Can you mend my broken heart?

Chapter 481 - Mad Pursuit - 3 !!!

"In one second, my daughter sidelined the years of a relationship that we had. I had committed a mistake, I knew that, but I was paying the price of sin."

Saying that Conrad wiped the tears from the corner of his eyes.

"Don't stress yourself, Conrad. It's all in the past."

"The past? Huh !!! My daughter and my son still call me their uncle David. Even after a decade and more had gone by, the pain never reduces. You just learn to live with it."

"You didn't say anything? I mean when your daughter called you that way?"

"I didn't have anything to say. Actually I couldn't say anything because I saw Rose standing there silently. SHe didn't say a word. She didn't correct our daughter, so I felt that maybe she wanted to give a better life to her kids. And I assumed that she had already chosen one side and that was Sebastian's. The pain and anger that was inside me, prevented me from saying or doing anything."

Even though the man was telling everything patiently, David could sense how restless and uneasy he was feeling with every passing moment. He wanted to console that old man, but he didn't have the words that would serve the purpose. So he just looked at him with compassion trying to express his warmth through his eyes.

Conrad could see that his words were sort of worrying David, so he shrugged it off and said.

"Well I deserved that, didn't I? All the anger and hatred from my kids, I deserved it all. I still deserve it all."

Saying that Conrad got up. He wanted to wrap up the conversation and focus on what next.

"Let's not dwell so deep in the past David. Let's focus on the present. Let's focus now, as to how to prevent the memory from coming back."

"And how do we do that? No, wait... but why do we need to do that. Akira and Raymond's love isn't that weak that it will sway because of something that happened in the past. Plus that was not Raymond's fault, to be honest. Akira is mature enough to understand that."

"You think so, David?"

"Just because you have been with both of them for a couple of years, you think you can predict how they will behave?"

David heard his words and stayed silent. He had nothing with him to contradict Conrad's words.

"That girl, even under the dire circumstances, even under the worst of the situations, never left her morals. Sebastian once asked her to spend the night with him, in return for all the help to find out where Raymond was."

Saying that Conrad sighed and looked at David whose eyes were wide open in disbelief.

"Don't overthink. That was just a test. Sebastian already had known by then about her background and family. So he just wanted to know, how far she could stick to her morals. Even for the sake of Raymond, she didn't bend, so do you think she will be the same with Raymond, once she gets to know about what had happened in the past?"

"She might try to judge the situation rationally, but she can never forget that his hands are tainted in the blood of her parents. Do you think she will be able to rest peacefully in those arms of my son? She cannot and neither can my son. He will never forgive himself and that will just ruin him. He will go into a recluse just like he did when he was a child. He will retract himself from everyone David. He will stop living."

"So what are you suggesting?"

"I am suggesting that medicines should go on. He needs to take them to keep his past memories from coming back. He is doing fine in this current state. He just can't remember a couple of faces, but that's fine. He will live with it. At least he will stay happy with her."

David heard it all and tried to reflect within.

He was torn between saving his memories and his loyalty.

On one hand, he was a friend who deserved to know every single thing, but on the other was an ailing father's last request. So finally after a lot of thinking, he said,

"Fine then. I will somehow persuade Dr. Nelson to give him the medicines to keep his old memory from resurfacing again."

"Really !!! You would do that? I can't thank you enough, David. I really have no words for you. Sebastian was right. You really are a trustworthy person upon whom I can count."

David gave out a faint smile and then said,

"But he already must be doubting many things. His curiosity is not the generic one. He will not rest till he uncovers everything."

"And that's why we need you more than ever. You can guard him and provide him dummy information as an when needed. Make this a dead end. Give him papers that I was his father and as for reason, tell him that I abandoned them and went into gambling and all those dark things."

"He might hate me for this, but I guess that would be for the best."

David thought for a second and then said,

"I think so too. I need to plan something and tell him. He has already called me up earlier. Let me handle him for now."

"Sure, go ahead."

"Will you be ok? Or shall I drop you home?"

"Drop me?" 

Conrad chuckled and said,

"My eyes have seen every worse thing in the world. This is nothing for me, David. This is nothing. Trust me, I am fine. I am completely fine."

Hearing his words David started walking towards his car, but then he paused and turned back,

"I have one question though. If your kids admired Sebastian so much, then why do they have only bitter memories about him? Why your kids never stayed with him? Why Raymond hates him the most in the entire world?"


[Author here - I have a new surprise for you guys. A new book - The rise of the saviour

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