk and horny. The government’s so-called training and tests to become a sex workers nothing but them cultivating spies or should I call them operatives the fancy term used by the government and the Royal families.” Diana then looked at Cindy and added, ” You say the law of regulating brothels has turned the brothels from the house of lust into the house of companionship but I say they have turned it into a Den of Snitches and House of Ego.” 

”…” Cindy stared back at Diana and controlled herself from rebutting Diana by falling for her obvious provocation. 

Seeing that Cindy did not fall for her provocation Diana smirked at her and continued with her explanation, “As Cindy pointed out the brothels have indeed become fancier under the regulation of the authorities but all this crap about not just selling their bodies but an experience is a stunt to attract power people to the brothels. It worked so well that the society that felt ashamed to be spotted next to a brothel has now started to condone it. Back then brothels were Isolated from the city but now they have become a hub, any business opened next to them will make 500 percent more in profits compared to anywhere else in the city. 

These so-called operatives are paid extra for every high-end or ‘of interest’ client they snitch on. High-end clients are people with high social standing in society, basically the members of various influential families, sects, and organizations. And ‘of Interest’ clients are the ones put under the watch list by the authorities. This way the authorities are always one step ahead of the troublemakers. 

You said children are no longer used in these brothels but you failed to notice that they are being groomed to become sex workers under the pretense that they are operatives serving directly under the government or their respective royal families. The word operatives is glorified and romanticized to get the gullible children into a life nobody would willingly choose. 

As far as the claim that rape cases have decreased, you have mistaken my friend, the offenders have just become more thorough in dealing with their victims.” 

Hearing Diana’s side of the story I came to understand the brothels of this world are a way for the government and the royal families to surveil their citizens or subjects, mostly the ones that could prove a threat to their regime. Well, I was not surprised, seeing how they controlled all the information circulated in the grimoire network. Back when I was searching for answers on physique and traits the only authentic information I found was soon scrubbed by the authorities. I wouldn’t be surprised if the authorities had a way to hack into our grimoires because I could and it is a lot easier since the other party doesn’t even know something like this is possible. When you don’t even know that it exists how do you defend against it? Though this makes it easier for me to hack into others’ grimoire, I could not mess with secure stuff like the bank accounts or alter the identity info, etc., because they had a very strong firewall, the instant I try to breach them the authorities will be notified of possible malpractice by so and so card apprentice. Then I would have no place left to run. Still, I had a lot of room to flex when it comes to grimoire and grimoire network using my superbrain card. 

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