Card Apprentice Daily Log

Chapter 609 Picture Book

Chapter 609 Picture Book

Date- 31 Mar 2321

Time- 9:44

Location- Sky Blossom City, Guild Association Mall, Warehouse no.234

”An Ironwood Seed fate ingredient, this is not so challenging. I have so many ideas for this one….” I mumbled aloud, kind of disappointed in Kane’s fate ingredient. And looking at Kane’s frowned brows, I add, “I didn’t mean it as a mockery of you fate ingredient. I was hoping for a challenge, but Ironwood Seed is a plain fate ingredient with too many directions of possibility. Creating a strong origin card using it will not be a challenge like I was hoping for.”

”I don’t mind. It’s good to know Master Wyatt feels that way. But I have a way to make this card creation more challenging for you.” Kane did not read too much in my words and accepted my explanation. 

”What is it?” I decided to hear out what Kane was going to propose. 

”What if I add a few more conditions other than strength to the type of origin card I want you to create?” When Kane asked me to help him create his origin card, his only condition was that the card should give him enough strength to get his revenge. But now, to make the card creation more challenging for me, he wanted to add a few more specific conditions to the type of origin card I should create for him. This way, the origin card creation becomes challenging for me, and he gets the origin card he desired. 

”That is not how we usually do things around here but considering that it will spice up the origin card creation, it’s your lucky day, Kane, fire away. What features do you hope for in your origin card, including strength.” In my previous case, usually, I decided on what kind of origin card I should create to meet the user’s requirement. But this time, everything was up to Kane. All I had to do was make it happen. 

”Thank you. Here, this is what I want for my origin card. Is it possible or too much?” Saying that, Kane forwarded a file to my grimoire. 

”Ok, let me check.” I checked the content of the file sent to my grimoire. It turned out to be a picture book. 

”That’s my favorite book I have read it a thousand times. Every time I read it, I feel hope.” Said Kane as I read the picture book. 

The picture book told a story about a puppeteer who set out to create the world’s most beautiful puppet in the image of his dream woman and was successful. The puppet was so beautiful that it even impressed the gods. To show their appreciation for the puppeteer’s achievement, the gods bring the puppet to life. So this attracts trouble for the puppeteer, but the living puppet takes care of the puppeteer’s troubles using its abnormal strength. The puppeteer falls in love with the living puppet. Then they marry, start a family and live happily ever after. The end. 

”So, master Wyatt, what do you think?” Kane asked eagerly. I could see big expectations in his eyes. I understood why Kane, who was bullied for most of his high school days, was fond of this particular picture book. This book contained three things he lacked and sought the most, miracle, dependence, and lust. 

Though Kane was a sensible kid, when the gods gave life to a puppet, it was like the miracle he prayed for in his life. Something which could turn him from the class loser to the class alpha.

When the living puppet helps the puppeteer solve troubles using her abnormal strength, it reminds Kane of the times of him being bullied. He always hoped for someone dependable to help him out of the situation. Like the living puppet did in the puppeteer’s case. 

As a teenage boy in his prime with a swarm of hormones forming a cocktail in his body, it is not surprising to see that Kane has a very keen interest in the opposite gender and their body. Kane is timid and bottom feeder in his school, so his experience with girls is self-explanatory. Therefore he hoped, like the puppeteer, he could get a loving puppet who would only listen to him, follow him, care for him, and let him do naughty stuff to its body. 

”I think, My dear customer, Kane, you are a man of culture.” Kane seems to understand what a man of culture is. It is surprising how slang and cussing are the same back on earth and in this world. 

I called Kane a man of culture because this dude was straight up asking me to create a living blow-up doll as his origin card. To think my first perverted deviant customer would be a 16-year-old, I shouldn’t be surprised, I guess. 

”I will take that as a compliment, Master Wyatt. Just so there is no misunderstanding, let me state it, I want you to create the living puppet in the story, if possible a lot more powerful and a lot more beautiful.” One fate ingredient can only be used once. Therefore Kane was being thorough rather than having a tiny misunderstanding ruining his origin card. Kane did not shy away and narrated precisely what he wanted. 

”You want me to create a beauty / girlfriend / bodyguard / maid / wife for you using your fate ingredient ironwood tree seed, right?” Reading the picture book, I had already gauged why this particular book was Kane’s favorite. 

”What kind of vulgarity are you two spouting?” Yelled Corey. It was astonishing to see that she was able to hold back till now. 

”Vulgarity, miss Corey, please refrain from labeling things you don’t understand yet.” Kane was offended by Corey’s words. He was right to be. For someone who has been through Kane’s experience, he has lost faith and trust in humanity. This lost faith and trust he finds in the characters of the picture book. For someone to call something so important to him vulgarity, Kane wouldn’t take it sitting down. 

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