Chapter 804 Reuniting (4)

Chapter 804 Reuniting (4)

To learn that was weird. Erik had never expected Becker to train people in Liberty Watch, especially not after what he had done to these people.

However, that wasn’t as surprising as hearing he was training Amber and the others.

Apparently, even Mira joined them, but that was understandable.

Both the Fierce Lioness and Becker were renowned for their extraordinary strength, making them arguably the most powerful individuals in the entire world. Well, aside from him now.

If it wasn’t because the Blackguards had many people around that level, even if lower, they would have been the king and queen of the world.

“I’ll definitely have a chat with him. After all, it looks like he knows a lot of things I’m not aware of.”

A heavy sigh escaped Erik’s lips, revealing his exasperation. It was obvious Noah talked to him, so the clone knew what kind of information the man possessed.

Noah’s decision to withhold this information from Erik was a deliberate act, driven by his awareness of the deep-seated animosity Erik harbored towards the individual in question, showing his desire for the two to at least have a conversation.

The group continued their conversation, discussing a few additional topics.

Erik attempted to provide the most detailed explanation of his situation that he could.

The process of exposing the existence of the biological supercomputer had been anything but simple.

To let others know about it meant placing multiple targets on his back.

While he maintained his faith in their reliability, the temptation of greed could overpower them, causing them to make an attempt at obtaining it from him. If not now, maybe in the future, at least.

But he was tired, tired of keeping secrets, tired of having to hide. That was especially burdensome, considering they were among the few people that showed him some kind of love.

“Well,” Floyd said. “I think this conversation won’t bring us anywhere.”

“Yeah. Me too,” Gwen said.

Erik’s impression was that the two reached their limit with him, and it wasn’t just about this talk.

To Erik’s surprise, Floyd did something that he did not expect.

With a determined stride, he moved closer to him and then wrapped his arms around him in a heartfelt embrace.

“For all that matters, I’m glad you are ok.” He then smiled.

“Thank you.”

As she neared him, Gwen extended her hand and patted him on the back in a friendly manner.

Although she didn’t utter a single word, her expression revealed that she, too, was relieved and glad that he was alive.

In a similar fashion, the rest of the group also did the same thing.

Of course, out of everyone present, Benedict had the most exuberant response by leaping up and embracing Erik in a tight bear hug, almost depriving him of breath.

“I missed you, man.”

“Me too, Ben.”

Despite the absence of words, the action clearly expressed the relief and joy he felt upon seeing Erik alive and well.

The air felt heavy, charged with a mix of emotions that none of them quite knew how to navigate.

Mira and Amber exchanged glances, their eyes reflecting a storm of feelings.

Despite being aware of Erik’s motive, his decision to pursue another relationship in Etrium led to many complications.

Erik stood uneasily between the two women, feeling the weight of his decisions bearing down on him like a heavy load.

It was as if the tension had taken on a physical form, an unbridgeable gap that his apologies couldn’t fill.

Each passing second in silence seemed to stretch endlessly, intensifying the awkwardness and the unspoken tension lingering in the air.

It was at this point that Mira contributed to the conversation.

“There is obviously one last matter we should address.”

The woman’s start of the discussion did not surprise Erik. Being older, she had accumulated a wealth of experience in love affairs, which Erik was well aware of.

With complete vulnerability, she had bared her soul to Erik, revealing her past, her encounters with love and heartbreak, and confiding in him with the utmost trust.

Despite everything, they found themselves in this situation where they had to confront the reality that Erik had kept a crucial part of his own story hidden.

“Yeah,” Erik said.

“For starters, you should have told me about this situation. It would have been enough if you didn’t share everything, but at least acknowledging that you didn’t forget about someone back at home would have been acceptable.”

“You know, it wasn’t easy. Also, I wasn’t trying to make you think I had someone else in mind. I thought I was being tactful.”

Then Mira said something. “Don’t take me for a fool, because you had someone else in mind, Erik. I’m not stupid. I noticed you keep looking out the window and sighing. It was obvious something was bothering you. Plus, you’re not denying it, so it must be true.”

“Honestly, I’d be lying if I said I wasn’t.”

To that, Mira remained silent. “Look, Mira, you know I care for you. I tried my hardest to give you everything. But the situation was complicated. You can’t expect me to just forget about Amber.”

Mira’s disappointment and sorrow were clear in the way her face contorted, lines etching deep into her features.

She sat there; her face filled with dejection, as the realization hit her that Erik still had feelings for Amber.

Her sadness simmered silently, an emotional tempest concealed within, a reflection of the broken trust she experienced.

Instead, Amber found herself caught in a whirlwind of conflicting emotions. Despite her efforts to conceal it, a small smile of relief and vindication played on her lips.

Erik’s actions served as a reassurance to her, affirming that she still held a special place in his heart.

However, her guilt consumed her as she comprehended the innocence of Mira, realizing that she was caught up in this complex web of emotions.

Erik’s next action sent a wave of hurt through Amber. With a gentle rise, he extended his arms and enveloped Mira in a warm and comforting embrace, witnessing the free flow of her tears and feeling her body tremble with each sob.

Instinctively realizing that speaking at that moment would only worsen the wounds, Amber made the conscious decision to remain silent.

Nevertheless, the sight of Erik cradling Mira caused a storm of complex feelings to surge inside her.

Despite everything, Amber’s feelings for Erik remained as strong as they had always been.

Even though he faked his death, she fully comprehended the seriousness and importance of his motivations.

When Erik turned to meet her gaze, his simple apology seemed to hang heavily in the air.

Amber’s response was simply a nod, but this simple gesture held the immense weight of her conflicting emotions.

Once Mira had calmed down and Erik had returned to his seat, Amber approached Mira. “Are you ok?” She knew what the older woman was feeling, and her kindness forced her to ask that question. Mira nodded,

“Yeah. I’m OK.” To that, Erik felt even guiltier.

Then Amber sighed. “I need to talk to Mira alone.” She said.

“To tell her what?”

“This is none of your business. Now get out.”

“Bu — ”


Erik, feeling tired and worn out, slowly made his way to the door, slouching as he went. He was unwilling to leave the two women in that condition.

However, to avoid putting himself in a pit even deeper than the one he already was in, he obeyed the orders and left the room.

As Erik stepped out of the room, his heart heavy with the weight of the confrontation, he found Floyd waiting just outside the door.

Floyd’s presence was a silent testament to the bond they shared, yet his eyes held a question, one that Erik could read all too well.

“How did it go?” Floyd asked, his voice tinged with a cautious optimism.

Erik let out a weary sigh, his shoulders slumping as he met Floyd’s gaze.

“It went bad,” he said, the words tasting bitter in his mouth.

Floyd placed a reassuring hand on Erik’s shoulder, trying to offer some comfort.

“Even if they’re mad now, the resentment will end sooner or later.” His voice carried a note of uncertainty.

Erik nodded. “I know that,” he said, then hesitated before asking, “What do you think, Floyd?”

Floyd took a moment to gather his thoughts before responding.

“I’m not sure if Amber will ever be with you again.” He paused.

“After your fake death, Amber was a mess.” Floyd tried to be measured, but it was clear the situation had been heavy.

“The only way she could cope with the pain was to train relentlessly. She pushed herself to the limits, using a lot of stimulating serum. She’s become many times more powerful than before, achieving results none of us could have imagined. Well, aside from you, of course.”

Erik exhaled, a mix of admiration and concern coloring his thoughts. “I hope she can forgive me,” he said, his voice low. “From Amber’s point of view, what I did was akin to cheating.”

Floyd’s response was a silent nod.

This content is taken from (f)reewe(b)novel.

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