Card Apprentice Daily Log

Chapter 773 Regulated Brothels

Chapter 773 Regulated Brothels

  Date- 2 April 2321

Time- 10:09

Location Sky Blossom City, Fine Gold Sky Blossom Branch, Fine Gold Tower no.2

”What do you mean by, my cards will harm the interest of the royal families and the government?” I asked Cindy after hearing her explanation. I didn’t understand why would a couple of pleasure cards would harm the interest of the Royal families and the government. 

”It is common knowledge that brothels in their respective regions are regulated by royal families and the brothels in the central region are regulated by the Noble families under the direction of the government. The income from the brothels is the backbone of the various region’s economies. If your cards are available in the market they will be cut into sizable chunks of it. That the government, nor the royal families will appreciate and plan to cut the problem from budding by banning your cards once and for all.” Cindy explained that the brothels in this world were not only legal but regulated and capitalized by the government and the royal families. 

”Wait, Brothels are regulated by the government and the royal families? Shouldn’t they try to close the brothels and not capitalize them?” I asked Cindy in shock. 

”They tried stopping it after the monster war but failed, so instead they began regulating the brothels themselves and declared other establishments illegal.” Said Diana, as someone who was raised in a brothel, this topic in general was her sore spot. 

”What? I understand the Royal families agreeing to this but for the government to agree to this, there has to be some other reason.” I didn’t want to believe that the government that was founded by heroic demigods like Michael Angelo and others was as corrupt as the Royal families of this world. 

”There are many reasons why the government and royal families decided to regulate the brothel themselves. But the most important one of them is that children were also being sold in these brothels. The government tried to make laws to stop these kinds of practices but these laws did not stop the greedy people from forcing children into selling their bodies. Since it was after the monster war government and the royal families lacked funds and there were lots of insurgents to take care of so they could not divide their resources and had to choose. In the end, the government and royal families decide to regulate the brothels themselves while declaring other establishments illegal. With more funds to spare the government and royal families hunted down these illegal brothels. To avoid being caught and harassed by the cops people started to frequent the legal brothel following the new laws agreed upon by the government and the royal families. 

Ever since the brothels are being regulated the case of people being forced to work in brothels, and sex workers being killed have lowered to a record low. Not to mention due to mandatory medical support in the brothels the spread of sexually transmitted diseases has also lowered. Due to these laws enforced by the government and the royal families both the customers and sex workers are safer and satisfied with their jobs or experience at the brothels.

In recent years brothels have transformed from the house of lust into houses of companionship. The customer’s experience in the brothel has reasonably soured to record high satisfaction. After all the sex workers are not treated as mere tools of sex but are trained to satisfy the customer both mentally and physically. The new laws mandate that sex workers need to pass various training and test before they can start their career as sex workers. And it also asks them to pick up a certain type of art or handicraft and gain minimum education as they continue to work. The sex workers are not just selling their bodies but an experience. An experience that the customers accept from their reality. Believe it or not, the rape case has decreased considerably and the case of children being forced to sell their bodies is rarely heard ever since the government and the royal families have started regulating the brothels.” Cindy passionately explained how the act of government and the royal families not sticking with the conservative ideas and doing something progressive has changed the world for good and made it a better place. 

”…” Hearing Cindy’s passionate words my head almost exploded. The idea that being a sex worker was considered a career, for me was hard to swallow. Since when did it become okay for people to start thinking, ‘I will grow up to be a sex worker.’ I get the law had made a lot of things simpler but glorying and romanticizing the act of selling one’s body was not okay with me. I know the law has done a lot of good but considering my experience in this world I wouldn’t put it past a few criminal organizations like the circle that may be participating in the sales of children. After all, with the government banning it, the deviant perverts would be willing to a pay fortune for this service, and how can the organizations like circle let go of their source of easy money. 

The brighter the white part of the world, the darker the black part of the world is. One has to understand that both are the faces of the same coin. One doesn’t come without the other.

”Yeah, right.” Diana scoffed at Cindy’s passionate explanation about how the government and the royal families regulating the brothels have positively affected the world. 

”You don’t agree, Diana?” this is the first time I have seen Diana act so out of character. I could not help but feel that there is more to what Cindy just explained. Therefore, I asked Diana to tell me what Cindy has missed in her explanation.

”Those people in the brothels are not just ordinary sex workers, they are spies for the Royal families and the Government—” As Diana was explaining her thoughts on the government and royal families regulating the brothels Cindy interrupted by sighing, ” Here we go.” 

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