Card Apprentice Daily Log

Chapter 724 Unexpected Client

Chapter 724 Unexpected Client

Date- 1 April 2321

Time- 17:25

Location- Sky Blossom City, Guild Association Mall, Warehouse no.234

”Rami, how good is your relationship with the Circle?” I asked Rami, having thought of a way around the desolate punisher array. 

”I hate them to the core. They are destroying the Sun blossom city. They are suppressing my city and extorting my citizens. I always wanted to do something about them. But, my power was never enough. So, I could only endure them,” knowing that I would destroy the Circle’s branch in the Sun blossom city, Rami spouted nonsense about him having a bone to pick with the Circle. 

”Stop with the bullshiting. Tell the truth. I need you to run some errands for me.” The circle was able to take root in the Sun blossom city by filling the pockets of the authorities governing it. And being one of the most influential people of Sun Blossom city Rami must have gotten his cut. So I didn’t buy into his bullshit about caring for his city and hating the people destroying it. 

*Cough* Rami coughed in embarrassment and spoke, “Except for taking a few gifts from them every now and then, I don’t have any relationship with them.” 

”…” Rami finally spoke truthfully. After hearing his reply, I was disappointed because I needed someone on very close terms with the circle for my plan to work out. 

”Master Wyatt, though I don’t have a close relationship with the circle, I know people who do. I don’t know if that helps.” Seeing me disappointed, Rami thought of an alternative. 

”That helps, great.” I cheered upon realizing I could use anyone on very close terms with the circle to execute my plan. It didn’t have to be Rami. 

”I am happy that I could be of help to you, master Wyatt,” Rami said humbly. 

”Rami, have your people monitor if any core members of the circle are present in the Sky blossom city or come to visit the city. If you find any, inform me immediately. Got it?” I ordered Rami. 

”Yes, Master Wyatt.” Answered Rami without hesitation. 

”Okay, then what are you doing waiting here? Go get to work.” Seeing that Rami did not show any intention to leave, I had to force him to leave. 

”Master Wyatt, about the custom card with similar abilities to my grandson’s origin card.” Rami shamelessly asked about the custom card once again. 

”I already told you once you pay me the price equal to your grandson’s fee for the creation of his origin card, I will make the custom card for you.” Rami has been of help, so I didn’t mind creating a custom card for him, but the price needs to be appropriate. 

”Thank you, Master Wyatt.” Confirming my agreement to create the custom card for him. Rami left delighted.


’I should get Van to— oh! Right he is in the southern academic city.’ I missed Van. He would execute any work assigned to him with perfect results. I had grown dependent on him compared to the other calamity daughter gem. 

Come to think of it. It has been a while since Van’s update. Should I check on them? No need. I guess he will contact me when he can. 

Next, I planned to visit Anna at the southern watch temporary base. Obviously, to ask her if the rumor about the Space Isolation barrier array were true. If there existed a token that could override the authority of any city’s space isolation barrier array, I planned to borrow it to use it in my invasion of the Sun Blossom city. I believed that I could get Anna to give that token if it existed. 

”Wyatt, are you free?” Susan approached me. 

”Yes, what is it?” I answered while putting the visit to Anna in the southern watch temporary base on hold. 

”An interested customer contacted me. She said she contacted me after checking out our website. She has a bunch of questions. If you are free, can you answer them?” Susan explained. 

”Did you mention my service charges?” I stopped taking on small budget projects long ago and had raised my service charges sky-high. So, I was surprised to see that a customer was willing to ask for my services.

”Yes, I did. And she agreed.” Susan answered. 

”Okay, then. What are her questions?” Since she could afford my services, I had no problem answering her questions. 

”I have already answered a few questions of hers as they were about my origin card slime armor. She asked if the slime armor was created using slices and if you could create a mutant slime summon origin card instead of the slime armor.

I have already answered the first half of her question, that my slime armor used slime in its creation. As for the other half, I will leave it to you.” Saying that Susan patiently waited for my answer. 

”A mutant slime summon origin card, huh! I am capable of creating that. Ask her to visit the warehouse.” Using a monster core to create a summon card was something many golden-grade card creationists could achieve, but the twist was the mutant part that my new client asked for.

Inducing a mutation in a monster core was very difficult. Even platinum-grade card creationists would think twice before taking up such projects. Causing mutation in the monster core of a particular spice requires lots of research and experimentation through trial and error. Even then, the success rate of causing mutations in a single monster core was low, almost negligible. The odds are very high, so no card creationist is willing to create a mutated summons card as an origin card unless they have previous research materials. 

”This is odd?” Blurted Susan

”Why, what happened?” 

”The client asked for our coordinates. I have already sent her the coordinates, but now I am curious why she would ask them.” Susan explained her concerns. 


A flash shone in the warehouse a few feets from Susan. Alerted, I jumped to her rescue and hid her in my embrace with my back facing the flash. 

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