Can you mend my broken heart?

Chapter 452 - The Party Begins - 3

Mike returned back inside and paced in the drawing-room. He knew that he wasn't hallucinating, but there was no way for the thing that he saw to be true. Last time when he thought he had seen him, he dismissed himself, thinking that it might have been his wishful thinking, but today...

So he immediately called up Akira.

"Hello, Mike. What now?"

"Akira sh...."

"Listen to me. Can you see a blue rover tailing behind your car?"

Blue Rover meant only one thing for Akira - Raymond. So she couldn't even dare to turn back to see if he was actually there. And without even wasting one single minute, she said,

"No Mike. What happened?"

"Oh !!! I just thought I saw someone. Nevermind. Stay safe."

Saying that Mike disconnected the call. 

For now, she had dodged the bullet from her brother, so she moved her eyes towards the rearview mirror and she could clearly see a blue rover following them. 

Her heart skipped a beat just knowing that he was close. That pit in her stomach that she had been carrying from the moment she had seen Vikram at her place, slowly dissolved. Her eyes gleamed of hope. Hope for a better tomorrow. A tomorrow of togetherness.

As she placed her mobile back into her clutch, she could see Vikram glancing at her. Even though she knew that Vikram wanted her more than anything else in the world, he never made her feel violated, he never made any lecherous attempt. His glance was all subtle and aperiodic.

"What are you looking at?"

She asked getting a bit annoyed, becasue no matter how much she loathed him, he had always been a gentleman to her. So for once, she wanted him to leave that gentlemanliness so that she could hate him completely and not regret a bit for what she was going to do with him at the party.

"Nothing !!!"

Vikram replied all sheepishly with a hint of a smile on his face.

Just a couple of hours ago becasue of her, millions and millions from his company account were locked into Delphie, yet here he was, sitting next to her, probably dreaming of having a dance with her. 

Definitely love has its own cruel ways.

Thinking that Akira sighed and held on to her pendant as if her life depended on it.

Around twenty minutes later, they arrived at La' Roche Gardens, the premium property at which the party had been organized. The moment the car halted, he rushed out of the car to open the door for her and as she did, he extended his hand out for her to hold.

With his car parked a few meters away from theirs, Raymond sat inside his rover, waiting for them to go in. He saw Akira walking hand in hand with him, but just a few steps later, she turned back. Her wandering eyes, trying hard to locate him. eagerly hunting him for just one glimpse.

He took a deep breath and then wore his face mask to cover himself up and waited in the car for David to arrive.


As they entered the main hall, Akira removed her jacket and she saw him gawing at her.

"What Vikram?"

"You know this right?"


"That you are looking ridiculously gorgeous today?"

"Come on. It's all makeup and this, this slutty dress."

"Say what you have to say. But no dress can make you look slutty. You always look beautiful. Always."

"Are done giving complements or shall I wait here for some time more?"

Saying that Akira giggled a fake laugh and then marched ahead. But suddenly that smile was wiped away from her face.

"What the hell is she doing here?"

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