Chapter 898: Hunting in the deep

Chapter 898: Hunting in the deep

Erik and June darted through the dense forest, their eyes fixed on a creature soaring above the treetops.

The creature’s wings beat powerfully, propelling it just out of reach of the grasping branches.

“Faster, June!” Erik said, dodging low-hanging branches and leaping over tangled roots. “I’m trying, Master, but it’s too quick!” June called back, his voice taut with effort. The uneven forest floor was challenging terrain for running.

As they burst through a thick undergrowth, Erik spotted the Skraylash gliding towards a clearing.

“There! It’s heading for the open space.”

“That’s even better!”

Erik and June were chasing a Skraylash. This was a flying thaid that looked beautiful despite being very dangerous.

It had wings that were almost four meters long, as well as a shimmering sheen that caught the light as it flew through the trees. Its body was thin and designed for speed.

The color of its scales changed from a deep green to a bright blue, depending on the light. Its strong limbs had sharp claws that were good for quick, precise strikes.

Its long head displayed sharp teeth, suggesting it consumed meat.

It was odd, considering it had a beak.

It also had two bright, striking yellow eyes that gave it great eyesight, helping it get through the thick forest and see food from great heights.

The Skraylash possessed a brain crystal power that made it see better during the day.

While it wasn’t a great combat ability, Erik and June thought that, by coupling it with Hais’ brain crystal power, the clones would have an edge during future battles.

After all, spotting an enemy before they could even see you was an advantage that Erik didn’t want to miss out on, and that was even more important considering they would be able to find weaknesses and strengths thanks to Hais’ brain crystal power.

“It’s there, master!”

“I know.”

Erik summoned a flyssa from hardened slime, channeling more mana until a frosty wind enveloped it.

As soon as he had a clear view, Erik swung the sword and a wind blade sliced through the air, heading straight for the unsuspecting enemy.

The beast saw the wind blade arrive, but it was too fast to dodge.

The blade cut through its body effortlessly, bisecting the creature in half before it even had a chance to react. Erik smirked, satisfied with the outcome.

“Can you collect blood and brain crystal?”

“Of course, Master.”

June did as Erik asked and then brought Erik’s hunt prize to him. In the meantime, Erik was sitting on a rock, gulping down some water.

“AAAH, refreshing.”

Erik opted not to ask June to shapeshift and hunt the creature. Even though he had a lot to do, Erik decided to hunt without all his cheat-like powers and decided to use just one.

For once, he only wanted to focus on the hunt itself, nothing more. Of course, anyone else would have said he was crazy about hunting thaids for sport.

Erik needed to destress, which was the problem. The events that transpired in the past few weeks had been hard on him, and the conversations he had that day with Noah, his father, Amber… All of that made his day very hard.

“Have you recuperated enough mana?” June asked.

“Yes, but it’s not like these things need a lot.”

“It’s true that the surrounding thaids are much stronger than they should be. I don’t recall ever seeing a Skraylash around these parts, either. Even less an entire flock.”

“Yeah. I can understand why Ethan and those from Liberty Watch were in that state.”

This was the first day Erik resumed hunting after the biological supercomputer abolished the quest system.

“System, how many DNA points have I earned through this small hunt?”

“You got 509.4 DNA points and 101880 experience points.”


“Erik then saw that June was looking at the water bottle in his hands with greedy eyes.”

“Oh, Sorry!” He quickly handed the water bottle to June, knowing he must have been thirsty after the long hunt.

“No worries, master,” June said with a grateful smile before taking a long sip from the bottle. “I have to say. We had been pretty unlucky, finding only Skraylash near the village.” “That explains why there were so few thaids around here. These things scared the hell out of all the others.”

June paused for a second. “Should we head farther from the city?”

For a second, Erik contemplated what to do. It was already late. The sun was setting, and he was tired and had little mana available.

To ensure safety, it would have been wise to retreat to the city and find a place to rest. The problem was that there was no point.

Yes, Erik would rest and recuperate his mana, but the following day he was going to spend almost all of it making new eggs.

He’d have to go hunting in the same situation as today. He might be in a different mood, but that didn’t matter.

“Yes. It wouldn’t make a difference to head back now. Besides, it’s not like we are not used to staying outside.”

June chuckled. “Well then. But at least let me transform into a Galewing and go scout. While I do that, you can rest and recuperate. If I find anything worthy or dangerous for the city, I will

let you know.”

“Do as you want; I will wait for you here.”

June gave a brief nod and then took a step back. His body shimmered as the transformation started. His body twisted and reformed in a matter of seconds, transforming into the sleek form of a Galewing when it was finally complete.

The transformation was smooth, almost fluid, as if his human shape were merely a mask slipping off to reveal his true nature.

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As he propelled himself into the air with a tremendous jump, his wings caught the wind.

As he flew far over the forests, he made one complete circle, which allowed him to gain height, and then he dashed across the sky toward the horizon.

Erik stood there and watched as his clone vanished into the sky, an insignificant speck against the great expanse of orange.

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