Chapter 846 Hunting for Shade (3)

Chapter 846 Hunting for Shade (3)

The car hummed through Nokisi Point’s sky, its occupants wrapped in anticipation as they neared the warehouse.

Inside, Erik, June, Ramon, Camille, and Rebecca were deep in discussion, outlining the potential scenarios they might encounter at the warehouse.

“Let’s consider the likelihood of it being guarded,” Erik said, his eyes meeting each of his companions in the rearview mirror.

“If that place is really connected to Shade, it means we should expect even greater resistance than you remember.”

Ramon nodded in agreement. “It’s likely they’ve set up surveillance systems, too. We’ll need to be cautious about approaching the perimeter.”

“If we encounter guards, I suggest a divide-and-conquer strategy. Distract and disable. We can’t afford to get bogged down in a firefight.”

“I can help with the distraction.,” June said, but he wasn’t that thrilled about a fight. “If things become dire, I can turn into a wyvern. Do you think that would attract their attention?” He smiled and a mischievous grin appeared on his face.

Rebecca rolled her eyes.

“Yeah. Turning into a wyvern will surely attract their attention, and that of the rest of the city, for all that matters. No, thanks.”

Erik had a contemplative look as the car got closer to its destination. freeweɓ

“We need to be prepared for traps inside,” Erik said. “Even if the warehouse hasn’t been active for a while, it doesn’t mean it’s safe.”

The conversation shifted towards entry points and exit strategies, with each member contributing their insights. “What about the multiple exit plans? If things go south, we’ll need to know from where we can leave.”

“There are two side exits to the east and west sides. There are a couple in the northwestern and northeastern. These are our best bets in case everything go south, and we can’t use the main entrance. Also, I suggest we’ll split into teams; it’ll give us a better chance at covering more ground quickly.”

As the car turned onto a less traveled sky-road, the warehouse came into view, a looming structure that stood as a testament to the underworld’s once-thriving illegal activities.

The group fell silent, each lost in their own thoughts as they contemplated what they had in front.

June broke the silence. “It doesn’t look that guarded.”

An awkward silence ensued. “Maybe they are inside,” Rebecca said.

“Or maybe there’s no one.” Camille had an amused look on her face.

The car slowed to a stop a safe distance from the warehouse, hidden from immediate view.

The moment of truth was upon them, the culmination of their planning and discussions about to be put to the test.

They gathered their gear and stepped out of the car, moving towards the warehouse with a silent resolve.

Camille, gun at the ready, approached the door with caution.

She gave her back to the door and peered inside. She found the interior abandoned, void of any immediate threat.

“It’s clear,” she said to the group, her voice barely breaking the stillness that enveloped the structure.

Erik, meanwhile, had other concerns. Silently, he consulted his biological supercomputer, probing for any hidden traps that might lie in wait.

The computer’s response, however, was unexpected – no traps detected.

This anomaly raised a silent alarm in Erik’s mind, but it wasn’t like he couldn’t trust the biological AI.

Though everything looked too easy, too convenient. Yet, without tangible evidence of danger, he pressed on, opening the door despite the confused and concerned protests from his companions.

“What the hell are you doing?”


But Erik still entered. The warehouse had been clearly abandoned.

Dust layered every surface, thick enough to trace history in its particles.

The air was stale, heavy with the weight of years gone by without disturbance.

The group hesitantly followed Erik inside, their footsteps echoing in the vast emptiness of the space.

Rebecca looked around. “What do we do now?” she asked to Ramon.

The older man had many thoughts in mind. Memories were resurfacing as he observed the place.

The surrounding emptiness was the opposite of what he remembered.

Some time in the past, this place had pulsed with life, a nerve center for the underground network he had been a part of.

Ramon was no stranger to the shadows that clung to these walls; he had worked here amidst the chaos of criminal operations that flowed through this very building.

Here, there had been crates filled with weapons and drugs being shuffled in and out of the building.

He could almost hear the echo of hurried footsteps and muffled conversations, the air thick with anticipation and the sharp scent of danger.

In the same place where he was standing now, Ramon had watched as those crates, the lifeblood of their operation, passed through the hands of his associates.

“Search around. This place has many rooms.”

Nodding in agreement, they split up, each taking a different direction, hoping to find anything that might lead them to the clues they sought to find.

Erik, wandering through the desolation, stumbled upon a room that must have once served as an office.

The small space was cluttered with remnants of its past purpose, but among the debris, a single piece of paper caught his eye. Not that there was anything else in that place. fɾēewebnσveℓ.com

He picked it up, noting its fragile state – most of the paper was destroyed, save for a single image on its left which was strangely intact, albeit the paper had aged considerably.

It was a symbol, unfamiliar yet clearly significant.

With the document in hand, he sought Ramon, hoping for insights into the symbol. “Do you know what this is?”

Ramon examined the paper, his brow furrowing in concentration. After a moment, he shook his head.

“No,” he said, “but I know someone who might.”

The decision was made quickly. Calling the others back, they convened in the car.

The air was filled with questions and speculation. The warehouse was empty, disappointingly so, but at least there was a clue.

With the chance of gaining new insights into Shade’s operations, they drove off, the warehouse fading into the distance behind them. The hunt had just started, but they already got something to use.

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