Bringing The Farm To Live In Another World

Chapter 1138-1140

Chapter 1138 – Ambush

The Rainbow Meteor Field, what a beautiful name! However, just like in the forests, the most beautiful things are the most dangerous. The Rainbow Meteorite Field might be beautiful, but it was extremely lethal towards fleets.

The Rainbow Meteor Field was an extremely huge zone. The countless meteorites here were magnetic and at the same time chaotic. Nobody would survive a journey to the middle of this zone. Even if a powerful Expert goes in alone, he still wouldn't be able to penetrate the meteor field.

The entire field had a radiance surrounding it. It looks beautiful and dazzling, but all fleets chose to stay away from it.

And don't think that it was safe to hide inside the meteorite field. In this area, meteorites would occasionally crash against each other and split. Then this would cause a chain reaction where more and more meteorites explode. The irregularity of this event made it dangerous to stay on the edge of the field.

However, this meteorite field was actually in the path between Adam Planet and Luke Planet. It was also impossible for the Zhang Family to go around it. There is only a small opening in the meteorite field that allowed for a fairly safer route. Zhao Hai and the others would stage an ambush in this place.

The Ashley Family's ship arrived at the area ahead of time. Then Zhao Hai and the others left the ship and went into groups to hide behind meteors. On the other hand, the battleship went to find a proper place to hide.

Because of the magnetic field as well as the energy storms present, most electronic equipment couldn't be used here. Ships would need to rely on the pilot's driving experience so that the ship could safely pass through. It can be said that this meteor field was the best place for staging an ambush.

Zhao Hai and the other people from the Bone Symbol Camp hid on a piece of meteorite. This meteorite wasn't far from the route. It was quite huge, to the point of reaching the size of a planetoid.

After Zhao Hai and the others arrived on the meteorite, they immediately dug open a cavern on it. Then they dug smaller caves inside. It didn't take long before it turned into a temporary base.

Besides staying in the temporary base, after discussions with Tie Sheng, Zhao Hai also made a small cave on a meteorite behind the base. This would be a key factor in their ambush.

After constructing the temporary base, Tie Sheng would regularly send people to monitor the situation of the passage. This way, they could immediately move once the Zhang Family fleet was discovered.

Although this mission was being headed by a core member of the family, the commander allowed each camp to move independently due to the mission's nature. Each group leader could make moves on their own discretion.

The Bone Symbol Camo's leader was Tie Sheng. And since these missions were the type he took more often, he was quite experienced about what to do. Because of this, he was able to command the group better.

However, very few people knew that Zhao Hai was also offering ideas about how to deal with the Zhang Family's fleet. Although Zhao Hai presented a lot of ideas, he didn't claim them for his own. Everything was seen as Tie Sheng's contributions.

Zhao Hai knew that even if he was very famous in the Bone Symbol Camp, this was only because he managed to bring honor to the camp. His reputation was still less than Tie Sheng's. If people from the Bone Symbol Camp knew that these ideas have been presented by Zhao Hai, then they might not be convinced about their effectiveness.

Because of this, Zhao Hai decided to step aside and credit his ideas to Tie Sheng. He would just offer ideas while Tie Sheng would make the final decision.

Days flew past as everyone cemented their plans. It was decided that the attack would happen ten days later once the Zhang Family's fleet enters the passage. The reason for this was because they were afraid that the Zhang Family might have made some preparations.

To be honest, there were a lot of people who felt uncomfortable about this mission. But the Bone Symbol Camp were able to endure since they knew that this was a family mission.

Most people from the Bone Symbol Camp didn't know about the hidden matter between the Ashley Family and the Zhang Family. What they knew was that the two families were allies. Because of this, they couldn't understand this action.

But after Tie Sheng told them about the reward for the mission, they easily forgot about these matters. For the External Hall, nothing was better than a solid reward. For them alliances between families were worth a fart. Only solid money can move their hearts.

People from the External Hall were mostly ascenders from the lower realms. They were prideful beings in their respective realms, but after arriving at the Machine Field, they found that their identity changed from a heaven's son to an inferior being. The natives in the Machine Field looked down on ascenders. Some ascenders found it hard to adapt to this change in status.

Ascenders who had talent were able to slowly adjust their mentality. With their hearts still resolute, with enough effort, they were able to become experts in the realm. However, for most people, this spirit vanished. As they became members of External Halls, their pursuit changed from becoming strong to acquiring machine coins.

It can be said that these people had lost their ideals and were now chasing after money, which was sad.

Ambitious people would set goals, and those with enough talent would become strong. If you only live for money, then your life would be pitiful. However, the majority of people from External Halls were doing this exact same thing, living for the sake of money.

The Chinese used to say that poverty inhibits one's ambitions. This sentence can also be applied to the people in the Machine Field's External Halls. Mages and Warriors who didn't have enough income to support their lifestyle would end up chasing after money.

As the days went past, the Bone Symbol Camp also made exchanges with the other camps. Under the commander's orders, everyone made attack calculations from time to time.

The Bone Symbol Camp held a key position in this ambush as they would be the first group to launch the attack. However, their position was at the innermost part of the route. As soon as they attack, the other camps would follow after. This was because the Bone Symbol Camp was tasked with attacking the lead battleship of the Zhang Family's fleet. Doing so would force the other ships to stop.

It can be said that the Bone Symbol Camp's task was very heavy. Their attack on the lead ship would affect the outcome of the succeeding attacks.

Ten days went by in a flash. The people from the Bone Symbol Camp were tensed. They knew that the fight was coming soon. Sure enough, the Zhang Family didn't disappoint them. They arrived right on time.

The fleet comprised of ten shps. These ten ships weren't true battleships. Instead, they were merchant ships that were armed with weapons. They weren't combat-oriented and mainly served as transport. They were armed with a simple weapons system as well as a limited number of mechs. There were also Mages and Warriors on the ships to serve as guards.

Commanding the Zhang Family's ship was a man named Adams. He's a merchant captain with a lot of experience and had already made multiple trips safely through the Rainbow Meteor Field. Because of this history, the Zhang Family felt relieved leaving this matter to him.

Even with his status, Adams was still wary every time he went through the meteorite field. Adams knew clearly that the Rainbow Meteor Field was extremely random. It was a very dangerous zone that could randomly destroy ships.

Once the fleet entered the meteor field, Adams's relaxed expression turned stern. His two eyes were focused on the path.

This passage wasn't very long. Spaceships could pass through it in one hour with full speed. However, ships wouldn't dare traverse this passage in their full speed. This was because meteors would sometimes wander through the passage. If a ship manages to hit these meteorites, then a chain reaction would certainly occur.

Because of this, even if speed was crucial in passing through this region, haste was heavily discouraged. One couldn't go too fast nor too slow. With his experience, Adams clearly knew how to traverse this passage.

Adams was currently inside the ship right behind the lead ship. If the lead ship met an attack, then he could use the second ship to help.

After eyeing the passage for some time, Adams quickly said, "All ships slow down to twenty knots. Ready your system weapons and keep a steady communication with other ships."

The order was quickly passed down. Before long, the entire fleet slowed down. Then the lead ship began to enter the passage.

One by one, the fleet entered the meteor field. Adams was anxiously staring at the computer. At this point, the communication was beginning to be affected. Conversations were beginning to crack. However, Adams didn't panic. This was to be expected judging by the meteorite field's characteristics.

The fleet slowly advanced. Oftentimes, a ship would shoot some smaller meteorites that were on their way. But generally speaking, they were still safe.

Even if the fleet was halfway through the passage, Adams still didn't relax. As long as the fleet was still inside the passage, he couldn't lower his guard.

At this time, Adams's expression sank, then he yelled out, "Ship number 1, pay attention. Ship number 1, pay attention. Immediately descend, immediately descend!"

Adams's eyes was stuck on the computer. He could clearly see a meteorite not far away from ship number 1 suddenly moving. Then that meteorite hit a bigger meteorite, causing the latter to move towards the passage!

Chapter 1139 – A Bait!

Adams always felt that the huge meteorite was very weird. It was massive, and yet it was able to be moved by a small meteorite. Why was this the case?

Just as Adams was puzzled, the back of the huge meteorite suddenly lit up like a rocket as it sped up and quickly hit the lead ship.

When he saw this, alarms began blaring up inside Adams's head. He suddenly thought of something as he ran to a table and looked at the red displays. At the same time, he yelled, "Enemy ambush! All personnel prepare for battle!"

As Adams shouted, the lead ship already shot at the huge meteorite. However, the meteorite was just too big. Although the energy beams hit the meteorite, the only thing it did was bore two holes on its surface. There was no change to the meteorite's trajectory.

The meteorite continued on before directly hitting the lead ship. Moreover, the meteorite hit the ship's bow. As soon as he saw this happen, Adams knew that the ship was finished.

Whether it be combat ships or commercial ships, their command room was placed at the same location, the front of the ship. This wasn't only for looks. Installed in each command room were tempered glass windows that allowed firsthand vision towards the outside of the ship. This was very beneficial to maneuvering.

But now that it was hit by a meteorite, this design became the ship's most fatal point. Although tempered glass was made with resilience in mind, it still couldn't block against a direct strike of a meteorite.

Generally, ship commanders would erect a metal plate outside the glass. However, this was only done during battles. In any other situation, the metal plate was hidden from sight.

It was obvious that the lead ship's commander didn't expect an assault. Because of this, he failed to put up the metal barrier beforehand. Once the meteorite hit the tempered glass, the ship was finished.

And just like what Adams thought, when the meteorite hit the tempered glass, it shattered instantaneously. And then the meteorite changed direction and flew to the opposite side.

And then from the meteorite, a large quantity of human shadows came out and flew towards the ship. But Adams didn't have the mood to ask who those people were. He just immediately said, "Erect the metal barriers. Mechs, Mages, Warriors, prepare to attack. Prime the weapon systems. Reduce speed to ten knots. Move slowly forward and attempt to push ship number 1 away. We're making an avenue for escape." The people in the ship immediately got busy. All of them saw the figures coming out of the meteorite. It was clear that they were being ambushed.

At this time, a large number of Mages and Warriors rushed out from both sides of the fleet. A lot of these people also used meteorites to approach the ships. However, these meteorites weren't as big as the one used by the Bone Symbol Camp. In the end, these meteorites were destroyed by the ship's weapons. There were even people who died from the attacks.

Meanwhile, after Zhao Hai and the others broke through ship number 1's tempered glass, they quickly boarded the ship. The command room had been completely abandoned. The instruments inside were on fire, rendering them useless. All of the staff in the command room were dead, their corpses littered across the room.

Tie Sheng looked all around and said, "Little Hai, you lead the way. Break through the cabin doors. Be sure to leave no survivors behind. We need to quickly eliminate everyone."

Zhao Hao nodded before flying towards the room's door. Then a 5-layer formation appeared, banging through the door. It didn't take long before the door got crushed. Then Zhao Hai led the people forward through the destroyed cabin door.

As Zhao Hai flew into the ship, he also used his spiritual force to scan the surrounding area. He was paying full attention to any enemies.

Then suddenly, Zhao Hai felt two people in a cabin in front of him. It was two warriors, they already had their weapons out as they nervously stared at the door.

Zhao Hai waved his hand to stop the people behind him. These people have witnessed Zhao Hai's strength, so they couldn't help but look at what's in front.

Zhao Hai turned to look at the others, then he gestured towards the door and said, "There are two people in the cabin up front, two Warriors. Once I open the door, immediately attack." Everyone nodded. Then Zhao Hai floated towards the cabin door. He waved his hand, making a 10-layer formation appear. When the cabin door was destroyed, the two Warriors inside couldn't help but let out a strange cry. As they were blocking against the broken shrapnels, one of them yelled, "Surrender, we surrender!" However, the people from the Bone Symbol Camp weren't polite. It didn't matter if they surrendered or not, the two Warriors were quickly eliminated.

The people from the Bone Symbol Camp knew that they couldn't leave any survivors due to the nature of their mission. Otherwise, the people from the Zhang Family would know who was behind the attack.

After the two Warriors were eliminated, Zhao Hai didn't care about them anymore. He flew forward and swept cabin after cabin. Mages and Warriors who weren't able to leave were immediately killed by Zhao Hai inside their rooms. Then Zhao Hai took them into the Space to be turned into Undead.

This merchant ship wasn't small, so there were quite a lot of cabins inside it. Under Zhao Hai's lead, they were able to clean the entire spaceship. Besides a little trouble in the room for mechs, the entire operation went with almost no resistance.

Before long, the entire spaceship went into their control. Then Zhao Hai and the others returned to the command room. Upon arriving at the room, Zhao Hai saw that the metal barriers of the ship had been forcefully taken out. Even if it was deformed, the Mages and Warriors could still make use of it.

After seeing Zhao Hai's group, Tie Sheng looked at Zhao Hai. Zhao Hai nodded and said, "It's done. Brother Tie Sheng, do we leave and help the others?"

Tie Sheng shook his head and said, "There's no use. Besides this ship, all others were prepared for the attack. The commander of this fleet is experienced. He used his own ship to push our ship away and then open a passage for escape.'

When he heard Tie Sheng, Zhao Hai nodded. But then he couldn't bear but ask, "So what do we do now? Do we stay here?" Tie Sheng shook his head and said, "We're leaving. Since the ship's engine had stopped working, we'll go behind and push it using magic. We need to leave this place as soon as possible."

Zhao Hai nodded, "Alright, then let's go now." After he said that, Zhao Hai led a group of Mages outside. When Tie Sheng saw that Margaret was about to leave, he quickly said, "Miss Margaret, you need to stay here. Since the battle is over, there shouldn't be any danger outside. Let Zhao Hai handle this." Margaret thought about it and decided to remain. She knew about the difference between her and Zhao Hai. Zhao Hai was merciless when the situation calls for it. And if any danger emerges, he could deal with it in less than ten minutes.

Zhao Hai led the Mages of the Bone Symbol Camp to the stern of the ship. All of them were wearing specially-made masks to hide their appearance from others.

When everyone got out of the ship, they saw that the ship was already pushed to the side of the passage. There were also a lot of mech fragments and dead bodies floating in space. Meanwhile the fleet had already disappeared.

By this time, there were a lot of Mages and Warriors around the ship. Naturally, these people were from the other camps.

Zhao Hai glanced at these people and whispered, "Everyone, let's get this ship out quick. We need to avoid any attacks as soon as possible."

The Mages and Warriors who surrounded the ship didn't have any identity on them. They were also wearing masks. As soon as they heard Zhao Hai, these people couldn't help but hesitate. This mission was a joint task between multiple camps. Normally, they would compete with each other and made sure that the Bone Symbol Camp gets the least benefit. However, a core member of the family was overseeing this operation. If they were caught causing problems, then their camps would be punished.

Seeing the Mages hesitate, Zhao Hai smiled faintly and said, "Everyone, let's move the ship so we don't have to deal with any counter-attacks."

Upon hearing Zhao Hai, those present couldn't help but stare. In this situation, most people would keep everything for themselves. People like Zhao Hai who allowed sharing the merit were too rare.

Not only the other camps, even those from the Bone Symbol Camp were shocked. They didn't expect Zhao Hai to ask others for help. Does he want to share the reward with the others?

Just as everyone was about to move, Zhao Hai's expression suddenly changed. Then his figure flashed and appeared inside the command room. Tie Sheng was currently busy commanding everyone to make repairs. When he saw Zhao Hai appear, Tie Sheng couldn't help but stare. Then he immediately asked, "What happened? Are the other camps making trouble?"

Zhao Hai shook his head and said, "Brother Tie Sheng, we need to leave immediately. Both sides of the passage have been blocked by warships. It seems like the Zhang Family is already aware of this mission. They allowed the fleet to come here so that we could attack it. This way, they could find a reason to openly declare war on the family. They've already began sending people in. We don't have enough time." When he heard this, Tie Sheng's expression changed, he said, "Are you sure?"

Zhao Hai nodded and said, "I'm sure. And we're going to be surrounded in about 20 minutes!"

Chapter 1140 – Withdrawing from the Meteorite Field

When Tie Sheng heard Zhao Hai, he immediately shouted, "Everyone gather around. We need to escape, leave everything behind!"

Zhao Hai couldn't help but insert himself upon hearing Tie Sheng, "Brother Tie Sheng, there are a lot of good things in this ship including metals and some special products. How about I open the doors and we store those items in our spatial items. After that, we can leave this place and attempt to break through."

Tie Shen stared, then he shook his head and said, "We can't do that. We don't have enough time." But this time, Zhao Hai shook his head and said, "Brother Tie Sheng, don't forget that we’re here as pirates. So we need to steal some things before entering the meteorite field. Even if we can't return to the family's ship in a short time, we can still be safe. After all, they cannot chase us deep into the meteorite field."

Tie Sheng thought about it for a moment before he said, "It's too risky. But we can't leave empty-handed. Alright, I'll go organize a group." Zhao Hai nodded before he turned and left the room. Margaret quickly followed behind him.

Zhao Hai didn't say anything upon seeing Margaret following behind. The group quickly flew throughout the ship, ransacking every room they could find.

And upon opening these cabins, Zhao Hai discovered that the ship contained more things than he imagined. There were some metal bars inside as well as specialties from Adam Planet. Most importantly, it had a stock of the latest models of cars and mechs.

However, these weren't Zhao Hai's priority right now. After opening the doors, Zhao Hai pulled Margaret over and entered another room. Then Zhao Hai didn't waste any time as he stored everything inside that room into the Space.

Margaret thought that Zhao Hai would take precious items. However, upon seeing Zhao Hai's actions, she found out that she was wrong. Zhao Hai didn't take precious items. Instead, he took all the food and water inside the ship. He also took the wine and other daily necessities.

After taking those things, only then did Zhao Hai and Margaret leave. Zhao Hai didn't take the metals and mechs. He didn't want to let others know that he had a lot of storage capacity inside his Space. Naturally, he took these things in preparation for later on. Since they had been surrounded, Zhao Hai knew that they wouldn't be able to escape the meteorite field in a short time. He didn't know how long it would take before they could return back to the family. In this case, they needed to stock up on food and drinks. Although the Space could provide food, Zhao Hai didn't want to raise any suspicion. Now that he showed that he took food from the ship, nobody would suspect him.

When Zhao Hai and Margaret returned, Tie Sheng and the others already ransacked the surrounding cabins. Seeing that everyone was here, Zhao Hai turned to Tie Sheng and said, "Brother Tie Sheng, let's go. We don't have much time left." Tie Sheng nodded. Then he waved his hand, commanding everyone to leave the ship. Then he greeted the other camps before he retreated into the meteorite zone.

While Zhao Hai and the others were ransacking the ship, Tie Sheng already informed the other camps about the situation. The other camp commanders were also aware that if they don't quickly escape to the meteorite zone, they would not be able to escape. Therefore, everyone followed Tie Sheng.

Not long after everyone entered entered the meteorite zone, about twenty thousand people comprised of Mages, Warriors, and Mechs arrived at the now empty ship.

There were two teams sent by the Zhang Family. The leaders of these teams were a Mage and a Warrior. While looking at the ship, the Mage opened his mouth and said, "It seems like they discovered us ahead of time."

The Warrior nodded and said, "Those fellows are truly sly. Since this is the case, make the mechs retreat first. Then we go and take a look at the nearby meteorites. They certainly haven't gone far." The Mage was in agreement, he said, "Right, with our fleets outside, they would certainly be courting death if they decide to leave the passage. Let's go into the direction the ship has floated to, then we'll slowly branch out."

The Warrior nodded. Then they walked towards the mechs and had them retreat. It can be said that mechs had much greater combat power than Mages and Warriors. However, their ability to stay in combat wasn't very good. Even if they can fight for two days straight, once their energy reserves were used up, they were no greater than scrap iron. And if there were any high-intensity fights, their operating time would be reduced further. This task couldn't be completed within a day or two. Because of this, it was best if the mechs retreat and save their energy.

Due to the nature of the area, most communication devices were rendered useless. Because of this, communication became a major problem. Otherwise, Zhao Hai and the others would've already informed the Ashley Family's ship to run on its own.

As soon as Zhao Hai and the others entered the meteorite field, they immediately went further inside. However, they didn't go too deep into the zone. Even almighty Experts from the Cultivation Realm wouldn't dare enter that area.

After Zhao Hai's group entered the field, they immediately turned towards the family ship. The ship had yet to leave the meteorite field but instead found a place to hide in. Zhao Hai and the others wanted to know how the ship was currently doing.

Tie Sheng and Zhao Hai took the lead. After flying for a while, Tie Sheng turned to Zhao Hai and said, "I'm almost certain that a spy has infiltrated the family. Otherwise, they wouldn't have known about this mission."

Zhao Hao nodded and said, "Not only an ordinary spy, but someone who managed to penetrate deep. It seems like the Zhang Family really had no consideration for the family's face. This is a dangerous time for the Ashley Family."

Tie Sheng knit his brows. This mission was considered top secret within the family. Even people from the Bone Symbol Camp didn't know about its contents up until the operation began.

Only the high-level members of the family knew about the time and scale of the mission. And even in such a case, the Zhang Family was still able to lay down a trap.

Also, the Ashley Family wasn't aiming to wage war with the Zhang Family with this retaliation. They just want to teach a lesson to the other side. But judging by the current situation, it seems like the Zhang Family was prepared for war.

One side was deliberately planning while the other had no preparations whatsoever. In this case, if war happened between the two families, then the Ashley Family would certainly suffer a loss.

Tie Sheng sighed and said, "Alright, even if something is happening to the family, we cannot do anything about it at this time. What we need to do is protect our lives. Let's hope that nothing happened to the ship, or else our lives wouldn't be good."

Zhao Hai nodded, then he turned to look at the others before saying, "Brother Tie Sheng, it would be best if you organize a group to clear out our traces. Otherwise, the enemies would quickly find us and give chase. I'll head out front first and explore the area."

Tie Sheng nodded and said, "I'll choose two people to go with you. It's better for your safety." Zhao Hai didn't object. Then Tie Sheng chose two people to go with Zhao Hai before he stayed behind.

Tie Sheng's status was quite substantial among the External Hall's camps. And with his position as the commander of the Bone Symbol Camp, the other camps began unconsciously to listen to his words.

Tie Sheng looked at everyone and said, "This time, we've been snared in the enemy's trap. Also, the outside passage has been blocked. Some of you might have already known this, but we might have to stay away from the family for a long time. We have people currently chasing behind us, so I ask each camp commander to work together and clean all of our traces. We cannot be discovered. This isn't the time to act on our own. If we are separated, then we'll all be captured." Nobody objected. They knew that what Tie Sheng said was correct. If they don't work together, then they would have no chance to fight back against the Zhang Family.

Seeing everyone agree, Tie Sheng nodded and said, "Then I ask every commander for a meeting. We need to discuss our further actions." After he said that, every commander went forward for the meeting.

Tie Sheng looked at the commanders and said, "The core member of the family is currently in the ship. I'm afraid we'll have to temporarily take responsibility for everyone. We've brought our elites to this mission, so if we all perish here, then the External Hall will be finished. What we need to do now is to survive. I've already sent people ahead to scout and look for the ship. If the ship is fine, then we can tell them about what happened. But if there's something wrong with the ship, then I'm afraid we'll have to stay inside this meteorite field for a while."

The camp commanders nodded. Just after the battle ended, the core member of the family returned to the ship along with some Mages and Warriors. Therefore, they weren't here now. Because of this, the people in charge could only be the commanders from the eight camps.

Seeing everyone nod, Tie Sheng said, "I suggest that we send people out to scout the nearby area and clean up any traces we might have left behind. After the person I've sent forward comes back, we'll discuss what to do once more."

Everyone nodded, then a Mage asked, "Tie Sheng, who did you send ahead? Is he good?"

Tie Sheng looked at the Mage and identified him as the Ghost Symbol Camp's commander. He's also the person responsible for their camp's missions, Charles.

Tie Sheng looked at Charles and said, "Of course. Zhao Hai personally went out. If he can't do it, then I'm afraid nobody else can."

When he heard Tie Sheng's answer, Charles couldn't help but stare. Then he nodded and said, "Right, if it's Zhao Hai, then he could certainly do it."

Tie Sheng agreed. Then he said, "Alright, then everyone, let's begin. Pay attention to the direction we came from. There may be troops chasing us. And make sure that no camp is left alone."

As soon as they heard Tie Sheng, the commanders couldn't help but stare. Charles looked at Tie Sheng and said, "No camp is left alone? What do you mean?"

Tie Sheng nodded and said, "It's possible that someone from the Zhang Family is with us. Therefore, it would be best if no camp goes on their own. Otherwise, the spy might use this opportunity to send word back to the Zhang Family."

The commander of the Upright Symbol Camp, Leo, looked at Tie Sheng and said, "Impossible. You're being unfair. My men will never betray the family."

Tie Sheng turned his head to Leo and said, "Don't talk about fairness. This mission is a family secret. However, it was still known by the Zhang Family, they even set up a trap. This only means that there are traitors among is. And how can you guarantee that your people are completely loyal?"

Leo couldn't answer. Charles nodded and said, "Tie Sheng is correct. Let's organize 50-people teams and disperse out. Nobody is permitted to be left alone." Everyone nodded.

While the camps were getting people ready, Zhao Hai continued flying forward. Zhao Hai's spiritual force was suppressed in outer space. Because of this, he only discovered the Zhang Family's fleet when they surrounded the passage.

Nevertheless, Zhao Hai's spiritual force was still the most powerful in the Ashley Family's External Hall. This was also a reason why he volunteered to investigate.

Following behind Zhao Hai were senior members of the Bone Symbol Camp. In the beginning, they weren't convinced of Zhao Hai. But after seeing Zhao Hai's strength, they couldn't help but get surprised. The power that pushed the meteorite towards the ship belonged to Zhao Hai. Additionally, Zhao Hai's early detection of the enemy ships saved them.

At this time, Zhao Hai suddenly stopped. Then he waved his hand, stopping those who were following him. One of them went to Zhao Hai's side and asked, "Little Hai, what's wrong?"

Zhao Hai turned to the man. He identified this person was one of Tie Sheng's aides. He also had some reputation in the family. He's a level 5 Warrior who had two blades as his weapons. His name was Richard.

Zhao Hai replied, "Brother Richard, it's no use. Let's head back. The ship has been occupied by the Zhang Family. If we go back, then we'll be ambushed."

Richard stared, he looked at Zhao Hai and said, "How did you find out?"

Zhao Hai smiled faintly and said, "My spiritual force is not a joke. Although the ship is quite a distance away, I could still see its current situation. Let's head back to report to Brother Tie Sheng. We'll have to make another plan."

Richard didn't doubt Zhao Hai. He just whispered and said, "Is the core member of the family fine? If anything happens to him, then we'll be in trouble."

Zhao Hai shook his head and said, "Let's go back." After turning around, Zhao Hai flew back the way they came.

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