Card Apprentice Daily Log

Chapter 735 Be Careful

Chapter 735 Be Careful

Date- 1 April 2321

Time- 19:47

Location- Sky Blossom City, Guild Association Mall, Warehouse no.234

”Boss. How may I be of service to you?” Nick answered the call with his usual greeting. 

”Nick, what do you know about Euphoria nightclub?” The reason I had contacted Nick was that the Bright Lion gang was mostly in charge of the clubs that were under Circle once. Since Roy’s girlfriend works in Euphoria then it must have been one of the nightclubs that belonged to the circle. Which meant it could currently be under the management of the Bright Lions gang. 

”It is one of the high-end nightclubs that we undertook after the Circle left town. Why do you ask, boss?” Nick answered. 

”Nothing, you hurry over to the warehouse. Get your brothers too, I have a job for you guys.” I planned to have Nick and Bright Lions handle Roy Blanc but since Rami has offered his expertise for now I will trust his men are up to the job and prepare for the next part of the plan. 

”Sure thing Boss. We will be right there.” Nick replied affirmatively.

”…” Hanging up on Nick, I received a grimoire notification. It was from Rami informing me of the successful completion of the job and where the package was being held. I was impressed that Rami’s men had already finished the job when it hadn’t even been 10 minutes since my call to him. What puzzled me the most was the place they held Roy Blanc, a penthouse. 

Only beautiful women are held hostage in the penthouse while men are tied up in some dark, wet and moldy basement or abandoned warehouse. Or that is how it is supposed to be according to the novels. 

”Anna! Why are you being such a bitch?” Yelled Aba. Hearing the noise I turned to find Aba and Agatha squatting on the floor with their hands behind their heads. This time even Agatha was being punished. I wasn’t complaining because the scenery of watching plump Agatha in a prisoner squat was a feast for the eyes. 

”Keep at it and you will spend your entire life like this.” Anna threatened Ada. Knowing Anna’s temperament I chose to believe her words and Aba should too. The sooner she does the better for her. Provoking was not the solution to the problem.

”Anna, please let her off with a warning,” I asked Anna to show mercy, and turning to Aba I said, “Aba, remember you are not a demigod your father is. And you are not a card emperor your retainers are. Unless you have the strength to personally face the consequences of your actions, you better know your place and shut the fuck up.” 

”…” Anna looked at me with a look that said, ‘You better not be favoring her over me.’

”Come on, Anna, she is my client. A bratty one but please understand.” I explained myself to Anna. I had to otherwise Aba would face the wrath of a disgruntled lovesick maiden. 

”Okay, I will let Agatha go fetch the client. But shorty here should better watch her mouth.” Replied Anna. Seeing Anna be so docile I thought I could get used to Anna’s obsessive and eerie side. 

”Princess! You can stand up now.” After Anna excused their punishment Agatha stood at ease but Aba didn’t. She seemed to be lost in her thoughts. Agatha cautiously tried to call her to the physical world but Aba did not respond to her call. 

Agatha panicked, and before she could resort to drastic measures I advised her, “Leave her be. A realization seems to have dawned on her. It will help her grow mentally. Meanwhile, you can go and fetch my client.”

”No, I will not leave the Princess in such a defenseless state.” Agatha would rather stand guard for Aba than be productive. 

”Suit yourself.” I said and turned to Anna asking, “What about the Mimercronium ore? Did you guys place the order? When can I expect it to arrive?” 

”Luna has placed the order they should be here in a day or two. What about the Martial arts card promised by Corey?” Anna answered and enquired about the martial arts cards. 

”She said two days. We can only believe her.” Honestly, I didn’t know when Corey would deliver on her promise because her card creation speed was slow-paced even for a regular card apprentice. 

”Speaking of Corey. You should be more careful around her.” Remembering her ancestor’s last words Anna decided to caution her crush about Corey. 

”What do you mean?” I didn’t understand what Anna was trying to say by asking me to be careful around Corey? Was she telling me that Corey is a delicate little flower or I should be cautious of her? Which was it? 

”Ah, how do I explain this to you… Wyatt, just understand that Corey is more than what meets the eye, be careful around her.” Anna didn’t know how to explain the world’s grace and her ancestor’s message to her crush so she just hoped that he would trust her and do as she says. 

”What do you know, Anna? Tell me.” I stared at Anna for answers. 

Hearing Anna, I couldn’t help but wonder if Anna had already figured out that Corey was reincarnated. If she did then it wouldn’t take her long to figure out that my soul doesn’t belong to this world and I am a transmigrator. 

”I don’t know, but I feel like Corey is hiding a big secret. You should be cautious around her until I figure out what she is hiding.” Anna replied ambiguously. 

”Anna! Stop. There is nothing wrong with Corey, okay.” Hearing Anna had nothing yet but a feeling I decided to nub that feeling before it blossomed into a problem. 

”Wyatt, you’re not listening to me. Please, I am begging you just trust me on this. Until I confirm otherwise, promise me that you will be cautious around her.” Anna grew frantic and felt that she shouldn’t have brought this up. Now she was worried about her crush confronting Corey. That could go wrong in a lot of ways. 

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