Becoming the King of A New Filthy World

Chapter 7 7: Lucas’s Ideal World!

If he’s lucky all he will get is a fired. But Christine is smiling wider as a result, working faster along with her tits as the new boss draws closer, and he wonders if he’s about to die.

Caren steps up to the group of his, taking a look at each of his group members in turn, including the new girl down on her knees giving him a titfuck, and clears her throat. “Work begins in five minutes, and computers are to be booted up in advance of them,” she says sternly. “Do not wait too long; IT is monitoring matters on my orders.”

Something about the absolute acceptance with which this all goes on under her nose and he doesn’t even think to be confused just undoes him completely.

Lucas grunted, his cock thrusting up into the soft cleavage of Christine’s amazing tits, and he lose control.

Her head remains down in place as his cock erupts, ensuring that he gives her a massive, gooey facial that leaves her features absolutely coated in thick, hot spunk.

There’s so much cum, and it leaves her looking like an absolute mess as she slowly rises up to her feet and straightens herself out.

​ She smiles with cum dripping down her chin, even turning toward Caren and giving her an understanding nod, as the crowd begins to disappear, and he’s left standing in the middle of the aisle with his dick out and his boss staring right at him.

Not even at it, like it shouldn’t be there. Just at him entirely, with the expectation that he too will boot up his computer and probably start working before he’s actually supposed to.

He tucks his cock away and stumbles into his cabin, slumping down into his chair and panting heavily.

Lucas’s heart feels like it just might burst out of his chest from how fast it’s beating.

“What’s going on here?” he asks under his breath, booting up his computer and straightening everything at his desk out.

There’s so much to try and figure out but he doesn’t even know where to begin with asking questions about any of it.

This all makes so little sense, but in that insanity is some kernel of a sense that he’s somehow got it really good right now.

“Mm, do you get it yet?” Christine asked, slipping into his cabin and taking a seat up on his desk with a bright smile covered in cum, as she still wears her facial. “Or do I have to spell it out for you?”

“What the fuck is this?” Lucas asks, looking at her with an immense frustration. How does he even begin to ask her what this is? “And is this somehow your fault?”

“Oh, it’s all my fault. But it’s also your fault too.” She licks her lips, leaning forward and asking, “Do you remember last night?”

“The part where my dick was in your throat? I don’t think I’m going to forget it.”

Her laughter is so rich and sweet. “No, not that.” Her his wiggle, and as the cum drips down from her chin onto her chest, she seems utterly uncaring about the little streaks of cum it’s leaving across her plump tits.

She’s utterly unperturbed by it, even with the mess being made of her. “Last night, you told me that you wished you could walk up to someone and put your dick right in their mouth, and that it would be completely casual and normal. And look at what happened now; sex is normalized and open. Completely casual. Isn’t that funny?”

“What does that–what are you–there’s no way tha..that’s what happening here.”

“Isn’t it?” she asks. “Your boss just watched you cum all over my face. So did a few of your co-workers. And all they could talk about was coffee. This is exactly what’s happening.”

“So, what, if I have sex with you, it’s going to look normal to people?”

“Not just me. Any woman. You could go up to any woman, press your dick against her cheek, and she won’t mind, I promise you. But you can do more than that, too; a lot is happening here, and all really good stuff, I promise. You’re king of the universe now. Not only can you use any woman freely, but you can also convince anyone of anything with your words. Just tell someone something, and they’ll accept it as truth, I promise. It sounds made up and insane, doesn’t it? But it’s real. You can do whatever you want with this power, and it will slowly shape the world around the choices you make. If that means having more girls walk around with tops like these, then everything is going to start looking a whole lot more slutty. If it means casual public blowjobs as a greeting, then soon that will be the norm.”

For a moment, Lucas wants to believe her. Why wouldn’t he? The world Christine is talking about would be his dream.

He didn’t realize that she was acting on the words he had said the night before to her in the confused madness of his situation, but to be fair he was also dealing with the fact that he was being titfucked in front of other people.

A world of free sexual use and where he can do whatever he wants is quite literally his dream come true, even if he had only admitted as much because he was really fucking drunk.

But there’s no fucking way.

“That doesn’t make any sense.”

“Does the fact that the office pervert didn’t ogle my tits, or that your boss was fine with you fucking my tits in the workplace make any more sense?” Christine asks, grabbing his hand and dragging him along.

“Come on, let’s try something!” She pulls him from his seat. “You want to fuck Rose, right? I can tell, so don’t bother pretending otherwise. So go up to Rose, and just ask her directly if you can fuck her while she works. Go on, trust me.” She drags him by the hand into Rose’s cabin.

Whatever is even happening anymore, it’s happening too quickly, too insanely, and he feels dizzy in the wake of it all.


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