Chapter 860 Hunting for Shade (17)

Chapter 860 Hunting for Shade (17)

Erik and June moved with such speed and precision that they appeared as nothing more than blurs to the few guards who dared to face them.

Their movements left no room for the guards to counter or escape. Within moments, the last of the opponents crumpled to the ground, dead.

While catching their breath, June turned to Erik with a look of concern. “Are the others okay?”

Erik closed his eyes for a moment, concentrating. He used his instability brain crystal power to see if their emotions and thoughts were somewhere around, which was a sign they were alive.

It wasn’t hard since there weren’t many people in the villa now.

When he opened his eyes, there was a flicker of unease in his gaze. “They are all alive, but Rebecca is not ok.”

Without another word, Erik made a quick decision.

“Go to Camille, since Ramon has finished his part. Leave the building as quickly as possible.” He then explained to him where she was.

June nodded. Without wasting another second, he turned and dashed towards Camille’s location.

Meanwhile, Erik set his sights on Rebecca. Her thoughts were a mess.

She was locked in a fight against someone, but based on what she felt and thought, the situation was not good.

Erik made his way through the corridors while the echoes of conflict guided him.

He arrived just in time to see the tail end of Rebecca’s stand against the villa’s guards.

The room was strewn with the bodies of at least twenty guards. It was clear Rebecca gave hell to those guys.

However, she was still fighting against ten opponents, which Erik found astonishing considering she wasn’t considerably stronger than them.

The well-trained guards swarmed around her, their movements coordinated and relentless.

Erik could tell that Rebecca pushed herself to stand her ground, even though the odds were against her.

It took little for Erik to see Rebecca’s wounds. There were many on her, but her key problem was, she almost ended her mana, and most importantly, her stamina.

Erik had to move. He had to attack. Without even thinking, he leaped into the fray. For a second, the guards thought a Thaid entered the villa.

Erik was too feral, too bestial, and they got deeply confused, but more than that, scared, to realize it was a human they were fighting.

But was he, really? Not for them. That was a demon, a creature that came there just to bathe the room in their blood.

It wasn’t hard for Erik to kill those guys. After all, he had just killed almost 80 of them with June.

Honestly speaking, Erik noticed the clone was reaching his limit.

Until now, since Erik killed a lot of weaker opponents, June didn’t have problems, but now that they were fighting against cities, organizations, humans, June was lagging.

Without the ability to grow more powerful since he didn’t have a brain crystal, June could be useful only up to a certain point.

Erik ignored the many notifications, since there was a more pressing matter to account for.

He rushed to Rebecca’s side. “Are you ok?” freeωebnovēl.c૦m

Rebecca, panting from exertion and pain, managed a wan smile.

“I could have been better.” Even saying that hadn’t been simple, as her voice was tinged with fatigue. “Thank you, Erik. I owe you one.”

“Are the others ok?” she asked.

Erik nodded. “They’re all safe. Ramon has already secured the onyx sculpture. We need to get out of here now.”

Rebecca tried to stand, but her injuries and exhaustion clarified that she wouldn’t make it on her own.

Erik scooped her up into his arms, mindful of her wounds. A wave of embarrassment washed over her.

To be carried like this, so dependent on someone else for her safety, was not a position she was accustomed to or comfortable with.

In any other situation, she might have protested, especially considering Erik was her weak spot.

However, the toll of the battle had left her body exhausted and her energy sapped to the point where even the thought of voicing a protest seemed like an insurmountable effort.

Despite the flush of embarrassment warming her cheeks, Rebecca lacked the strength to push Erik away or to insist on standing independently.

The physical and mental exhaustion from fending off many guards, along with the injuries she had endured, left her nearly powerless.

She rested her head against Erik’s chest, the steady rhythm of his heartbeat a comforting sound. It almost made her fall asleep.

Gratitude mingled with her embarrassment, knowing that Erik’s intervention had saved her from a grim fate.

With ease, Erik carried her through the villa’s corridors, heading for the exit.

Their exit was expedited by Erik’s knowledge of the villa’s layout, thanks to Gabriel’s memories, and the lack of additional guards, ensuring a swift escape.

As soon as they got out, they saw the three remaining team members. Their faces got ashes as they saw Rebecca’s state. She was the band of giants’ princess.

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“I didn’t think things would be this hard,” Ramon said.

“And this is nothing.”

Erik set Rebecca down, ensuring she was comfortable, before turning to assess the situation.

He turned to Ramon. In his hands there was a small black sculpture resembling a dragon. “You did it.”

“I did it,” Ramon said.

Camille smiled and then put her arm on Ramon’s shoulder. “Did you have any doubt?”

Erik sighed. “Let’s go. I bet more people are coming here right now. Rebecca needs to have her wounds tended and to rest. This has been a weird day.”

Ramon and Camille’s gazes lingered on Rebecca with a blend of worry and respect.

They saw her journey from a spirited child to the formidable fighter before them, their concern was tinged with pride.

They had been part of her training, acting under instructions from her mother to forge her into a warrior capable of facing the world’s harsh realities.

“Never treat her softly,” her mother said, understanding that leniency would ill-prepare Rebecca for the challenges she knew she would face.

Ramon and Camille knew that coddling her now would do more harm than good.

Yet, the line between guidance and support was a fine one. Camille stepped forward, and offered a hand to Rebecca, not as a gesture of pity, but as an acknowledgment of her strength and the grueling battle she had just endured.

“You did well,” Camille said.

Rebecca met Camille’s gaze with weary eyes, a flicker of resolve shining through the exhaustion. “I know.”

With the villa now behind them, the group set their sights on the Band of Giants headquarters.

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