Chapter 883: News

Chapter 883: News

The day after their intense battle, Erik found himself in a much calmer setting, seated around a small table with Rebecca, June, and the Fierce Lioness.

The past few days had been hard since they fought, schemed and investigated without rest. Now, Rebecca and Erik were relaxing a little, taking the chance to talk to the band of giants’ leader, while sipping tea.

The conversation flowed; smiles were made.

Erik looked around the cozy room, admiring the decorations and the furniture. Erik glanced at Rebecca, who was sitting next to him, and saw that she was enjoying the conversation.

It looked like this was a rare occasion, even for the fierce lioness’ daughter. Then it turned to more serious matters

“Many of those we fought against at the town hall,” she said, “were criminals with

substantial bounties on their heads.” She paused.

“The Band of Giants is currently working to identify every single one of them. We’ve already claimed some of the bounties.”

“What really surprised me was the Mercenary Guild’s reaction to all of this.”

“Why? Were they unhappy?”

“I don’t really know how to say it. Their reaction was… weird…”


“Yes,” the Fierce Lioness said.

“They were surprised. I don’t know if that is because they really thought Shade was just a legend or…” A hint of amusement was in her tone. “Because one of them died.”

“To outsiders, their astonishment might seem like disbelief in Shade’s existence. But I know better.” A knowing smile played on her lips as she leaned forward slightly, her gaze piercing. “I know too,” Erik said. “The Mercenary Guild works for the Blackguards, as much as Shade did. They were shocked because they thought we had neutralized one of their own.”

“That’s what I thought too. When I joined the mercenary guild as a simple member, I did not know these guys were the bad ones. However, when I made my guild and got power, I had the chance to see them in all their shitty splendor.”

The woman sighed. She didn’t like the blackguards, and she didn’t like the mercenary guild.

“This feat will undoubtedly bring us trouble,” she said, her expression turning thoughtful. “But at least we got a lot of money.”

That was true, but Erik was worried. Their actions had changed the dynamics of the underworld.

No, it wasn’t just the underworld, but even the Mercenary Guild and the Blackguards dynamics.

“Do you think they will do something?” Rebecca asked.

“No. They do not know Erik was involved in the fight, at least for now. They must be thinking I went to kill the guy. Regardless, they will play safe for a while. This doesn’t mean we will be unprepared for when they act, and believe me, they will. Just not now.”

Then, the shrill ring of a phone broke the calm atmosphere. The abrupt sound seemed out of place in the calmness that had settled around the small table.

The phone ringing was Rebecca’s, who was slightly irritated at the intrusion, glanced at the caller ID before answering.

“Why does everyone have my phone number now?” The ID was unfamiliar. She didn’t know who the guy calling her was. She picked up the phone and answered.


“Rebecca? It’s Noah. I need to speak with Erik.”

A frown creased Rebecca’s forehead at the unexpected call. The person on the phone was talking about Erik.

“Who are you?” Rebecca asked.

“I’m Erik’s clone.”

The Fierce Lioness’ daughter didn’t know if she had to trust this guy, but in the end, it wasn’t like she had another chance. Besides, based on what Erik said, no one knew he was here in Etrium. If this guy knew, it meant Erik told him, most likely at least.

Without a word, she handed the phone to Erik, her eyes narrowing in annoyance.

As Erik took the phone, the Fierce Lioness and Rebecca observed him. His usual composed demeanor shifted; his face paled, and a somber seriousness settled over him.

Whatever this guy was telling the young man from Frant, it must have been important, but it wasn’t good news. Concern etched into Rebecca’s face as she watched the change in him. “What happened?” she asked, but Erik remained silent; his attention was on Noah’s words.


Erik set the phone down, his expression grim. “Noah has news,” he said to his clone. June wanted to smile, but he knew from Erik’s reaction that things weren’t good. Did Noah fail? Was his father dead? Did something else happen?

“Is it about your father?”

The Fierce Lioness, who had been listening, asked, “Lucius Romano?” Recognition and respect colored her voice. She was aware of who Lucius was.

Rebecca turned to her mother in surprise. “You know Erik’s father?” she asked, puzzled.

“Yes, we’ve crossed paths before. We even dueled once, and I lost.” Her words surprised Rebecca. It was rare to hear of anyone besting her mother in combat.

“You lost?”

“I did. That guy was strong.”

Erik, however, seemed distant, lost in thought, with a dark intensity in his gaze. Rebecca pressed him again. “Erik, what happened?”

He took a deep breath. “My men… they saved my father from Volkov,” Erik said, his voice heavy with emotion.

“Volkov kept him prisoner?” The Fierce Lioness asked.

“Not the man himself. The Blackguards, through the Crystal Cross Gang at the beginning,

then through the general.”

Erik paused. “But he’s not in good shape. He’s missing his legs.”

Silence enveloped the room.

Rebecca reached out, placing a comforting hand on Erik’s arm, but he seemed barely aware of the gesture, his thoughts consumed by what Noah said.

Erik felt a surge of anger in his chest, as if someone had stabbed him with a knife. He couldn’t believe that his father, the man who had taught him everything he knew, was reduced to such

a state.

He clenched his fists, feeling a desperate need to make Volkov and the blackguards pay for what they did to his father.

But he was also strangely afraid, afraid that he might lose his father. It was weird. After years of having hated his guts for having abandoned him, these thoughts felt alien. But they were


The Fierce Lioness leaned back in her chair, a thoughtful look crossing her features. “Lucius was powerful,” she said. “It’s a pity to learn he is in such a state right now.” Rebecca was still reeling from the revelation about her mother’s past with Lucius Romano. The idea of her mother, a woman of unparalleled strength, had once faced defeat, was almost


Erik looked up, meeting the eyes of those around him. The murder in his gaze was free for both women to see. “I need to leave. I need to meet my father.”

Rebecca looked at Erik. “Are you planning to leave? Now?”

“I can’t wait. Honestly, my dad’s conditions are a little bit worrying. I don’t know how much

time I have left to talk to him.”

The Fierce Lioness watched them, a knowing smile tugging at her lips. “Let me know how I can help,” she said. “The Band of Giants stands with you, Erik.”

“Help me get out of this city. June will bring me to Frant.”

“Are you sure that’s enough?” The Fierce Lioness asked. “Yes.”

“All right, then wait for me. I will send some people to lend you a hand.”

“Thank you very much,” he bowed to the older woman. Then Erik turned to look at Rebecca. “And thanks to you,” he said. “For everything you have done for me.”

The past thirty minutes felt surreal, like he was trapped in a foggy dream he couldn’t grasp or

shake off.


The sourc of this content is frёeωebɳ

Thoughts of his dad swirled in his mind, stirring up a storm of mixed feelings. Lucius Romano, his father, wasn’t exactly the dad of the year material.

Sure, he was around when Erik was younger, squeezing in father-son time amidst his mysterious job commitments. But then he vanished.

He had left on some covert mission, one that ultimately handed Erik the biological


Erik had once believed Becker was behind it all, but discovering it was his father’s initiative somehow made things more complicated in Erik’s heart.

Yet, despite everything, Lucius was his dad. He was the man who had been there in his early years, and facing the reality of his father’s dire condition was a heavy blow.

Erik’s thoughts wandered to his clones. They shared his memories.

Lucius was their father too, in a sense. It was a strange bond, compounded by shared

experiences and identical DNA.

<Damn… I wonder how the clones are feeling. >

The conflict within him was visible. Part of him couldn’t fathom how, after everything, after

being left behind, he was still concerned for the man.

<I can’t believe it… I can’t believe that, after having abandoned me, I can still feel worry about

him. >

Erik sighed. <Asking Noah to save him… He is still my father, but… >

He exhaled. Yes, he had directed Noah to rescue Lucius because he was his father. But these emotions, this worry, it shouldn’t have been there.

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