Chapter 888: Would it be worthwhile? (3)

Chapter 888: Would it be worthwhile? (3)

<All right…>

However, Erik was thinking about a few things. The system gave him a great idea, but it was a waste.

The number of DNA points Erik had made him feel limited in a way that he had never experienced before. If he had more, he would have been able to accomplish a great deal more.

He may have reduced the amount of mana required for each point of strength got by the Strength Enhancer brain crystal power.

He could have adjusted the parallel will’s brain crystal to provide more passive intelligence stats, thus increasing the clones’ intelligence.

Erik was contemplating the idea of staying inside the forest, gathering DNA points, and changing those powers.

All of those thoughts went through Erik’s head, and the biological supercomputer and June were able to hear them since they were still connected to his mind as a result of the Instability brain crystal power.

<That would work, master, but we don’t know if your father would make it before we arrive. > <Yeah, I was thinking the same. > Erik was also considering several other things at the same time. In the event his clones were to gain the ability to possess brain crystal powers, they would be able to achieve, through him, the same feat he could do: getting more than one. That wasn’t something to underestimate, because Erik had been able to become a powerhouse thanks to this ability, and if the clones could do something similar, it would be like having multiple versions of himself throughout the world, fighting the blackguards and the thaids alike.

He only needed to combine those other powers with the Chimeric Biometal Soldier Brain Crystal Power for the clones to gain this ability.

Of course, there were still some rules in place. Erik was unable to alter the capabilities of his existing clones, and only the new ones were going to possess all of these brain crystal powers.

Taking all of this into consideration, Erik was inclined to give his clones all of his lesser used powers.

He would get rid of those that weren’t that useful, allowing him to focus on the few powerful ones, but at the same time, he would strengthen his clones.

The Instability brain crystal power, Wyvern flames, and solid frostwind were some of the essential powers that he would keep for himself without question.

On the other hand, powers like Exoshield and Chameleon Veil, which he seldom used, were excellent candidates for the merging.

Erik only depended on a handful of powers because he found they were more useful for his needs.

Powers such as Nathaniel’s one, for example, became redundant due to the inherent physical strength that he possessed, which was frequently quite a lot.

The boost in speed and strength was almost always unnecessary. This power would be of tremendous use to his clones, who had much fewer stats than him.

Of course, things were going to be even greater if he could increase the initial physical statistics of the clones.

Then there was the vibration burst brain crystal power that he got from Quakestrike, which was a power that Erik had never made use of in any way.

He did not have the time to learn how to use it in combat; but that was also because he never really needed it.

This was primarily due to the fact that the value of his other abilities surpassed that of this particular power many-fold.

Then there was the chameleon veil. Erik had mixed feelings about it. That it was not an absolute invisibility power meant that he had little use for it, although it had served him well up until so far.

If Erik needed to enter a certain location, he could simply transform into a fly and do the same thing.

That would also allow him to access places he couldn’t have accessed otherwise.

Granted, he would have to leave his goods behind, but with his Solid Frostwind Brain Crystal Power, he didn’t need to carry weapons anymore.

Being naked in front of people who were going to die wasn’t exactly a problem.

Last, there was a power he was never using, but one Erik didn’t really want to part with. His plant master brain crystal power.

This resulted from having merged his birth brain crystal power. The same power that made people look at him with contempt, because of how useless he was because of it.

Now this power has become a strong one and was fully worthy of respect.

The only problem was that it required some vegetation to be present around him.

He couldn’t conjure it up like Martha did and was useless outside of places with even a bit of vegetation.

But it was much stronger than his friend’s ability.

<How much DNA points do I need to modify the astral wolf and the chimeric biometal soldier? >

[If you want to do it fast, you will need 211850 for each of them, meaning that the number of DNA points you will keep will be around 6000. It will be enough to merge two powers, but no more than that.]

That number honestly baffled Erik. Wasn’t it a little too much for just modifying one brain crystal power? He knew the effects were going to be great, and the changes were very extensive, but still…

<Why this much DNA points? How much time will be needed to complete the process? >

There was also that to consider. What if he didn’t make it in time before reaching Liberty Watch? If he did all of this, he needed to be ready to make clones. He doubted the situation was good back in the city, even if Noah said little about it.

<It will take two weeks to end both processes, but the merging will be instantaneous. >

This content is taken from fгeewebnovё

<Two weeks? Why this much? Can’t you speed up the process like you always do?>

It was weird considering that these things usually took much less time, at least for the


Somehow, Erik hoped that modifying the brain crystal powers followed the same logic and, most importantly, time schedule.

[I can’t,] the biological supercomputer said.

[Changing powers is much more complicated than merging or absorbing them. If I had more energy, I could have done it, but with the amount of DNA points you have, this is the best I can

do. ]

However, June had a question of his own.

<Does this mean that every time he modifies powers, he will have to spend hundreds of thousands of DNA points and wait for weeks? >

[It depends on the changes. Those as extensive as the one you wish to make need a lot of energy and time, but it won’t always be the case.]

Erik continued to consider things for a time. In the end, he decided to put his faith in the biological supercomputer as he did countless times.

He intended to tweak the powers and combine the Parallel wills and Strength enhancer with the Chimeric Biometal Soldiers in order to make them more powerful. After that, once he had accumulated enough DNA points, he would merge all his useless powers with them, keeping only those he deemed worthy, which were around seven.

The only problem now was that he did not have enough DNA points to do this in the least amount of time possible. He had to wait. <Do it. >

[Are you absolutely sure about this? I want to remind you that you may die or turn into an


<Just make sure that won’t happen, > Erik said to the biological supercomputer.

<It’s a good choice, master. > June said that, but it was clear he was feeling uneasy.

[211850 used, modifying process starting. It will be painful.]

<Couldn’t have you said it soo-AAAAAAAH! > Erik started feeling a pain he never thought he would feel. It was awful and was consuming him unlike anything he had ever experienced before. Erik writhed back and forth in misery, in pain.

It was as if his very essence was being torn apart and then put back together again, and again, and again. And Erik saw it, he felt it. This was a profound alteration that went to his very core.

The source of this torment was clear: the biological supercomputer was altering a brain crystal power closely linked to his DNA.

This modification affected his genetic makeup, triggering a pain that was indescribable.

It was like being scorched by the fiercest flames, each cell in his body ablaze with searing heat, or as if he were being shredded into countless pieces, his fibers pulled apart in a relentless tug of war and then stitched together without anesthesia.

While Erik struggled to resist the pain of those enormous changes that were affecting his body, he got brought to the limit, to the point where he struggled to keep himself on June’s


<When is this going to end? > Erik asked.

The excruciating pain continued to intensify, causing Erik to question whether he would

resist until the end of the process.

[That’s the problem until the process lasts.]

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