Another Stupid Isekai

Chapter 546 - Days MMCXXVI - MMCXXXI, Part I

That motherfucked Gavriil Semenov withstood a freaking five days in the arena. After it became dark outside the whole event was put on hold, and restarted in the morning, after a short ceremony, where both Ashal Kal Anur and Zor’xal had each a short speech, which we didn’t understand since they both were using alien languages.

At that point, it became quite obvious that we were going to spend in this strange place quite a while. After the first day ended, assistants and a few officials from the Earth, who traveled with us to Dispur, joined us for a short moment. We exchanged a few opinions on this whole thing, and they even tested the food for us, since we had at least two people who could cure them if it was somehow poisoned. It wasn’t as we learned the next day, but even though, a decision was made to not eat it.

To provide us with provisions and other necessary stuff I jumped back to the hotel in Cairo, where I made contact with the officials and was provided with everything we could possibly need. I brought it all back, and that was the end of our food and water problem. We also got some board games, and other things to kill time.

That’s how the memorable evening of the fifth day approached. Semenov managed to massacre another alien. The arena was already quite heavily painted red because that maniac wouldn’t let any of his opponents leave alive.. He made sure each of them was nicely minced by his soldiers.

Zor’xal probably finally got annoyed by all the laughing and Gavriil words. Watch each victory he was assuring the emperor that he himself is enough to take his whole empire on. I could understand why the alien got pissed.

Hy turned to one of his slaves and spoke to them with quite an angry expression on his face. At this point, we all could tell, as we had plenty of time to watch his ugly smug. Each time he spoke to his underlings, we knew that we can suspect a different type of alien species to come out. And those who kept observing the fights would usually alert the others. This time was no diffrent.

– Guys! – said Martin. – He is speaking again.

I picked myself up from the couch I was lying on and listened to some music. The giant’s voice was strong enough to reach my ears despite that. I pulled the headphones out of my ears and went straight towards the middle of the room, where holoprojection was located.

Just in time, to see a figure approaching the entrance to the arena. It was so big, it had to hunch over as it grabbed the wall above its head, to squeeze in. It was grey and humanoidal. Easily over six meters tall, with metal bolted straight to its skin, covering the forearms and palms, leaving the fingers exposed. Its head was hidden under a metal helmet with multiple pipes connecting it to some kind of device on its back.

Those pipes were completely black, so we didn’t have the slightest idea of what type of liquid or gas could be inside them.

It was exhaling and inhaling loudly through some apparatus inside the helmet. The legs, thick as threes were also armored. It didn’t have humanoid feet, but rather legs similar to an elephant. It had quite a thick skin, but because of its bulging muscles, it seemed thinner than it was in reality.

It slowly approached its spot, marked with a bloody pulp covering the sand.

Semenov seemed neither scared nor surprised. If something, he was excited about another prey to be slaughtered by his minions, that were crowding around him. Some of them got damaged during previous fights, but he could easily fix any missing limbs or holes with his necromantic magic.

– This one looks quite tough – said Nil.

– He is going to die like every previous one – said Nadzieja.

At this point, they all were respecting the crazy Russian, who showed no mercy to his enemies.

The gong announced the beginning of the fight. Gavriil’s undead soldiers rushed towards the alien, that slowly started moving towards the vampier. As soon as they got into the striking distance, the creature smacked the first group with an unexpected speed and power that seemed quite ridiculous even with its size. We could feel the impact of that punch even inside the waiting room.

– What the fuck? – asked Boris, as he looked around.

[0)ᴠʟ My eyes remained glued to the holoprojection.

Most of the bodies got crushed, the rest send flying like ragdolls, which completely didn’t stop the rest from attacking. They started swinging at the giant hand, striking sparks as the weapons collided with the armor, and couldn’t cut through.

The alien exhaled loudly, and swing his hand again, riping the undead apart with surprising speed, despite the fact we all just witnessed it a moment ago.

Gavriil’s expression changed. The usual smile was gone, and replaced by an expression of anger and frowned eyebrows. He took off his sunglasses, threw them to the ground, as the last group of his soldiers attacked. Then he spread his arms and summoned more coffins. Hundreds of them, like when he fought me.

With a snap of his finger, all the lids fell off. Sometimes with chains and talismans that were covering some of the coffins.

His undead army stepped outside their confinements, rising their weapons. The smirk returned to the vampire’s face but it was a different one, more aggressive. He wanted blood, and he wanted it now.

I glanced at the Zor’xal, sitting comfortably in his levitating vehicle, and I could swear I saw a shadow of anger in his expression.

The colossal alien measured the enemy forces with one glance. For a second I regretted that I couldn’t see the expression on his face. Then, in complete silence, he just simply took off, leaping high in the air, with a force, that despite previous showcases, was still surprising.

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