Bringing The Farm To Live In Another World

Chapter 1091-1093

Chapter 1091 – 4th-level Talent

Zhao Hai sat by the window and looked outward. He didn't know when the ship took off, he simply didn't feel it moving. He couldn't help but praise the technology of this world.

After looking at the window for some time, Zhao Hai turned away and faced his room before taking out a small device. The device was an anti-monitoring device that Qi Yi had made for him. It had the most advanced anti-surveillance technology in the Machine Feild. As long as a room had monitoring devices, this device would immediately issue an alarm before emitting an electromagnetic signal that causes the monitoring device to malfunction.

In the Machine Field, there were two ways to monitor a person. The first method was through monitoring devices. There were plenty of monitoring devices in the Machine Field, the same was true for anti-monitoring devices. But compared to monitoring devices, anti-monitoring devices were much easier to make.

Anti-monitoring devices were ingeniously crafted. As long as they emit their electromagnetic waves, they would certainly disturb any monitoring device in the vicinity. This way, the person who set-up the monitoring device wouldn't be able to get anything.

Besides monitoring devices, the other method used to spy on other people was through magic. This method was difficult to guard against. Surveillance magic was generally very secretive and difficult to detect. However, Zhao Hai wasn't really afraid of surveillance magic.

Zhao Hai's spiritual force was very formidable. And with the existence of the Sace, monitoring him using magic was almost impossible. Because of this, Zhao Hai only needed to worry about monitoring devices for now.

Seeing that there were no monitoring devices inside his room, Zhao Hai began to feel relieved. His figure immediately flashed as he returned to his room back at the academy. Laura and the others were also inside his room, waiting for Zhao Hai to bring them information.

When they saw Zhao Hai come out from the Space, the women couldn't help but stare. Then Laura stepped forward and said, "Brother Hai, why did you use the Space to come back? Are you starting your test? What kind of test is it?"

Zhao Hai smiled bitterly and said, "My test this time seems to be on a planet called Tyro, killing malicious ghosts. I won't be taking it in the academy, you can go with me on the ship."

As soon as they heard Zhao Hai, Laura and the others cheered before following Zhao Hai out of the Space. Zhao Hai also took the robot that Qi Yi had made for him. Zhao Hai named this robot 'Number Nine'.[1]

Bringing Laura and the others as well as Number Nine to the ship made Zhao Hai's room look cramped. However, they only stayed inside for a short while before they returned to the Space. In any case, if someone came to look for him, it wouldn't be too late to head back to his room.

Upon returning to the Space, Zhao Hai let out a long breath before going to the hot spring to take a nice bath. When he returned to the living room, Meg had already prepared a delicious meal for him.

Zhao Hai hadn't entered the Space recently since he needed to adapt to the environment outside. Now that he had returned to the Space, he can finally relax.

After eating, Zhao Hai went on to condense magic formations at the side. Meanwhile, Laura and the others were browsing the internet. There wasn't anything wrong with the Space, Laura and the others just preferred to stay beside Zhao Hai. They spent most of their time going to Zhao Hai's room to accompany him.

Zhao Hai also understood their feelings. Therefore, he would accompany them while condensing his magic formations. Zhao Hai can spend more time with Laura and the others since he now has more control over his spiritual force.

Currently, Zhao Hai had already condensed nearly a hundred thousand magic formations. He had also gathered several hundred magic formations combinations. These combinations had been provided by the scanner. The least powerful combination he had composed of five layers while the most powerful one was actually a hundred layers.

A hundred layered formation was a symbol for level 4 Mages. There were only a small amount of people who had reached this stage in the Machine Field. If people become aware that Zhao Hai, who has yet to graduate from the academy, could use a hundred layer formation, they would certainly die from shock.

However, wanting to use the scanner to analyze formations with more layers would be impossible. This was because the Universal Scanner was still level 1. The most it could do was 100 layers.

Zhao Hai also accessed the net to look at how strong hundred-layer formations were. Take a small fireball for example. On its own, it was a weak magic. Even if Zhao Hai reached his current level, his fireball still wasn't strong. At the most, the fireball would be as strong as an anti-tank grenade.

However, after passing through a hundred-layer formation, its might would become similar to a missile. Killing several hundred people with it wouldn't be a problem.

The current issue for Zhao Hai at this moment was how to upgrade the Scanner. Only when the Scanner gets upgraded would his strength increase.

But as he was worrying about this, Zhao Hai discovered something. His spiritual force was just enough to use a hundred-layer formation. If he used anything more than that, his spiritual force would be extremely stressed out.

Because of this, there was no point for Zhao Hai to worry about upgrading the Scanner. Even if the Scanner could analyze more powerful formations, Zhao Hai still wouldn't be able to use them.

Although Zhao Hai's body was being constantly improved by the Stellar Transformations Art, it was still not enough for him to use magic with more layers.

Of course, Zhao Hai wouldn't idle because of this. Besides condensing formations as well as trying to compile formation combinations, Zhao Hai also did one other thing. He was looking into how Warriors in the Machine Realm fight.

In the Machine Field, combat methods of Warriors were very simple. They just need to increase the energy inside their body and then their groups would provide them with corresponding weapons. However, these weapons were different than what Warriors from the lower realms used. These weapons were specially made in the Machine Field to contain magic formations. These formations allowed the energy inside a Warrior's body to concentrate so that they could send it out.

Warriors in the lower realm would use their energy in order to coat their weapons, making them sharper. On the other hand, Warriors in the Machine Field can actually send their sword qi out, providing them with long-ranged attack.

Moreover, the sword qi that was sent out would be supported by the formation inside the weapon, increasing its attacking power. But in the end, how far the sword qi would travel still depended on the user's strength. It was said that there was once a legendary Warrior in the Machine Field that used his sword to slaughter his enemies in all directions unhindered.

Although this legend might be fake, Zhao Hai still took it with caution. He had already found some magic formations used for engraving weapons. After having it go through the scanner and then combining it into a hundred-layer formation, Zhao Hai had it engraved on his staff. This would be another one of his cards in the future.

Zhao Hai also conducted tests inside the Space. He used his staff and turned it into a sword in order to send a sword qi out into the distance. His sword qi reached ten thousand meters, which was equal to a level 4 Warrior. After testing both paths, Zhao Hai can confirm that his strength was indeed at level 4.

The current strongest being in the Machine Field was about level 8. Being only level 4, Zhao Hai still fell short.

However, if people from the Machine Realm knew that Zhao Hai had level 4 strength, they would certainly be startled. This was because, generally, lower realm ascenders would at most only reach level two upon graduating. There were a minority that reached level three, but never level 4.

Zhao Hai was constantly condensing magic formations inside the Space, he was also familiarizing himself with arranging layered formations. Although he can now use hundred-layer formations in almost a flash, he would still need to practice on it for a long time.

Being able to use layered formations wasn't a direct indicator of a person's strength. Layered formations were just like weapons, some were like spears, some were like shields. As long as one practices to the point where they knew the most appropriate way to use formations, only then would they effectively grasp its power.

At this point, Zhao Hai's everyday program has been arranged. Besides eating and sleeping, he spent most of his day practicing his layered formations while also practicing how to launch his sword qi.

Zhao Hai had just discovered why the swordsmanship in the Machine Field was so strong. This was because he can attach a bit of his spiritual force on the qi as it was launched. This allowed him to make the sword qi change directions.

This skill was new to Zhao Hai, so he needed to digest how to use it effectively. Zhao Hai was very clear that these things would be the basis of his survival in the Machine Field.

Although it looks like Laura and the others were leisurely browsing the internet, Zhao Hai actually knew that they were scouring for information. They were looking for things related to the Cultivation Realm as well as any methods to make the Undead stronger.

Even if there were a lot of information that were deemed confidential in the Machine Field. Information that was public was already enough for Zhao Hai and the others to use.

Information about Magic Theory, magic formations, alchemy, and other disciplines were definitely useful. This was especially true for alchemy.

Although Warriors still had their weapons in the Machine Field, lower realm magic staffs and magic potions were useless to Mages. However, Mages still had their weapons. The first of these weapons were magic staffs. Magic Theory was different than magic formations in the lower realms. According to their spiritual force, Mages in the machine field were able to engrave a number of magic formations on their staff.

  1. Don't know why it was named like that.

Chapter 1092 – Tyro Planet's Mining City

Engraving magic formations on their staffs allowed Mages to bypass using the void condensing technique. This way, they could launch magical spells instantly, strengthening a mage's combat ability.

However, the more magic formations they engrave on their staffs, the more spiritual force they would need. Therefore, the number of magic formations a Mage could engrave was limited by their own strength. If they engrave too many, they wouldn't be able to cast it. Their magic staff would burn and become useless trash.

This was also the difference between using staffs and using the void condensing magic formation technique. Magic formations from staffs required spiritual force to start. On the other hand, formations using the void condensing technique were already condensed using spiritual force. Because of this, there was no need for it to be started with spiritual force.

Besides magic staffs, there were also magic potions. Magic Potions had more uses in the Machine Field compared to the lower realms. In the lower realms, magic potions would generally heal wounds or enhance cultivation. But in the Machine Field, the most popular magic potion could rapidly restore one's spiritual force.

It was normal for Mages to run out of spiritual force during a fight. And once their spiritual force dries up, they wouldn't be able to cast magic formations, putting them in a dangerous position.

Having magic potions that can restore a significant amount of spiritual force greatly enhanced the capabilities of the Mages in the Machine Field. Ths allowed Mages to have more avenues for survival.


For someone who was focused on their job, three days would quickly fly by. In these three days, aside from having his meals inside his room, he would practice and rest inside the Space.

On the third day, Zhao Hai left the Space and spent the entire time inside his room. He was afraid that Margaret would look for him. Therefore, he decided to wait for her inside his room. Although he came out of the Space, Zhao Hai still continued his nonstop condensing of magic formations. He can now condense more than 10 thousand formations at the same time.

After some time, while Zhao Hai was condensing formations, two faint knocks were heard on the door. Zhao Hai immediately got up and opened the door to see Margaret on the other side.

Margaret looked at Zhao Hai and said, "Come with me to the hall. We're about to arrive at our destination."

Zhao Hao nodded, then he followed behind Margaret. Normally, people couldn't casually go inside the ship's command hall. Of course, Zhao Hai wasn't aware of this rule since he stayed inside his room all this time. But since he can monitor the ship using the Space, he was able to find out that Margaret's status wasn't simple. Even the ship's commander was very respectful to her.

Meanwhile, Margaret was thinking that Zhao Hai wasn't only a genius and a clever person, he was also very patient. For three days, he was able to stay inside his room without leaving. Because of this, Margaret began to favor Zhao Hai.

From what Margaret had experienced, most people would be restless after entering a ship for the first time. On the other hand, Zhao Hai didn't have such restlessness. He didn't even seem to be curious as he just stayed inside his room. Such willpower made Margaret look at Zhao Hai in a favorable light.

The two quickly arrived at the ship's command hall. The room wasn't very large, it was only around a hundred square meters. There were about a dozen people inside operating the ship. However, these people didn't look busy. Most of them had cups of tea on their hands as they chatted with each other.

In the middle of the hall was a table with a couple of chairs. Sitting behind the table was a man about 40 years old. He had a neat appearance and also held a teacup on one hand. Meanwhile, displayed on his table was the view outside the ship. A planet was getting bigger and bigger on the display, showing that the ship was getting closer. This man was the ship's commander.

Seeing the two arrive, the commander quickly stood up and greeted Margaret, "Instructor Margaret."

Margaret nodded, then she gestured towards Zhao Hai and said, "This is Zhao Hai. Zhao Hai, this is the ship's commander, Kirk."

Zhao Hai gave Kirk a salute, the latter did the same. During this exchange, the other people inside the ship were looking at Zhao Hai with curiosity.

Zhao Hai didn't particularly care about their curiosity. Among everyone here, only Margaret and him had mage robes, showing that she was an academy instructor and he was the student. Therefore, it wouldn't be strange if these people were curious about him.

Margaret arrived by the commander's table and looked at the planet that was getting closer and closer. The planet was black and yellow. Zhao Hai came to know that this black part was actually the planet's oceans. Instead of being blue, the planet's waters were actually black. On the other hand, its lands were yellow. Scattered on these yellow lands were weeds. Moreover, there was no drinkable water on this planet, making it inhospitable.

The main reason why humans chose to develop this planet was because it had something that they need, Mithril!

This mithril was different than mithril found in the lower realm. In the lower realms, mithril was just a metal with magical properties. Mages wouldn't necessarily make use of it. But in the Machine Field, mithril wasn't just something used by Mages, it was something that they cannot separate themselves from.

In the Machine Field, mithril was a material with high conductivity. Whether it was magic or battle qi, both needed good conduction materials for their weapons. Therefore, both magic staffs and weapons couldn't be made without mithril.

In the beginning, Tyro planet only had miners operating in its mines. They lived inside tunnels and rarely went above ground. This was because the planet had a lot of powerful magic beasts. In addition, the plants and even the planet's water were toxic. These beasts had been eating and drinking these things while growing up, making them poisonous themselves. As long as they cut your skin, you've basically forfeited your life.

Afterwards, major powers from the Machine Field decided to develop the planet, establishing permanent residences. In these residences were water filtration systems as well as food manufacturing facilities. Although these residences were still inside tunnels, they gradually formed underground cities. Most people inside these residences were still miners, but their families also took residence in the planet.

At this time, besides its mining industry, Tyro planet also had a special tourism sector. They allowed tourists to explore the mines and stay in specially made tunnel hotels. There were also services that allowed people safe travel aboveground to kill the local poisonous beasts.

Tyro planet wasn't owned by any of the three major forces. Although those forces would want to swallow the planet, because of the other two, nobody was able to succeed. In the end, they granted Tyro planet its own independence. The planet would trade its ores for machine coins and other supplies from the three powers. Although the job was hard, the miners could earn a lot. It wouldn't be strange for a miner to be rich after working here for more than ten years.

Although the tunnels in Tyro planet were safe, the areas where the miners work in weren't. The underground had poisonous beasts as well as malicious ghosts. But since their population was little, and the density of spiritual qi was small, it wouldn't be worth it if an army was stationed here all the time. Therefore, the tasks of eradicating this danger was handed over to the academies.

This information wasn't something that Zhao Hai looked up, instead it was Laura and the others who found out about it.

Zhao Hai wasn't too concerned about this mission. With the density of spiritual qi not being strong, it would be impossible for powerful creatures to emerge from this place.

Although the ship seemed slow, it was actually approaching the planet quickly. But as it got closer to the planet's atmosphere, the ship began to slow down.

As soon as they entered Tyro planet, Zhao Hai couldn't help but stare. The place was really desolate, there was an endless number of yellow rocks as far as the eye could see. Growing on the cracks on the ground and the rocks were grasses and shrubs. These plants were similarly colored as the rocks, yellowish.

One could often see beasts roaming the surface or fighting for food. Zhao Hai couldn't see even a shadow of human civilization.

At this time, the spaceship descended on an enormous crater. It was at least a kilometer wide and was too dark to be able to see what was inside.

The ship slowly descended. Its speed got slower and slower and in about ten minutes, Zhao Hai discovered a beeping light. Then a staff turned towards Kirk and said, "Captain, a communication request." Kirk nodded and said, "Accept it."

Then the staff member nodded before tapping the desktop. Before long, an image of a person about 30 years old appeared. He appeared refined as he bowed and said, "Welcome, friends from the Ascender Academy. I am the station master of Tyro Planet's space port. Please follow the lights as you land your ship on port number five. Thank you in advance for cooperating."

Kirk gave a saute and said, "Yes, Station Master." Then the image vanished. Shortly after that, lights appeared, showing signals to lead the ship to its landing point.

After the ship landed successfully, Margaret led Zhao Hai to exit the ship. On the other hand, the staff on the ship actually stayed. They still needed to settle things on the ship before they could leave.

As Margaret led Zhao Hai out of the ship, someone was already waiting for them outside. He was an old man with white hair and beard. Surprisingly, this person was wearing mage robes.

After seeing Margaret and Zhao Hai, the old man immediately bowed and said, "Instructor Margaret, welcome. Please follow me." Margaret returned the greeting and said, "Mister Sim is too polite." Then the three proceeded towards nearby car. The car was quite big. It had four rows of seats. Margaret and Sim were on the second row while Zhao Hai was sitting alone on the third row.

The vehicle also had tea for its passengers. After going in, Sim offered Margaret and Zhao Hai a cup each. Then he opened his mouth and said, "To the Academy Reception." Zhao Hai knew that those words were meant for the computer driving the car. Just as Sim's voice was heard, the car immediately moved.

At this time, Sim turned to Margaret and said, "Instructor Margaret. I apologize for the trouble. Is this the only student that will take the trial?" Margaret placed her cup next to her chair and then nodded, "Yes, this time, only Zhao Hai will participate in the exam. In addition to our academy, who else is here?" Sim lowered his voice as he replied, "In addition to your academy, there's also the Adam family's academy as well as the Wild academy. Altogether, they brought ten people for the trial. The Adam Academy brought six people while the Wild Academy brought four."

Upon hearing the names of these two academies, Margaret couldn't help but knit her brows. She didn't say anything and just nodded. At this moment, the car stopped. The cave in front of them had ten layers overall. It looked like a ten-story building, but instead of floors it was made out of holes.

Besides the entrance and the exit, as well as the glass windows, the entire cave was made out of stone. It was a space of about a thousand square meters. There were already several cars parked inside.

Exiting the vehicle, Zhao Hai couldn't help but inspect the surroundings. The place was very lively, completely uncharacteristic of a mining tunnel. It was more than 200 meters high. On its ceiling were magic formations that provided light. Aside from the columns, the other places were places where people live in. There were also flying cars going in and out. The street was full of traffic. The neon signs on the shops added to the liveliness of the place.

If this wasn't a mining tunnel, it wouldn't have been different to a city. But since it was a mining tunnel, instead of buildings, people dug into holes. Because of this, the place exuded a unique characteristic.

Zhao Hai just gave the area a glance before he followed behind Margaret and Sim towards the reception. As soon as they entered, Zhao Hai couldn't help but stare for a moment. The inside was beautifully renovated. There was a bar inside the hall and even a lounge to relax. Carpet covered the floors and beautiful wallpapers plastered the walls.

Chapter 1093 – Provocation from the Adam Academy

The cave was actually this beautiful. Zhao Hai didn't expect this. If he didn't see what it was like outside, he would've thought that he had just entered a hotel.

Sim, Zhao Hai, and Margaret proceeded to the counter. Behind this counter wasn't a human, instead it was a robot. Sim said, "Bring the room card prepared for the Ashley Ascender Academy."

The robot nodded before pulling out two cards and handed them over to Sim. After receiving the two cards, Sim gave them to Margaret and said, "Instructor Margaret, these are the rooms prepared for your academy. Please take a rest first."

Margaret took the room cards and then gave a polite nod, "Thank you, Mister Sim." After that, Margaret led Zhao Hai towards their room.

Just as the two arrived in front of the elevator, the elevator doors suddenly opened. On the other side of the doors were seven people wearing mage robes. This group ranged from young to old. At the center of the group was a middle-aged man. This man was very thin with a mouse-like moustache. He looks particularly annoying.

The man had expensive-looking golden yellow mage robes. Seeing this person, Zhao Hai couldn't help but stare. The man was one of the very rare metal element Mages.

There wasn't any magic for the metal element in the lower realms. Only people born in the Machine Field would have a talent in this area. Moreover, it was recognized by many people that metal magic was the hardest to deal with.

Naturally, this didn't mean that the other magic elements were inferior to the metal element. Their might also depended on the Mage's ability. Even if one had a peerlessly good sword, if it fell into the hands of an idiot, it was still impossible for the idiot to use the weapon's might. Magic was also the same. It was just that metal element Mages were rare than Mages from other elements. And with the metal element's strong attack and defensive magic, it was considered as the element that was the hardest to deal with.

In the past few days, Zhao Hai had also consumed knowledge about metal element magic. However, he was left disappointed. There wasn't anything special about metal element magic. It was just like any other magic in the Machine Field. It was only because metal element magic required a special physique that it was very rare.

Actually, one could study metal element magic in the lower realm. As long as one has physique compatible with metal element magic, they were able to study metal element magic.

People in the lower realms with metal element physique were heaven defying beings. Although they didn't have any cultivation methods, their bodies alone made them formidable. Therefore, they were slowly able to make their mark on society. In the Ark Continent, they were known as Divergent ability users. It was just a pity that there weren't any cultivation methods for the metal element. Or else there would be metal element Mages in the lower realm.

Behind this Metal element Mage were six other Mages. The ages of these people were greatly varied. The oldest of them already had white hair while the youngest seems to be nearing 30 years old. Their expressions were also varied. The old Mage had a gloomy look as though he had lost interest in everything. Dins and the others had this same look in the past.

As for the youngest Mage, he looked very arrogant, just like the Mage Frey that Zhao Hai ran into. Seeing these expressions, it seems like the Ascender Academies had the same atmospheres.

Still, Zhao Hai didn't say anything. He didn't want to make any contact with these people. After all, he wasn't a saint. If he wasn't trying to survive in the academy, he might not even care about Dins and the others.

In such an unfamiliar environment, it was unwise to meddle in other people's business. It wouldn't bring you any benefits, only risks.

Zhao Hai didn't plan to meddle with these people, but the other party actually stopped after going out of the elevator. With the thin Mage at the lead, he looked at Margaret with shining eyes. It seems like he was harboring evil intentions.

This caused Zhao Hai's heart to sink. Zhao Hai was able to see Margaret's reaction when Sim told her about the other academies present. Seeing the expression on the thin Mage's face, it seems like there was going to be a confrontation.

The thin Mage looked at Margaret and suddenly smiled, "Margaret, I didn't expect your academy to send you for the exam. Generally, it was those old turtles who would come here. Seeing you is rare, really rare."

Margaret looked at the Mage, and with a cold voice she replied, "Jin Changji, why are you talking to me with your stinky mouth? Want me to teach you a lesson?"

It was obvious that this Jin Changji somewhat dreaded Margaret. After a brief pause, he coldly snorted and said, "Margaret, don't forget where this is. This isn't your academy. If you dared to make a move here, then if not me, other people will deal with you. Right, it seems like your academy's talents have gotten less and less. This time, only one came to take the exam. What a pity."

Margaret jus coldly snorted and didn't say anything else. Then she turned and entered the elevator. All this time, Zhao Hai stayed silent and just followed Margaret to the elevator. Seeing that Margaret didn't care about him, Jin Changji coldly snorted, then he led the other mages forward.

Sim arranged the Ashley Family academy to be on the eighth floor. After Margaret settled things in her own room, she entered Zhao Hai's.

Zhao Hai quickly invited Margaret to take a seat and then offered her a cup of tea. He then sat opposite Margaret, he knew that she had something to say, so he waited.

Sure enough, Margaret looked at Zhao Hai and said, "You should have heard what Sim said. In addition to our academy, there's also the Adam Academy and the Wild Academy. Wild Academy is an institute for warriors, they have no conflict of interest with us. The Northfield Family behind even has a friendly relationship with the Ashley Family. Therefore, you don't have to worry about them."

Zhao Hai nodded. He wasn't quite clear about the relationship between various influences in the Machine Field. Although he had looked things up on the internet, he couldn't believe anything online.

Margaret continued, "However, you need to pay attention to the Adam Academy. Behind the academy is the Adam Family. Our two families have a grudge against each other. Because of this, no matter which academy, if an extraordinary talent emerges, the other party would do their best to exterminate that talent. This time, Jin Changji saw you, he should be aware that you will be joining the Ashley Family. They have six people this time, so they will definitely try to make a move during the exam. You need to be careful." Zhao Hai nodded and said, "Rest assured, I will pay attention to them."

Margaret sighed, "I didn't want you to do the trial at this time, but your strength has already reached this level. It would be useless to let you learn the basics. Even though the Bone Symbol Camp didn't employ brutal training methods, exams like these are inevitable in the academy. And you can only join the camp after you pass the exam. In this exam, the most dangerous ones aren't the beasts and malicious ghosts. Instead, you need to be alert against those who will take the exam with you. You won't know when they'll make a move, so don't trust anyone. If necessary, kill them. Understand?"

Zhao Hai nodded, "Yes, I understand."

Margaret gave a nod, then she added, "Take a good rest. Sim will tell you about the contents of the exam tomorrow. You should prepare as well. You can go outside and buy things that you need. The money you have on your ID card can be used here as well."

Seeing Zhao Hai nod, Margaret turned and left the room. Zhao Hai immediately used his anti-surveillance device to see if there were any monitoring devices inside the room. Sure enough, he was able to discover monitoring devices. Moreover, it seems like these devices weren't installed recently. This caused Zhao Hai to be curious.

After removing the monitoring devices, Zhao Hai took a good look at his room. The place wasn't very big. There were only two rooms; a living room and then a small bedroom that had a bathroom inside.

Zhao Hai knew that Margaret was just next door. Moreover, the soundproofing wasn't good. Because of this, Zhao Hai didn't make Laura and the others come out. Instead, he went to his bedroom, pulled down the curtains, and then entered the Space.

After returning to the Space, Zhao Hai immediately started cultivating. He just discovered that the exam might be more dangerous than he imagined. Because of this, he needed to be more familiar with his strength as soon as possible.

Condensing magic formations, experimenting with magic formation combinations, and even trying out sword qi. Zhao Hai's workload has increased.

Although Laura and the others felt worried about Zhao Hai, they didn't stop him. They knew that Zhao Hai's hard work would only make their lives in the Machine Field much better and comfortable.

Because of this, they decided to be diligent in handling Zhao Hai's other affairs. They made sure that Zhao Hai ate well, rest well, and was always at his optimum condition.

After practicing for several hours, Zhao Hai proceeded to take a rest. He will understand the contents of the exam tomorrow. Perhaps, it might even start immediately. Zhao Hai didn't dare to tire himself out at this time since it would affect his condition tomorrow.

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