Card Apprentice Daily Log

Chapter 769 Motivation

Chapter 769 Motivation

  Date- 2 April 2321

Time- 09:23

Location Sky Blossom City, Fine Gold Sky Blossom Branch, Fine Gold Tower no.2

I landed on some world-class level secret information, which would probably put me in the cross-hair of the people who were trying to keep it a secret. It all started with me realizing that the silver milk powder was the best supplement for the pure breed Viltronians to grow their strength. Then I got to thinking that why would I find something related to Viltronians in a D-rank silver beach dungeon. Last time I asked this question I did not know where to start finding an answer for this so I let it be but now it was different. Therefore I tried to understand the relationship between D-rank Silver beach gate and Jaya by asking Diana. Since she was not willing to cooperate I accessed Clown masks memories and there it was. 

”Boss, I don’t know what you are talking about?” Diana continued her act. I cannot blame her cause the soul contract she sighed was very strict it had a clause about not revealing that she had signed a soul contract. Diana jumped through a lot of hoops to adopt Jaya. I wanted to know why somebody so calculative would risk her life to protect and adopt a stranger, not just a stranger but a strange being.

”I understand, let’s have chat later,” Since Clown Mask and Diana sighed the same contract, I knew all the clauses in the soul contract Diana had signed, and I thought I could come up with a few loopholes to find a way around the soul contract to get some information from her. I hoped to find the information I couldn’t find in the clown mask’s memories with Diana because she was able to adopt Jaya despite the strong opposition. 

”As you wish boss,” Diana was not thrilled about this idea, after all, the topic her boss was hoping to talk about risked triggering the Soul contract she agreed to.

”Good.” Seeing Diana agree I nodded in satisfaction and turned to Jaya asking, “How were you able to find your ethereal spirit?” 

”I didn’t have to find it, it was already present in the center of the blue stone,” Jaya answered. 

”What blue stone?” Cindy, who hadn’t found her ethereal spirit, keenly listened to Jaya hoping that she could find a clue regarding where to find her ethereal spirit. But she did not understand what Jaya was speaking about. 

”It is my origin card,” Jaya replied to Cindy with a smug smile knowing that Cindy was trying to gain insight on how to find an ethereal spirit.

”…” Hearing Jaya, I was really curious how she will form her ego gem. This topic spiked my interest. Jaya already had a Viltronian core, how will she forge an ego gem? Is it even possible for her to forge an ego gem? Or will she forge a titled demon core like Corey?

To satisfy my interest in the evolution of the Viltronian core I decided to provide Jaya with the resources required and motivate her to get faster results, “You know Jaya if you can forge your ego gem before the colleague entrance exam you might be able to enter the top 10 universities despite you low grades.” 

”Really? Is that possible? Can I enter the same university as you?” Jaya asked me with great enthusiasm and anticipation. 

Seeing the enthusiasm I wanted to see on Jaya’s face I knew my motivation was working, a little more push and she will spend the rest of the days focusing on forging an ego gem, “Yes, you can choose any of the top 10 universities you want to attend.”

”Can I attend the same university as you?” Jaya asked. She did not want to appear clingy to her boss, so she asked his permission to attend the same university as him.

”Sure, why not? It is your choice. So, I think you should put joining the Bright Lion gang on hold until you have forged your ego gem.” I didn’t want Jaya to divide her attention on unnecessary things and solely focus on being my research subject. Since Jaya was persistent about this, I didn’t directly stop her from joining the Bright Lion gang and instead asked her to up it on hold until she is done being my research subject. 

”Okay.” Jaya agreed to my suggestion readily and even appeared to be greatly enthused for some reason. 

”Sigh” Diana sighed looking at her sister. When she had brought up about enrolling Jaya in college, Jaya refused to go to college arguing that she didn’t want to leave her big sister alone. But now when their boss brought it up she readily agreed. Love does make people blind. 

”…” Cindy was sullen, seeing Jaya all giddy. She wasn’t jealous that Jaya was able to find her ethereal spirit and will soon be able to forge her ego gem. But unhappy about talent and how it made hard work appear obsolete. She has been refining her soul energy and trying to find her ethereal spirit for years yet she was nowhere close to finding her ethereal spirit let alone forging an ego gem. Meanwhile, Jaya who started later than her had already caught up with her in terms of soul energy refining and found her ethereal spirit without going through a lot of trouble. Though she was too prideful to be jealous of an entitled brat like Jaya and many more like her, there were too many to count, if she were to be jealous of everyone then the madness would swallow her, so as a mortal she chose to questioned the heavens for the unfairness like the rest of the mortals. After all, blaming the Heavens was the most insane sane thing to do.

”Cindy, What’s wrong? you look sullen. Or perhaps you are jealous of me?” giddy Jaya didn’t miss the disappointment on Cindy’s face and chose to get a few shots in. 

” Me, jealous? Of you? You wish.” 

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