Chapter 822 - Chapter 822: Chapter 781: No! I cannot leave!
Chapter 822: Chapter 781: No! I cannot leave!
This blacksmith’s shop that What’s Your Problem and his friends have entered is indeed special.
Firstly, it is one of the few shops that sell “special weapons.”
One of them has already been seen by What’s Your Problem, which is the weapon on the little girl’s waist—
[Soft Sword]
A unique weapon that can be hidden in the belt and has a very special fighting style.
Another weapon is on the boss lady, which is a [Mother and Child Sword].
However, the enemy is really weak, making her too lazy to take it out.
If you have enough intimacy with the blacksmith boss and provide your own materials, the boss can help players forge these two weapons.
If you become an apprentice and complete the corresponding tasks, you can even unlock the forging formulas for the [Soft Sword] and [Mother and Child Sword].
——Of course, in theory, the blacksmith big brother does not need formulas and can forge these weapons on their own.
But how many true blacksmith big brothers are there?
Moreover, most members of the [Blacksmith Guild] are either busy taking orders to make money or researching new forging works every day.
Taking time to participate in the [Giant Dragon Invasion] event for seven consecutive days and using their wishes on the “Chang’an” invitation letter is rare for blacksmiths.
Furthermore, without the help of a system, even if an expert big brother wanted to forge a qualified weapon, how long would it take?
So in “Chang’an”, the value of advanced weapon blueprints is self-evident.
Apart from that, how to use these two special weapons once acquired?
The answer is: Shop Owner Tom.
Yes, this blacksmith is also a mentor who guides players into the [Way of the Swordsman].
At present, there are less than 20 people in Chang’an City who are more powerful than him when you add them all up!
——One of them is his wife.
If What’s Your Problem can really successfully mix into this shop as an apprentice, then even without the system’s assistance in combat, his combat power will increase rapidly.
The situation that “Hands and Feet Squad” encountered is not common, but it is not unique.
Chang’an City is full of hidden experts.
Ordinary players who entered ordinary blacksmith shops, whether it was to rob directly or force the blacksmith to make an “angel investment” in them, basically achieved their goals.
However, players with better luck who entered special shops had a tragic ending — most of them didn’t even know how they died.
But there’s good news: these special shop NPCs, even if they fight with players, won’t report to the officials.
——Jianghu people don’t go for that.
Everyone in Jianghu is engaged in revenge, so reporting to the officials at this time would be like telling the teacher when you fight in elementary school, right?
So after the players die, they will soon be resurrected at the nearest respawn point, instead of being caught and thrown in jail, which wouldn’t waste too much time.
As players act like beggars to raise money while robbing blacksmith shops to do weapons, the specific prison break plan is also advancing.
Firstly, players who are in Chang’an City provide information on the external environment of the Golden Prison and plan the attack and withdrawal routes.
Then, Yi and Yelang describe in detail the situation in the jail to minimize the prison break time as much as possible.
Winter Melon is in high spirits, full of enthusiasm for this.
But after describing the internal situation of the jail, Yelang can’t bear it any longer:
“How much longer do we have to be locked up? By the time they collect the money, finish making weapons, it will be daylight, right?”
“I don’t know…” Yi is also listless, but he isn’t in a hurry to go out. Instead, he says, “Do you think it’s possible that when they are ready with their weapons, and we’ve just squatted enough time, we’ll be released?”
“Isn’t that better? We don’t have to take risks then.”
Yelang subconsciously feels happy, but soon, he realizes something is wrong: “Wait…”
Just now, during the video call, Winter Melon became extremely excited when the subject of prison break came up.
Not just her, but many of their core fans in their fan group are also looking forward to the prison break.
Besides the fans, there are many bystander players who also enthusiastically said they would help with the prison break.
——It’s not due to their popularity, but because players love chaos and want to join in the fun.
Undoubtedly, the anticipation for [Prison Break Action] has reached its peak!
If they were suddenly released before the action takes place…
“If that happens, things might be difficult to settle…”
Yelang begins to worry again.
But what you’re afraid of is what comes. As soon as his voice falls, the sound of footsteps from far to near comes.
The jailer is here.
He opens the cell door, unfolds the documents, and reads them to Yelang:
“The Emperor is merciful. Since this is your first offense and it didn’t result in serious consequences, I will go easy on you. You can go now.”
“After you leave, remember to follow the law and don’t make any more mistakes!”
—This was Lincoln’s great mercy after realizing that the jail was overcrowded and urgently needed to be changed.
It is unreasonable to punish someone severely for making a mistake without giving them proper guidance first.
If this were a regular game release, when players entered Chang’an City, an NPC would tell them, “You must follow the law in Chang’an City, otherwise, you will be sent to jail.”
But now, these beta testers were thrown into the game without any knowledge of the existence of jails in “Chang’an.”
Under these circumstances, going to jail right after starting the game undoubtedly results in a terrible gaming experience!
Not only is this the responsibility of the players, but Cloud Dream is also partly to blame.
So Lincoln gave all first-time jailed players a “time acceleration,” greatly shortening their jail time.
— This benefit is only available for the “first time.”
Since Yelang’s offense was relatively minor, he was released earlier than Yi.
But Yi’s crime was “gathering a crowd to attack the Emperor’s personal army,” which was more serious. Even with time acceleration, he hadn’t reached the release time yet.
— In the game, players’ “crimes” are not judged according to historical records, but instead based on the impact on the game world. There are various levels of crime.
The weight follows [NPC Life]>[Architecture and Environment]>[NPC Security]>[Player Life]>[Money and Property] in priority.
Of course, there is detailed division within each category.
For example, killing an ordinary pedestrian NPC and killing a key functional NPC are vastly different in severity.
If the magnitude of lower weight crime is large enough, it could surpass higher-weight offenses.
For instance, killing an NPC is generally more severe than destroying a house.
But if you set an entire market on fire without killing a single NPC, the offense would be more severe than killing a dozen NPCs.
Besides, the Capital Commandant’s saying “defying the authorities will add three more crimes” is not empty words.
— The sentence can be continually accumulated upwards.
If players continue to flee or commit crimes after committing them, the list of offenses goes up, and the pursuit becomes increasingly aggressive until a warrant of arrest is issued, involving all players and NPC experts in the hunt.
Seeing Yelang dazed, the prison guard urged again, “Aren’t you going out? Are you taking the cell as your home?”
Yelang looked at Yi, his face torn.
Outside, thousands of brothers had gathered to rescue him from jail, even willing to become beggars for his sake.
How could he bear to disappoint his brothers?
After much consideration, Yelang could only apologize to the jailer with his hands pressed together, “I’m sorry.”
Question marks filled the jailer’s face.
But before his words even fell, Yelang lunged toward him!
This greatly surprised the jailer—
Is he insane? I told you to go out in broad daylight. Why do you need to attack me and escape?
However, despite the unexpected turn of events, the Golden Prison jailer showed excellent professionalism. He dropped the documents in his hand and reached for his waist knife.
The first thing an enemy would try to steal was the knife!
The next moment, he discovered that he had made a serious misjudgment: this criminal…no, this person should have been released and was now an ordinary civilian. This thought flashed through the jailer’s mind.
The man ignored the knife and went for the short rod hanging on the right side!
This misjudgment allowed Yelang to successfully snatch the short rod and strike the jailer on the head with it!
With a crisp sound, the prison guard fell to the ground.
All the other prisoners were shocked, especially the players who became even more excited, “Hurry, hurry! The key! Get the key!”
But Yelang just knocked on the floor to alert the other guards and then voluntarily returned to his cell.
As expected—
“Attacking a prison guard, attempting to escape, serious crime!”
Yelang’s face contorted as he accepted this charge, doubling his jail time.
He texted Winter Melon in the group chat, “Sigh, for your gaming experience, I’ve made a huge sacrifice!”
In the neighboring cell, Yi gave Yelang a thumbs-up with immense admiration: