Chapter 902: Self-healing thaid (4)

Chapter 902: Self-healing thaid (4)

Erik steadied his breathing as understanding washed over him.

The Hevadrin’s power sustained its injuries, not its life essence.

As long as mana still flowed within it, the creature would continue regenerating, but not the blood.

If that ended, there was nothing the Hevadrin could do.

The creature rose, eyeing Erik with pure hatred. It had regained its footing but moved sluggishly, losing blood had taken its toll on it.

But the sluggishness and tiredness weren’t enough to stop the creature from killing Erik. When it charged again, Erik held his ground, waiting until the last moment to dodge.

The flyssa parted fur and flesh along its flank as it passed.

Scarlet spray followed, soaking the earth deeper.

The Hevadrin staggered in its steps but came at him once more, driven by primal instincts while its wounds healed.

Erik evaded again, opening another wound along its back leg. Erik tried cutting it again, but he wasn’t able to. That had been a lucky blow.

By now, the forest floor resembled an abattoir. Blood pooled where the creature was when it got slashed, its movements becoming irregular.

Erik pressed his attack, knowing this battle was nearing its end, but still not lowering his focus since the Hevadrin was still dangerous.

The creature charged once more, lowering its enormous shoulders as it aimed for Erik.

The young man tried to dart aside but was a split second too slow.

Pain exploded through his body as the Hevadrin’s head swung around mid-charge and slammed into his chest. A sickening crack was made.

Erik was thrown through the air, branches tearing at his flesh, before he crashed to the ground several meters away.

He lay there gasping, his ribs screaming in protest with each ragged breath.

The creature didn’t crack his bones earlier, but for sure it did now.

Erik remained on the ground for a fraction of a second before he heard the beast’s thunderous hooves shake the earth as it turned toward him, charging.


Somehow, Erik found the strength to roll away as the Hevadrin bore down on his position.

Its head and massive shoulders splintered the tree behind where he had fallen.

Erik struggled to get on his feet through the haze of pain, but he managed.

The creature charged, seeing its enemy weaken.

At the last moment, Erik jumped to cling to its massive shoulders.

Not even he knew how he did that, but there he was, on top of a thaid that was trying to kill him.

His ribs threatened to puncture his lungs from the effort, but he held tight.

He raised his flyssa, and with a raw shout of exertion, he drove the blade down between thick plates of fur and muscles.

Blood flooded Erik’s vision as the Hevadrin threw back its head and bellowed in fury and pain. Its knees buckled, sending them both crashing to the forest floor. Erik rolled free. Coughing up red flecks, he raised his head.

The beast was on the ground, the wound already closing, but Erik couldn’t allow the beast to complete the process. With a lot of effort, he got on his two feet again and ran toward the creature.

The forest was silent but for Erik’s labored breathing and the beast’s pained cries.

The man got in front of it, and three swift cuts later, the Hevadrin was no longer able to stand as Erik cut three of its legs, which, of course, were already regrowing.

But the process was slower compared to before. The beast didn’t likely have that much blood, but Erik couldn’t say the same was true for its mana.

Though the lack of blood in its brain was making the entire healing process and brain crystal power use incomparably harder for the beast.

Erik got in front of it. The Hevadrin fixed its baleful eyes upon Erik, breath coming in ragged


Erik raised the flyssa high, meeting the beast’s gaze. This monster was going to die by his hands.

With a last burst of strength, Erik brought the blade down in a two-handed stroke upon the Hevadrin’s neck, severing the spine from the body in one clean cut.






The light fled the Hevadrin’s eyes, and at last the creature stilled.

Erik held himself steady until it ceased all movement, then allowed himself a long exhale.

The forest grew hushed around him as dusk deepened into night. His task here was complete. But then he fell to the ground.


Erik’s shout rang through the forest. He struggled to draw another ragged breath against the searing pain in his ribs.

His cry had barely enough strength, but it carried a desperation he’d never known before. June arrived soon after; he wasn’t far. He was still in his human form, among the destruction Erik and the Hevadrin unleashed.

Upon seeing Erik’s broken form in front of the Hevadrin’s corpse, the clone gasped. “Master!” He hurried to his creator’s side, horror and fear rising as Erik curled upon himself, coughing

up blood.

This was beyond anything June had seen before. Erik, who faced down foes’ others feared, now lay injured beyond belief.

His normally keen eyes were glazed with agony.

“What happened, Master?” June asked. There was a huge dark spot on Erik’s entire chest, and there was blood on the side of his lips. It was a wonder how Erik still clung to consciousness. “That thing… like a wyvern. Almost… had me.” His words dissolved into a grimace. June gave a glance at the massive Thaid, a beast he’d heard tales of but never seen in person. To have reduced Erik to this state… If it weren’t for the fact that it was already dead, June would have been glad to die just to have a chance at wounding that thing.

June morphed into a galewing again and placed Erik between his massive talons. Erik groaned, his features draining of what little color remained.

“Liberty Watch,” Erik said. But the clone was already moving. “Please…” His eyes fluttered closed as darkness claimed him at last.

June took wing immediately, flying swiftly and sure despite his precious burden. Erik’s life

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hung by a thread.

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