Becoming the King of A New Filthy World

Chapter 22 22: Relaxing & Enjoying Massage

It’s a calm, plain room, smelling of the oils she’s warmed up to massage me with, and it’s everything I could have hoped it could be; I can get used to this kind of treatment.

I stepped in and smile back at her as she prepares the massage table.

“Hello sir,” she says with a smile.

“My name is Kelly, and I’m going to be your masseuse this morning. You ordered a hot oil massage, back then front, right? I’ll give you a minute of privacy to undress, just lay a towel over yourself and we can begin.”

“I don’t need any time, you should watch me undress,” I said to her, smirking as I begin to strip right in front of Kelly.

True to my command she is definitely watching, smiling at me with that same flat, generic customer service smile I’d expect from her in this situation.

“And while I do that, you should get comfortable too; unbutton your top. It’s a better look for your uniform.”

As I climb onto the table, Kelly does precisely what I order her to do, undoing the buttons of her top and opening it up, giving me a view of her perky breasts as the interior of her bare cleavage hangs free.

It’s like a loose plunging neckline of sorts, and it’s setting the pace well as I lay steadily down, resting on my stomach.

“Now please just relax, sir, and let all of the worry out. I’m going to start from the top and work my way down, so your neck, to your shoulders, your arms, along your back…”

As she speaks, she drips some warm, scented oil onto my back and then applies some more to her hands and then rubbing them together, the warming sensation making me wriggle a little bit without her touching my body yet.

“Does that sound good, sir?” Kelly ask.

“Please,” I groan.

I’m content to start this off a bit calmer than normal; there’s something I want to try here, something I want to build to a little bit as I take some careful time to enjoy myself.

The truth is, working a desk and leading a life of general stress and frustration that has only recently turned my way has left me with enough sore, stiff, aching muscles that the idea of a hot oil massage sounds good…

No! it’s sounds wonderful, as does being pampered.

For a moment, I can relax and let this beautiful woman with her tits out undo my tensions, and when I come back around on it, I’ll do so a lot more ready to enjoy the sex once the pressure is off of my shoulders.

Kelly starts up from high as promised, and strong, confident fingers sink into the back of my neck, making me groan and tingled at the same time as she immediately identifies the key of my problems and happily deals with them.

The strong, kneading grip of her skilled fingers presses into my neck, rubbing the heated oil into my skin.

It fills my nose as my hose hangs through the o-shaped headrest that helps keep my eyes closed and in darkness as I empty my mind completely to relax.

So, I can enjoy this massage.

Soft, natural, calming sounds from some relaxation playlist grace my eyes amid the sound of fingers running along skin, caressing the oil onto my body firmly.

“You work in an office, don’t you?” she asked lowly.

​ “You have all the usual tensions of someone who spends a lot of time at a computer, but that’s okay; you’ve come to the right place. Just keep your mind happy and focus on something that calms you, and I’ll undo all of this tension from you. You’ll leave here happier than you come in.” Kelly said to me while nicely smiling.

Kelly’s voice is soft, and enticing with its promises, which led me to happily sink down into relaxation mode as I accept what she’s saying and the kindness and sweetness that follows her voice.

She sounds so sensible in her assessment, so perfectly reasonable in my need to relax. Well, that’s why I’m here, after all.

If all I wanted was sex I could have gone to the mall or even just walked around the street looking for someone I could point at and demand or order her to bend over in the middle of a crowded sidewalk.

But there’s more to this than just raw, carnal delight, and I’m very happy to give in to all the softness and sweetness of Kelly and her promises of relief and relaxation.

She goes from my neck to my shoulders, which were also in tense.

Typing at a computer and the sort of bad posture that inevitably creeps in as a result have my upper body region all knotted and tense, but Kelly’s strong and at the same time soft fingers fix all of that, and amid her soft summing I start to really ease up and feel a relaxation swell within me that I can get behind.

Down my arms she goes next, working the soreness out of limbs that once spent hours at a time in a position that involved way more typing than was good for me, but that is no longer.

Back up the arms, as if trying to guide all the soreness upward and into my back again to be worked through as she heads down.

Down slowly, steadily, and the strength and softness of the fingers pressing into and undoing each knot on my body is really starting to get somewhere.

I groan all the while.

How can I not?

The tension and soreness is releasing, all the lingering frustrations from my ‘old life’ melting away as her hands work at my back, resolving all the tightness that I had let get too strong and too intense to bear.

It’s all sinking away from my body now, and in its place is a certain rawness of relief that I can get used to, that I can enjoy.

She goes further and further down, and I’m happy to let her take her time and to let the tension build as I enjoy her caress too much to stop now.


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