Chapter 862 Hunting for Shade (19)

Chapter 862 Hunting for Shade (19)

The night cloaked everything in its deep, unforgiving shadows as Erik and his expanded team lay hidden, observing an abandoned city from a distance.

This place had likely been abandoned by the time the Thaids arrived centuries ago. Yet its buildings remained, even if they were not in their prime condition.

The city wasn’t even big; it was more like a small village, a forgotten cluster of structures that time had relinquished to the elements, and the monsters.

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Encircling the ancient village lay a sprawling meadow, with Erik and his companions about 500 meters away amidst the greenery.

Erik, Ramon, Camille, Rebecca, June, Laria, and the 300 stealth specialists from the Band of Giants had positioned themselves around it, using the night as their ally.

Ahead lay the small, ancient city. Its vacant buildings and deserted streets had been devoid of life for centuries, yet tonight, it was clear this was no longer the case.

Faint lights punctuated the darkness. Shade’s men were already there, preparing for the meeting.

Erik’s gaze was fixed on those sporadic glimmers of light. He understood the need for those lights; in the darkness that enveloped the place, even Shade’s men needed guidance to navigate the ruins.

The dim lights in the village revealed the presence of many people within the seemingly abandoned city.

<Is by moving outside the big cities that Shade avoided to be found? >

That could be a reason, after all, few people wandered outside the cities where Thaids roamed.

While they reached the meeting place, Erik and his group had to kill many, which made it clear why the authorities were reluctant to pursue criminals beyond the city limits.

Rebecca turned to Erik. “What’s the plan now?”

Erik considered their options for a moment, but there was nothing they could really do, at least not in huge numbers.

An attack was simple to carry out, and Erik was sure that the Band of Giants’s mighty members would win, but Shade would flee, and he couldn’t allow that.

“We proceed as we planned. Only this time, June and I will go in, posing as Shade’s men. There are too many of them for all of us to go unnoticed.”

Rebecca’s worry deepened. “Are you crazy? It’s risky with just the two of you against so many.”

Erik looked at Rebecca. “Tell me why I was renowned in Testrovsc’s Rest?” he asked.

Rebecca knew it all too well. She had been with him on many missions, even if not as dangerous and daring as this one.

Erik was famous because of his skill in entering any place unnoticed.

Rebecca then recalled the first meeting they had at Nokisi Point. Erik had a completely different face than the one he had now.

He could shapeshift. The other didn’t know this.

He was the one with the highest chances to enter there unnoticed, and they knew.

Besides, it wasn’t like, after all they did at Gabriel’s villa, they could simply throw the onyx sculpture and attack.

They needed someone inside that sea of people to prevent Shade from escaping, and Erik didn’t want to leave the task to anyone.

The group fell silent when Erik asked that question, understanding the depth of Erik’s skills but also the danger of the task.

Ramon broke the silence. “What will you do once you’re inside?”

“We find Shade and deal with him.”

“Are you sure about this?” Laria asked.

“I am.”

For her, that was even better, as she would not put his soldiers in danger if things went well. However, she didn’t want to stay idle either.

“If that’s your plan, we’ll provide support from the outside in case things go south. It might not be much, but it should help lighten your load.”

Erik nodded in appreciation. Turning to June, he asked, “Ready?”

June’s response was immediate and unwavering. “Yes, Master.”

With a last nod to the group, Erik and June set off towards the village, their movements swift and silent, blending into the night as they made their way across the meadow.

Behind them, Laria took command, organizing the 300 stealth specialists.

“Move out,” she said, her voice low but carrying the authority of someone used to leading.

Under her direction, the mercenaries began their own approach towards the city, ready to act as a backup should things go awry.

In the meantime, Erik and June ran, nearing the village. The lights were not much, and that would help them go there unnoticed.

Together, they reached the outskirts of the village, the dilapidated buildings looming like specters of a forgotten past.

Here, the real challenge began: entering the heart of Shade’s operation and confronting the king of the underworld.

Erik was sure security was going to increase the more they went toward the meeting place.

<Not that it would stop me. >

Laria and her team, once they reached the city, moved with precision, leaping across rooftops to secure strategic vantage points.

From their elevated positions, they gained a clearer view of the scene below, and what they saw was daunting.

The dim light had masked the sheer number of Shade’s men scattered throughout the area.

Groups of twenty to thirty guards were stationed around key locations and among the streets, clearly set up to thwart any approach to the meeting spot.

The problem was, these was not an amateurish move.

These clusters of guards weren’t just patrolling; they were deliberately placed to protect and control access to the meeting place.

It looked like the guards were wandering aimlessly, but it wasn’t true. They didn’t leave a blind spot for even a second.

“Maybe we should have brought more soldiers,” Laria said.


Laria was a well trained mercenary, with years of service, but that wasn’t actually needed here. She easily saw it.

The sheer number of opponents was staggering, and it meant a direct confrontation was out of the question.

“Whoever organized the guard duties… these guys are smart.”

The young woman turned to look at her. “So?”

“So?” Laria said with a pensive look. “So, I think we might start killing those guys before Erik starts his move.”

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