Can you mend my broken heart?

Chapter 467 - Pin Drop Silence

The reporters were driven into a mad frenzy.

Obituaries after obituaries were published when he was considered as dead by the world and right he was standing in front of everyone in all flesh and blood.

It was nothing less than a miracle for the onlookers.

That man had really come back from the dead.

They started asking questions after questions for this was going to be a piece of news that was probably going to break the internet in seconds.

"Are you the real Raymond Walker?"

"How did you survive the fall?"

"Where were you till now? In hiding?"

"Are you sure you are not a faker, trying to take up the place of Raymond Walker?"

"Did you get back here today?"

"How could the search team not find you?"

"What is the reason for such a delayed comeback?"

Narrowing his eyes, Raymond tried to look at the faces of all the reporters whose camera had been clicking non-stop and then he looked towards his left most side and found a man shaking his head vehemently like he was in a denial.

His reaction was something that his eyes wanted to see for all these days. 

A victorious smile waved on his face but wiping it all away, he went ahead and stood next to his father who seemed more pleased than him. His father definitely knew how to create a dramatic entrance.

"Well ladies and gentlemen, to answer all your questions in one single shot reply, I am just going to say this - He is my son. No one can dupe a father. And he wasn't hiding from anyone. He is a Walker. We walk out in the open and we prey."

Saying that Sebastian gave out a wicked smile to everyone and then continued.

"Now enough of me talking. I would like my heir to do all the talking now."

Saying that he took a couple of steps back, handing over the mic to Raymond.

The moment he held the mic, again the flood of questions started rushing in. The reporters were getting all restless.

But he, he didn't flinch a bit.

With a slight but definite smile on his lips, he said,

"Well, never in my life I imagined that I could be a center of so much attention. But now that I am, I want to thank you all for pouring in all your concerns."

"But Mr. Raymond we need the answers."

Hearing those antsy voices, Raymond slowly raised his hand, his palm facing the audience. And suddenly there was a pin drop silence. Not just the father, even the son knew how to handle the crowd.

Even though Akira had met him just seconds before, he looked different, he sounded different. She had never seen such an aggressive and definite version of him. He looked magnetic and his charm was completely out of the world.

"Is he your Raymond?"

Even Dr. Nelson asked looking all surprised with the change in the demeanor on Raymond in a split of a second.

"He seems…." And her voice trailed off.


"But good different right?"

Akira asked, but to which Dr. Nelson didn't prefer to reply and just tightened his grip around her hand and comforted her with his eyes.

And then they could hear his voice echoing in the room.

"I was not hiding from anyone. I was just trying to wait for the right moment to come back because I know that it's basic common sense to hit the iron when it is hot."

Saying that he smiled deviously and looked towards a disheveled version of Vikram.

"So how did you survive the fall?"

"It was not a fall."

Saying that Raymond went silent.

"You mean to say, someone tried to kill you?"

"You reporters have a knack of pulling X out of Y, don't you?" Saying that Raymond gave out a soft chuckle and said,

"But yes that's the truth. There was an attempt on my life but because of someone, I survived. I didn't slip and all. Instead, I was made to fall so that I could stand back all tall in front of you guys again. There were a generous hand and a multitude of prayers that enabled me to come back again."

Hearing his son speaking highly about him, brought in immense please to Sebastian. It had been a long wait for him. After all these years finally, his son had spoken something nice about him and that too in front of a crowd. Sudden moisture started appearing in the corners of his eyes. Unable to believe what he was hearing, he came forward and tapped on his back and said,

"That's enough my son."

"I am not even one percent done, Mr. Sebastian Walker."

And suddenly with that once sentence of his, he distanced Sebastian miles and miles apart. Suddenly the warmth that Sebastian had felt as a father disappeared and he could see that in front of him was standing his own son.

How could he forget that being 'UNFORGIVING' ran in their blood?

Raymond turned his attention back to the crowd and then looked at David, who immediately came up and handed him a file while looking all apologetically at Mr. Sebastian.

"As in from this moment, I will the sole owner of Walker enterprises and all its sub-holdings."

Then taking out a paper from the file and showing that to everyone, Raymond said,

"And as of now, I am dismissing the existing trust body of this company and a new trust body will come into picture starting from now. All the existing board members are taking voluntary retirement and we will be forming a new Governing Body starting tomorrow."

Sudden shock and fear gripped all the board members who were part of the party and they was a vehement opposition that started spiraling its form.

To which Raymond replied.

"A message to all the board members. Please help to check your inbox, before voicing any concerns in public. Any form of snarly remark will be slapped with a defamation case. So chose your actions wisely."

And then there was Pin Drop silence again. 

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