Chapter 866: Hunting for Shade (23)

Chapter 866: Hunting for Shade (23)

As the unexpected explosion rocked the town hall, a sense of urgency swept through the abandoned city.

Criminal guards and patrols, previously stationed at strategic points throughout the ruins, began converging towards the source of the disturbance, eager to understand what was happening.

“Things shouldn’t go like this,” Ramon said.

“When did things go according to plans for us?”

Ramon’s mind, however, was already elsewhere. “Let’s take care of those patrols. Erik can’t fight against so many people at once, even with his strength.”

The two then jumped off their building and descended to the streets.

Amid this chaos, the other Band of Giants’ special agents sprang into action.

Their mission was clear: to kill the patrols approaching the town hall and ensure Erik and June had the best chance of getting Shade without external interruptions.

The agents moved with stealth, their footsteps barely making a sound. They moved like phantoms, their presence known only by the faintest rustle of their footsteps.

The ruins, with their broken walls and overgrown pathways, offered many hiding spots and vantage points, which the agents exploited to their advantage.

One group of guards had been killed.

Without a single word exchanged, the agents had descended upon them, their swift and precise strikes leaving the guards dead before they could raise an alarm.

Without leaving a single trace, the bodies were brought into the shadows, ensuring their disappearance from both the physical realm and the collective memory of all who bore witness.

Further ahead, another patrol scanned their surroundings with drawn weapons.

They heard something. When the explosion occurred at the town hall, they knew someone was present in the deserted city. Someone followed or found them all the way here.

However, their vigilance was no match for the agents’ cunning.

Minor distractions-a stone thrown against a wall here, a faint sound of movement there- lured the guards away from their path, splitting their formation and making them easy targets for silent assassins.

In one particularly tense encounter, a duo of agents faced a larger group of guards, more seasoned and better armed than the others.

As the agents advanced, the air around the town hall slowly cleared of the tension and fear that had previously hung in the atmosphere.

Each takedown was executed with a precision that minimized noise and avoided detection, ensuring that the focus remained on the events occurring within the meeting place.

But as the guards rushed toward the town hall, more got killed. The number of people decreased, but nowhere near the desired numbers, 0.

According to Laria’s calculations, the enemy forces numbered around 2000, and that was without even considering the additional personnel stationed within the town hall.

Also, these were not your average foot soldiers; they were an elite group of fighters. Despite their ties to a criminal organization, they had undergone extensive training. The way they moved showed high skill and readiness that should not be underestimated.

The Band of Giants’ special agents found themselves up against adversaries who knew how to hold their ground in a fight, complicating the mission further.

Laria’s face was full of concern as she scrutinized the unfolding scene before them. The corners of her mouth were down turned.

“This isn’t looking good,” she said, her gaze fixed on the distant movements.

Rebecca, puzzled, furrowed her brow in confusion. “What? Why?” she asked, her eyes searching the area Laria was observing.

Laria took a moment, her expression solemn. “See those gang members? They are taking an alley to reach the town hall.”

Rebecca narrowed her eyes, straining to make out the slight movement in the far-off distance.

“So? I see one of our teams moving toward them,” she said, a note of optimism in her voice. Laria’s expression didn’t change; if anything, her worry seemed to deepen.

“Yes. The problem is that we are 300. How do you think our troops can prevent all these guys from reaching the town hall?” Her question was rhetorical.

“Besides, it is clear these guys thought well what to do in case something happened. They are not simply rushing to the town hall, they are moving as if they have a plan in mind. Not that I didn’t expect that, but…”

Rebecca’s optimism waned. The slight dip of her shoulders and the slight bite of her lower lip conveyed her growing concern.

“But what?”

“But I didn’t think they would… Tsk…”

Rebecca nodded in acknowledgement, fully aware of the seriousness and importance of the decision that needed to be made.

Laria then reached into her pocket and pulled out her communicator. Her nimble fingers dialed the numbers, contacting a group of agents.

Once the connection was established, she confidently began giving out a series of detailed orders.

“Move team 1 to sector 12, team 2, provide cover for team 3 as they retreat to sector 7. We’re going to regroup and fortify our position around the town hall.”

As Laria’s orders echoed through the communicator, a sense of urgency swept through the assembled mercenaries.

Each member of the group was highly trained and possessed the skill to adapt to any changing circumstances.

The mention of a new tactic, especially one as bold as creating a barrier around the town hall, sparked a renewed focus among them, but also worry.

Laria shifted her gaze towards Rebecca, her previously indifferent expression now transformed into one filled with resolute determination.

“We’re going to create a barrier around the town hall. It’s a risky move, but it’s the best chance we have to control the flow of these criminals and protect Erik and June.”

Rebecca was taken aback by the audacity of the plan, but she had complete faith in Laria’s decision-making abilities.

As the chaos unfolded around them, she observed Laria’s unwavering confidence and steady voice as she continued to command her troops.

The sourc of this content is freēwēbηovel.c૦m.

“Team 5 and 6 prepare to clear the northern entrance. Team 7, you’re on sniper duty. Take position on the rooftops surrounding the square and take down as many fuckers as possible. We need eyes on every approach,” Laria said, her strategy taking shape with every command.

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