Card Apprentice Daily Log

Chapter 737 Perfect Mercenary Tales

Chapter 737 Perfect Mercenary Tales

Date- 1 April 2321

Time- 20:05

Location- Sky Blossom City, Guild Association Mall, Warehouse no.234

”History’s Strongest Mercenary Group, a grand dream right? The little girl grew up reading the perfect adventures mentioned in her mother’s diaries. 

Perfect adventures? You know the one where righteousness supported by trust and friendship defeats the greatest evils. 

Sold on the perfect adventure stories mentioned in her mother’s diaries the girl started a mercenary group despite her father asking her not to. 

The father became the villain for trying to stop his daughter from pursuing her dreams yet he paid for the mercenary group his daughter started without complaining. 

The daughter’s heart was in the right place but she was too immature and impatient. She believed like in her mother’s stories she could overcome everything with trust and friendship. So she founded the mercenary group and recruited powerful people using her father’s influence and resources, believing that recruiting powerful people was the fastest way to make her mercenary group the history’s strongest mercenary group. 

It has been six months since the daughter founded the wolf fang mercenary group, named after her mother’s mercenary group. She has yet to find the trust and friendship that the stories her mother’s diary spoke about. 

Deep in her heart, the girl knew that the perfect little stories in her mother’s diaries were only half of what happened in her mother’s mercenary missions. They only showed the good part and hid the hardship and cruelty of being a mercenary. Despite that, the girl stubbornly held on as she didn’t want to stop believing in the stories that kept her company in her childhood.

But today everything changed when she saw the stories in her mother’s diaries were achieved by someone of her age but with a humbler upbringing. She could not help but be jealous, thankfully before she could do anything stupid the circumstance forced her to see what she wasn’t willing to see, what an idiot she was being.

Realizing her mistakes the girl had decided to start over again and this time she will not be impatient or try to build a mercenary group with help of her father’s influence and his resources instead she will make use of trust and friendship, her mother’s stories spoke of. 

You see the girl’s mother had given her the answer to creating the history’s strongest mercenary group but she was too immature and impatient to understand that. 

She was immature and didn’t know that friendship and trust cannot be bought with money. She was impatient and wanted her mercenary group to become the strongest at the very start so ended up choosing the shortcut, that is by recruiting people who didn’t respect her friendship or trust her. 

Now she understands that friendship and trust are to be earned and cannot be bought. 

Now she knows that she cannot be impatient with the mercenary group. It will grow stronger step by step. There is no shortcut to it.

The girl will start over again and this time it will be different. 

Master Wyatt, thank you for listening to my story.” Aba narrated her story referring to herself in the third person. She made it clear that she knew where she went wrong. And that she wanted to start over again but this time she would be wiser. 

”Little girl, are you delusional, why would you address yourself in the third person?” Leave it to Anna to be insensitive. 

”Anna, I know you hate me. It’s okay I hate you too. But your rudeness played a crucial role in my realization. If not for you it would be too late before I realized that I could not have my father save me every time. 

If not for you I would still not come out of the delusion blocking my sight and realize that I am not the demigod my father was. Thank you.” Aba thanked Anna but when she spoke the last sentences she was glancing at me with a knowing smile. I don’t know what to make of it but as long as she is on the right track I am golden. 

”Huh? okay, I guess.” Anna was caught off guard with such a blunt appreciation. She didn’t expect Aba to thank her for punishing her by making her wear humiliating attire and snap some pictures of her in compromising positions. 

”*Cough* I don’t want to sound insensitive but Aba could have Agatha fetch the client I am supposed to help with.” As I said, I didn’t care what Aba had realized as long as she was on the right track. Right now I needed something from Aba and her mercenary group. And planned to exchange it for my services as a card creationist. 

”Master Wyatt, that won’t be necessary. Since I plan to disband the mercenary group.” Aba announced. 

”What?” I blurted in shock. 

”Princess! What do you mean?” Agatha was the one who faced the greatest shock hearing Aba announce that she would disband the wolf fang mercenary group.

”You heard me, Agatha. As of today, I plan to disband the wolf fang mercenary group. That will be my first agenda when I return. You and other retainers can return to my father’s side.” Aba declared resolutely. 

”But…” Agatha wanted to argue but seeing Aba’s resolute eyes she realized there is no reasoning with her. And this was a good thing. Finally, she could get rid of the good-for-nothing moochers that were feeding off her princess’s naivety. 

”…” Aba glared at Agatha, stopping her from speaking further. 

”This is such a rich girl thing to do,” I commented. 

”What? Master Wyatt, if you have something to say to me please say it.” Aba glanced at me with confusion and asked me to speak freely if I had something to say to her. 

”You fed and nurtured those so-called ungrateful members of you mercenary and now you are just letting them walk? Why would you care since it is your father’s money, right?” I had my reasons to say this to Aba. 

”Master Wyatt, I am sorry that you feel that way. But I am willing to let them go considering it as a cost for me to learn a lesson.” Said Aba. 

”That is what rich people say when they get scammed.’

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