Chapter 832 The Prison (4)

Chapter 832 The Prison (4)

In that somber corridor, devoid of any presence beyond the imprisoned souls yearning for freedom, a heavy silence hung, punctuated only by the subdued sounds of the inmates’ efforts to console one another and express their happiness at being free.

Tears of relief and joy flowed freely, tracing paths down weathered cheeks. They had endured much, but finally it was over.

While marching toward the exit, Captain Lain and the others remained silent while observing Erik’s back as he led the way.

Fischer was thinking about a lot of things, but Captain Lain didn’t have fewer questions than him.

“What are you planning to do with us?” Captain Lain asked Erik.

“What do you mean?” Erik asked.

“You surely haven’t freed us just because of a whim, right?”

Erik looked at her. “That’s exactly the reason I did.”

That shocked Captain Lain even more. “Why?”

“Well… I was thinking. Volkov and the Crystal Cross Gang were responsible for having kidnapped my father and persecuted me. I just wanted to stir troubles. Besides, they joined the Blackguards. Though I already took care of the Crystal Cross Gang.”

“Your father has been abducted?” Everyone knew Lucius Romano. Such a revelation was too surprising to believe it. He was too strong to have been kidnapped by the Crystal Cross Gang.

Captain Lain knew little about the situation. Her work mostly brought her outside the city to hunt Thaids.

What was happening? Why was Erik talking about his father, the Crystal Cross Gang, and the Blackguards?

“What do you mean by saying you already took care of the Crystal Cross Gang? Even Becker never found them. How could you have taken care of them, and what about the Blackguards?”

Erik didn’t care anymore about hiding his powers anymore. He was too strong anyway for them to pose a problem.

Unless the Blackguards ganged upon him, it was unlikely he would die, and he was already thinking about how to avoid such a dangerous situation.

“I meant exactly what I said. I killed them all, or almost all of them, even their boss is dead.”

That left the woman almost in a catatonic state. Even Fischer had his mouth agape.

“As for the Blackguards, they are those behind the Crystal Cross Gang and Volkov. They have always been. Why do you think Becker never found the Crystal Cross Gang’s headquarters? The Blackguards were protecting them.”

However, it was Fischer’s time to say something now. “Do you have proof?”

“Well, not about this. The information was told to me by Becker himself. He also said the Blackguards kicked him out of his position because he didn’t bend to their rule. As for the rest, yes, I have plenty of proof. I’ve hacked plenty of Crystal Cross Gang’s and other organization’s computers to be certain of what I’m saying.”

But then the question arose spontaneously. “Then why didn’t you say that to the world?” Fischer asked.

The Blackguards were a symbol of peace and order, justice’s paladins.

“Do you think they only control the Crystal Cross Gang and Frant? They likely control the entire world, if not directly, at least indirectly. No one would have believed me.”

To that, the two remained silent. Then the group reached the exit and left the building.

On their way out, they saw the many corpses. The ground was littered with the lifeless forms of fallen guards, their bodies scattered in grotesque arrangements that bore witness to the violent clash that had unfolded within the walls of the compound before the prisoners got freed.

The bodies were mostly concentrated in specific areas, meaning that Erik and June killed the guards not in small skirmishes here and there, but all at the same time.

This meant they were stronger than they assumed.

“What happened here?” Emma asked.

“Ah… that? June took out the trash.”

The group then reached the outside. They were in front of the prison. No one dared to move an inch or escape to freedom.

They were all waiting for Erik to say something. Were they prisoners? Did he want them to work for him? What was the meaning of all this?

“What?” Erik said as he looked around and saw everyone staring at him.

“What do we need to do now? Where do we go?”

“I don’t know,” Erik said. “I guess you can do whatever you want?”

“What?” more people at the same time said that.

“Aren’t you going to give us orders?”

“Why would I? I didn’t come here because I needed men. I have plenty of them.”

“Then why?”

“Just because.”

Captain Lain looked at him again. “You said that before, but I refuse to believe this happened because of a whim.”

“Believe what you want. I don’t care.”

There was a slight pause for a moment.

“Do you have a place to stay?” Erik asked. These guys had been out of the game for a lot of time now. They were probably going to search for their families to see if they were alive. That if they hadn’t been killed, or worse, parasitized by the Heniate’s spawn the previous year.

Fischer looked at him with a pensive look. “I have some places in mind to move these guys.”

“I suggest you bring them there. Apparently, to move around a permit is required, so if you stay too much outside, you will attract a lot of attention.”

Fischer shivered. Everything went to hell since Becker had been forced to leave. Now there was even a law, or something like that, that forced citizens to ask for permission to get out of their house? Was Volkov crazy

“Erik,” Volkov said. “Is there really nothing we can do? Nothing at all? You should have seen or heard something. You should know what we can do to make Volkov pay.”

Erik thought about it for a second. There were indeed many things this ragtag group of survivors could do. “Well, there are some things. But are you sure this is what you and the others want to do? To fight against Volkov, it’s not that different from putting yourself in another kind of prison. ”

“Speaking for myself,” Lain said. “There is nothing more that I want than making Volkov pay.”

Erik grinned. “Then I have a couple of suggestions for you.”

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