Card Apprentice Daily Log

Chapter 771 Fine Gold Firecracker

Chapter 771 Fine Gold Firecracker

  Date- 2 April 2321

Time- 09:46

Location Sky Blossom City, Fine Gold Sky Blossom Branch, Fine Gold Tower no.2

Jaya acts like a delinquent but underneath all of it, she was just a little virgin and delinquent in practice. Though she had a thorough understanding of the sexual tension between a male and female she rarely comes in contact with it after all who dares to court the sister of Diana Keith, appearance aside Jaya herself was a haughty and ruthless person, so many capable players assumed it would be in their best interest to stay away from this Fine Gold firecracker.

Knowing and experiencing are two different things, Just because you know how a combustion engine works don’t mean you know how to repair a car. Therefore even though Jaya knew sales of once body was the backbone of the state’s economy she, herself, had never witnessed it. So when Jaya saw the red slime summoned by Cindy turn into a semi-naked human female, she had an idea of what was happening but that only fueled her curiosity, she needed to know if what she was thinking was correct. If not what plans do her sister and boss have with such a card? In the end, her curiosity got the best of her, and willing to bear the consequences she interrupted the conversation.

”How many times do I have to warn you not to talk unless you are asked to in any business meetings? You are getting bolder day by day, aren’t you? Here take these cards and stay quiet I will deal with you later.” Warning Jaya, Diana passed the collection of slime fairy cards to Jaya, so that Jaya could quench her curiosity by reading the card info and keep up with the conversation without interrupting them. 

”I was right… Sorry, I will stay quiet.” Reading the card info Jaya knew that her hunch was right, the new cards created by the boss were indeed pleasure cards. Now she finally understood, why her sister stared at the boss when he claimed that he did not use these cards and thought, ‘Boss is so handsome he doesn’t need these cards to get laid.’

”…” I wanted to throw the nuisance named Jaya out but Diana seemed to want her little sister to participate in the meeting and since I still had use for Jaya I decided not to bother. 

”So, where was I, yes, men will hump anything with a hole, but the majority prefer a certain degree of connection on an emotional level. So the lack of emotion, especially the blank expressionless face of the slime fairy will be a turn-off for most of the customers. They may buy this card at first following the hype we will create about this card in the market but will soon be reluctant to use these cards. Many will not even bother to buy these cards or their variety for the second time because they can just visit the brothels. Considering that boss wants to run a successful business using these cards then their price is not going to be cheap, another reason for the customers to chose a brothel over these pleasure cards.” Cindy continued her explanation from where she had left before Jaya’s interruption.

”Boss, the retention rate of customers for these cards is into going to be very low. This means our regular customer base will be limited to horny teenagers, who do not have access to brothels. Soon the royal family and government will put a ban on these cards claiming that these cards are harming the young generation. In the end, the future for these cards is very bleak.” Diana added, supporting Cindy’s explanation.

”Yeah, and who would want to do it with a monster? I don’t see any damning reason why people would be willing to buy these cards at the risk of their reputation. Even if you were to provide anonymous services, only desperate people will be willing to go through those procedures. In the end, the sales will drop, and these cards will not be able to make a positive mark in the market giving the government and royal families enough reason to ban these cards. 

So, the question right now is, when people can access the real thing for a cheaper price why will they be willing to spend a fortune on these cards? You can consider lowering th price but that will not be a solution to this problem, you will only be shortening your profit margin in a dying business. As my sister pointed out unless these cards leave a positive mark on society the government and royal family will come for these cards, and you will not have the power to stop them.” Jaya who was asked not to speak unless asked to, suddenly spoke after her sister, supporting Cindy’s claims and explaining the reasons for her support. 

Jaya spoke all these words in a single breath, fearing she would be interrupted for speaking without permission. All Jaya wanted was to prove to her boss that she was worthy to occupy a seat in this meet. If it was some other stranger Jaya would rather not bother as her sister taught her that it was better to be underestimated by the competitor than to be overestimated, but today for some reason she didn’t want to be underestimated, she wanted to show what she was capable of, she wanted to impress her boss and be praised by him. Therefore she was willing to speak despite her sister warning her not to speak unless asked to. 

”…” Hearing Jaya’s take on the sales of pleasure cards I was a little surprised but then I remembered Elliott’s bad history with Jaya and understood this girl though rash and ignorant, was not to be underestimated after all she was still heir to the Fine Gold merchants. Now I understood why Diana wanted her to attend the meeting, she was creating an opportunity for her sister hoping that I would make some place for her little sister in the upcoming pleasure card business realizing that Jaya was not a total dumbass. 


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