Card Apprentice Daily Log

Chapter 766 Young Love

Chapter 766 Young Love

  Date- 2 April 2321

Time- 08:46

Location Sky Blossom City, Fine Gold Sky Blossom Branch, Fine Gold Tower no.2

”Haha, Last time I checked disposable slaves were not given a buttload of money for their troubles. But you did get one point correct, you guys are indeed disposable to me.” I didn’t spare Jaya a glace. That ignorant fool wasn’t worth it. 

”Boss, then how do we get out of this disposable status.” Not Cindy, but Diana asked this. This was not surprising as she showed the willingness to part with an arm for the rest of her life to gain the opportunity to work with me so she would be willing to do more to keep this relationship going. 

”By proving your loyalty and gaining my trust, as simple as that. This can not be achieved in a day or two, so girls, buckle up, this going to be a long ride. But remember in the end I am going to believe what I want to believe.” I answered Diana. To which she nodded in understanding, seeing my gaze fall on her Cindy let out a big smile and said, ” I am as loyal as one can get.” 

”You two need to understand, If you follow me with dedication I will take you to the top with me but if you hold malice you can only blame yourself. And most importantly you two are only the start, there are going to be others, it is up to you how long you can follow me. If you understand the basic truth of our relationship that if I grow you grow, then the cooperation can last till the end of us but if you can not comprehend something as simple as that then others will fill your spot, and you will have really become my slave.

I hope next time we meet I don’t have to waste a few minutes of my time trying to get all of us on the same page, otherwise, I will switch to more obedient dogs.” I warned Cindy and Diana making sure they understood their position in my empire.

”Yes, boss” Cindy and Diana agreed they were willing to give their all to climb along with their new boss but they were too smart for their own good. They are the kind of people that checked the exit before they enter a room, they always needed a plan B. They like to be prepared rather than being caught off guard. 

It was not in their nature to blindly follow and give their full trust to someone. Because they are not used to relying on others, all they have, everything they own they got it through their hands. Now someone came out of nowhere and asked them to blindly trust and follow him so that he could take them to the promised land, fat chance that they will agree to that. The instinct that has helped them survive in this world until now helped them make a place for themselves in it and helped them climb the social ladder also did not allow them to surrender their fate to a stranger with big promises. Even though they had a feeling that his promises were likely to come true. 

”Good, then let’s talk business if you had your fill.” I knew what I was asking of Cindy and Diana was equal to asking them to go against their nature and instinct which made them desirable to me in the first place. But they had to understand to tame their nature and instinct to not act against me but for me. I know we can not train a dog to be vegetarian but we can train it to not bite the hands feeding them. That’s what I was trying to convey to Cindy and Diana. 

”Wait, I have a question.” Who else than Jaya would be ignorant and dare to change the topic I brought up. What was interesting was Diana did not seem to care that her sister’s ignorance may cause her trouble. Considering that it is her, she may prefer the parenting style that would let a child get electrocuted to learn that they should not stick a fork in a live socket. 

”What is it?” I asked in the spirit of the healthy relationship that I spent minutes lecturing about.

”I want to be of help, give me some work too.” hearing Jaya, Diana was surprised. These were not the words she was expecting from her little sister’s mouth. She felt that Jaya was acting a little reserved in their new boss’s company. 

”Ask your sister, not me.” I threw the ball to Diana’s court.

”But you are her boss,” Jaya argued. I don’t see how this helped her case.

”Yes, I am. Her work and well-being are my responsibility. Not you. And I hate nepotism.” I add the last part hoping that it would sum up the intention I wanted to convey.

”Good, I don’t want charity either. I want you to give me work because I am capable.” Jaya said with resolve. 

”Are asking for a job?” I was confused about whether Jaya was asking for a job or wanted to be assigned work like Diana and Cindy.

”Yes, I want a job.” Jaya’s resolve almost blinded me. Where was all this positive in her coming form? 

”Then ask CEO Diana, I don’t meddle in Fine Gold business.” I can’t believe I was going in a circle because of Jaya. Where did she get this positive resolve from? This was Jaya I am talking about, who was basically the embodiment of the good-for-nothing rich second generation popularly referred to as the young master. 

”No, I want to work for you. Hire me like you did other students in your school and schools around the city.” Jaya demanded despite being repeatedly rejected. 

”You want to join Bright Lions?” I was dumbfounded by Jaya’s demand.

”I would prefer to work for you, but yes I am willing to start at the bottom.” I didn’t understand what Jaya was trying to achieve here. 

”Ah, young love. It can be so unreasonably motivating and stupid at the same time” Diana sighed. 


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