Chapter 827 The assassin’s fear

Chapter 827 The assassin’s fear

Death had fought many battles during his life. Born with a Brain Crystal Power that allowed him to escape any danger, and to be even deadlier than he should have been with another Brain Crystal Power.

However, despite having killed countless people, stolen countless items, and infiltrated any place, there was nothing he could do to get rid of the man following him.

Death shadow hopped, corner by corner, shadow by shadow as he tried to put distance between him and June.

The clone had a murderous glint in his eyes as he stared at his target.

June had a singular focus: to fulfill his master’s wish. And June didn’t want to do anything else but unleash carnage, to stain the halls of this place with the blood of his enemies.

The clone was driven by the relentless determination to kill the assassin.

In the unforgiving world of an assassin, survival hinged on foresight and cunning, qualities Death had honed to a razor’s edge.

Yet, as he raced through the corridors, a chilling emotion gripped him—a feeling he hadn’t experienced in years: fear.

The source of his unease was twofold. First, the sight of someone unleashing mass destruction, effortlessly extinguishing thousands of lives with a single flick of one’s wrist. That sight had shaken him to his core.

Second, the pursuit of an equally monstrous man, a demon closing in on him with the silent menace of a shadow at dusk, its presence suffocating, its intent palpable like the icy breath of death on the nape of his neck.

With every passing moment, fueled his mounting dread.

Despite Death’s cunning evasion tactics, the gap between him and his pursuer was narrowing.

<Why did Howell do this? >

He didn’t know. Erik hadn’t revealed his face. He was still using Howell’s visages when he killed everyone.

Of course, it mustn’t have been him. The act of Howell killing his gang members was not only senseless in terms of diminishing the strength of the Crystal Cross Gang, but it also had negative implications for potential financial gains.

He got paid by people to carry out assassinations and theft, and in turns he paid his men.

By crippling his forces, he would only create damage to himself.

This meant the Howell he saw. The person who asked everyone to come to the headquarters wasn’t Howell. But how could he wield two powers?

For now, there was only a thought in the assassin’s mind: escape.

He decided to sneak out through the secret exit in the gang’s private quarters, a secret only he and the leader were aware of.

Howell was not one to leave his fate to chance. He had ensured multiple escape routes, knowing all too well he couldn’t leave just one exit in such a place.

In the highly unlikely chance that someone attacked this place, he needed to get out safely. That was exactly what the assassin was planning to use. His only hope to live a long life.

As Death made his way toward the hidden exit, he felt June closing in on him.

Despite Death’s Brain Crystal Power offering a slim advantage in evading the clone, June’s speed made the pursuit an almost impossible endeavor.

Each step brought Death closer to safety, yet June’s pursuit threatened to close the gap with alarming speed.

The assassin’s heart pounded with a mixture of dread and determination.

He leaped from shadow to shadow, his form melding with the darkness as he sought to evade June’s advance.

Panic threatened to overwhelm him as he surveyed his surroundings, the walls closing in around him like a vise.

June grew ever closer, and as he did, Death’s panic surged.

<Fuck! Fuck! Fuck! >

Death could easily disappear into the shadows outside the building. The problem was here, inside the headquarter.

Here, the shadows were too close to each other, meaning Death couldn’t hop very far and gain the distance he needed.

He turned a corner by shadow hopping, but when he turned behind to see if the pursuer was still there, he found him even closer than before.

“Stay away from me!”

But June said nothing to Death’s words. His face was a mask of absolute focus and murderous intent.

The gap between them narrowed with alarming speed, the echo of footsteps growing louder with each passing moment.


Despite the desperation, Death was almost there. He just needed to turn a corner, open the door, and get the fuck out of there.

<I swear, I will stop doing this job if I survive this. >

Then he did. He turned the corner. 20 meters away from him, there was the promise of salvation.

Nestled amid the labyrinthine corridors of the Crystal Cross Gang’s headquarters, the exit door stood as a beacon of hope.

With a last burst of speed, Death reached the threshold of the secret exit.

His hand brushed against the concealed lever, and with a swift motion, he pushed it open; the door creaking on its hinges.

Beyond lay freedom.

However, as he was going to step out and shadow hop, a sudden, chilling sensation washed over him.

Before he could react, a hand shot out from behind, seizing his shoulder with a vice-like grip. The touch sent a shiver of terror down his spine.

Time seemed to slow to a crawl as Death’s senses screamed in alarm.

Every nerve in his body screamed with primal fear, his instincts shrieking warnings of imminent danger.

For Death, this unexpected touch was a jarring intrusion upon his carefully constructed facade of composure.

In an instant, the illusion of control shattered, leaving him vulnerable to the threat behind him. The incarnation of death, his.

The hand of his pursuer forced him to turn around.

There was only fear in the assassin’s eyes. A palpable, raw and unfiltered emotion betraying the ironclad resolve that had carried him through countless trials.

He didn’t have time to react. His mind was almost blank at that point.

He was unable to think straight. But even if he did, he simply didn’t have time to use his brain crystal power.

The last thing he saw was a grin on his opponent’s face.

A smirk that reflected the feeling of accomplishment the clone was experiencing for achieving his master’s wish.

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