Chapter 830 The Prison (2)

Chapter 830 The Prison (2)

Erik and June stepped through the entrance. The prison’s exterior was a testament to its tumultuous history, displaying many scars with cracks that snaked up the weathered walls.

The entrance was secured with bars made of mana powered ores, effectively deterring visitors from hastily attempting any unauthorized entry or impulsive actions.

The moment he stepped inside, he realized he was in a lobby that had served as a place for anxious visitors to wait for information on their loved ones.

The walls were decorated with posters that contained words of encouragement, aiming to uplift those who were facing the challenges of incarceration.

However, at this moment, all they could perceive was the piercing noise emanating from the blaring alarm.

The moment the alarm blared overhead, a group of guards swiftly emerged from their posts to confront Erik and June.

Erik directed his focus towards June, a serious look appeared on his face.

“Take care of them,” he said. June, with a nod of understanding, quickly sprung into action, demonstrating swift and precise movements as he engaged the guards in a fierce battle.

Just a few minutes later, a new notification popped up and caught his attention.






“Let’s go.”

While progressing further into the prison, Erik navigated through a maze of corridors that were flanked by offices and other sections dedicated to administrative purposes.

At this location, police officers used to work until the Crystal Cross Gang emerged, and subsequently, Volkov’s men assumed control of the area.

As expected, additional guards arrived, but June once again handled them with ease. It was a piece of cake.

“The security here is very lax.”

“Indeed, Master. I thought we would have found greater resistance, but these guys are at best around the μ level.”

“Even better.”

They finally reached the designated area of the prison where the cells were situated.

In this place, the air was heavy with the overpowering stench of despair, while the dim lighting created eerie long shadows that stretched across the immaculate walls.

Aclaitrium doors were lining the corridor, and acted as a physical barrier, isolating the prisoners from the outside world.

While looking through the narrow bars, Erik’s eyes locked with the prisoner’s gaze, revealing a blend of despair and hope in their shared glance. 𝗳re𝚠en𝗼vl.c𝐨𝐦

Many of them were still wearing of the uniforms they had on when they were imprisoned, and these uniforms were stained with blood.

Within their ranks, there were a diverse range of professions, including soldiers, military officers, and even police officers.

It was likely they worked there in the past, but their sense of justice was too strong for them to obey Volkov.

Honestly, that was even weirder than the overall situation. The police officers in New Alexandria never made a positive impression on Erik, and the idea of them being inside a prison because of their sense of duty weirded him.

<I guess Volkov’s takeover sorted out the good folks from the bad ones. >

He then turned to look at the prisoners. “Do you wish to be free?”

There was a delay in the prisoner’s response. It didn’t come immediately. Not only did they not know who the guy was, but they also had no clue about what was happening.

Did he come here intending to help them escape from this place? Or was all of this a trap?

Among the others, there was someone who mustered the courage to step forward, his voice reflecting a palpable blend of desperation and longing.

“Yes,” he said. With a desperate longing for salvation, his hands stretched out through the iron bars, as if pleading for mercy.

“I’ve suffered long enough here. Free me!”

The mere sight of Erik somehow had a profound effect on the other prisoners, leading them to break their silence and start speaking.

Regardless of the potential consequences of becoming Erik’s slaves, they were so desperate that it didn’t matter to them if he demanded anything from them.

However, Erik knew that, even in theory, there would be someone who would eventually betray him, at least in their own thoughts.

Despite their caution and fear of making things worse, they held onto a flicker of hope that they could eliminate him and flee.

Unbeknownst to them, Erik and June were here alone, which they were not aware of and therefore did not realize it wouldn’t have been possible to kill them.

After all, how strong one had to be to enter a prison alone and act undisturbed?

“Free me!”

“Help me!”

Voices echoed throughout the space, creating a symphony of sound. All asking for the same thing: Salvation.

Erik nodded. “Then rise, my friends,” he said, his voice ringing with conviction. “For today, we shall break the chains of oppression and reclaim our freedom.”

With steady hands, Erik unlocked the cell door, releasing the prisoner from their confines. As they emerged into the dim light of the corridor, a sense of unity washed over them, binding them together in their shared struggle for liberation.

“Help us free the other prisoners. No one must remain here.” They nodded and then started doing their job.

With every cell they unlocked, the size of their group increased, until a sizable force of emancipated prisoners had gathered, poised to take on the tyrannical forces.

Right when it seemed like they were about to succeed, the piercing sound of alarms filled the air, showing that reinforcements had arrived.

“June, take care of them.”

“Yes, Master.”

Erik’s nod gave June the confidence he needed, causing him to square his shoulders and narrow his gaze with determination as the group of fifty guards rounded the corner.

June wasted no time and sprang into action with no hesitation.

Moving his body, he evaded their strikes by ducking and weaving in between. With lightning-fast movements, June’s fists became a blur as he dealt devastating blows to his master’s enemies.

Likely, those guys were all ex convicts, and criminals once belonging to the Crystal Cross Gang.

With each strike, he killed a guard, his movements fueled by the strength he inherited from Erik.

June’s unyielding composure remained intact as the guards closed in on him, his unwavering focus enabling him to evade their attacks.

The clone enveloped himself with his biological armor, another gift he got from Erik. The armor was so strong that the attacks made by those guys had no effect whatsoever.



June’s skills were so impressive that even though the guards outnumbered him, they couldn’t compete with him.

With a final, dramatic movement, he defeated the last of his opponents, causing them to be scattered and left in a state of defeat on the ground.





With a sense of satisfaction, he turned to Erik, a triumphant grin spreading across his face. “All taken care of, Master,” he said, his voice tinged with pride at their victory.

While all this was happening, the prisoners in that place were left bewildered and unable to comprehend the events that transpired.

Did that guy just straight up kill fifty guards? They didn’t know; they weren’t certain.

The speed at which he moved made everything a blur, leaving them unable to comprehend what had occurred.

However, the presence of lifeless bodies in their sight served as concrete proof of the situation. What made the situation even scarier was that the monster who killed the guards referred to the other as ‘Master’.

The prisoner couldn’t understand how there was a guy able to command a monster like that. Someone who killed prison guards with that ease.

Erik turned to them, clearly seeing the terror in their eyes. They were wondering if they made the right thing to follow him. Was he going to be a tyrant? Would he be worse than Volkov?

Every thought about killing him, in case he showed himself to be a tyrant, now turned to dust.

“What are you waiting for?” Erik said. “Free the others.”

With those words, the prisoner complied. One by one, they went deeper and deeper into the prison. Erik walked steadily and as he went further in, he saw people he didn’t expect to see there, Captain Mary Lain and her team. They were all alive.

“The world is truly small,” Erik said. Captain Lain looked at Erik. She recognized him. How could she not? He was Erik Romano, Frant’s only awakener.

“You must be Erik Romano,” she said.

“And you Captain Mary Lain. A pleasure to meet you.”

“Is this your work?” She asked.

“Whose work could this be?”

Emma, a member of her team, didn’t like Erik. It was clear to her, well, to everyone present, that if this guy was here, freeing the prisoners and attacking a state prison, he had to be powerful. Most of all, she didn’t like the way he was grinning and looking at Lain.

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