Chapter 801 Reuniting (1)

Chapter 801 Reuniting (1)

Erik hesitated at the threshold, his hand resting on the doorframe. Each step forward felt like wading through deep water, resistance pulling at his every movement.

While leaving his clones behind, he took a deep breath and forced himself to leave the room.

He had left his friends believing he was dead, a deception that now twisted in his heart like a knife.

He felt guilty the whole way, regretting what he did on his lonely walk.

As he moved, the faces of his friends flashed in his mind. He could almost hear their laughter, see their smiles, and feel the warmth of their love.

But now, he felt unworthy of that warmth, undeserving of their friendship. He had abandoned them, left them to face uncertainty and danger alone.

The thought of Amber added a sharper edge to his pain. He had left her to mourn, to grapple with loss.

How could he face her now, knowing the depth of the hurt he had caused? Being aware she knew about Mira?

Their love, which used to be a source of strength, now seemed like something he lost because of what he did.

And then there was Mira. To her, he had not been entirely truthful, withholding parts of his life that now lay exposed.

He feared her reaction, the potential look of hurt and betrayal in her eyes.

The possibility that she might turn away from him was a thought he could hardly bear.

With each step, his heart grew heavier. He felt as though he was walking towards judgment, towards a reckoning he had brought upon himself.

The idea of facing them, of seeing the impact of his choices reflected in their eyes, was almost too much to bear.

Erik paused for a moment, his hand on the doorknob, gathering what little courage he had left.

He knew this face-off was bound to happen, a necessary step towards redemption, if it was still doable.

Erik opened the door, stepping into the room where his friends and lovers awaited.

His heart raced, his mind a tumult of emotion. He was ready to face the consequences of his actions, to apologize and seek forgiveness, even if he felt he no longer deserved it.

The door closed behind him with a soft click, marking the end of one journey and the uncertain beginning of another.

As Erik stepped into the room, the atmosphere was thick with a tension that clung to the air like a heavy mist.

Before him, his friends were arrayed on a makeshift sofa, cobbled together from materials scavenged within the city.

Their eyes turned towards him, wide with a mix of emotions—disbelief, sadness, and a glimmer of joy at seeing him alive.

Amber, Floyd, Gwen, Mickey, Aaron, Benedict, and Martha – each of them wore expressions that painted a picture of their inner turmoil.

They looked at Erik as though he was a shadow, a ghost from a past they had mourned and buried. In their gaze, he saw the sorrow of loss, now mingled with the relief of reunion.

Amber’s eyes held complex feelings, her face a canvas of the pain and betrayal she had gone through.

But deep down, there was a brief glimmer of joy in her eyes.

Mira’s expression was even more complex. Alongside the relief of seeing Erik, there was a clear sense of betrayal.

She knew of Erik’s strength and knew he was safe, but the revelations about his past—the truths he had concealed from her—had left a mark of anger and confusion.

Floyd, Gwen, Mickey, Aaron, Benedict, and Martha each grappled with their own reactions.

The shock of seeing Erik alive was clear, but so too was their desire for answers.

Since they knew about Erik’s multiple powers, they had a myriad of questions.

They wanted to understand how Erik had become so powerful, what secrets he held.

The most pressing question in their minds was about Erik’s true nature. Was he really an awakener? Had he deceived them all along?

Erik stood there, his heart pounding in his chest as he took in each of their faces.

The silence in the room was deafening, a void filled with unspoken words and unshed tears.

He knew he owed them an explanation, a truth that he kept hidden for a long time, but that he was now ready to share.

He tried to say something, but couldn’t find the words. How can he even explain his crazy powers and why he kept them a secret?

How could he show how heavy his abilities were and the tough choices he had to make because of that burden?

Erik took a deep breath, steeling himself. This was the moment of truth.

He had to come clean and spill the tea on his secrets. He had to give them something.


That was all Erik said. A small silence ensued.

“Hi? That’s all you have to say?”

“Glad to see you too, Benedict,” Erik said.

There was a tense silence then. “How are you?” Floyd asked.

Erik hesitated. “Well, I’m tired. I had to journey through the Eldraith mountain range. You know, that place is nasty.”

It was a shocking revelation for all. Mira, living close to the mountain range, knew about it.

The mountains acted as a barrier between Frant and Etrium, thus making Testrovsc’s Rest the nearest city to the mountain range from Etrium’s side.

Despite knowing Erik was strong, the thought of him having to cross that place terrified her.

“You never listen to me, do you?” Those words from Mira grabbed everyone’s attention.

Erik scratched his head. “Sorry.” Mira sighed.

“So, don’t you think you owe us an explanation? Noah told us a lot of things already. However, it should be you to explain yourself. You can’t demand this to your… clones…”

“You are right. First, let me say you something. I’m sorry.”

“You already apologized, didn’t you?” Gwen said.

“Yes, but this time I’m talking about what I put you through.”

“No amounts of apologizes will make things better. You know that.”

“I do.” Erik could only sigh again.

“We thought you were dead,” Mickey said.

“I had to make you believe that. Noah should have told you already.”

“He did,” Amber then said. Her eyes burning with rage, but Erik didn’t have the strength to look at them.

This content is taken from (f)reewe(b)novel.

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