Almighty Daughter Runs The World

Chapter 2403

Chapter 2403: 502: predictable outcome! 6

Translator: 549690339

“In the blink of an eye, the next day arrived. ”

“Mario was still asleep when he was woken up by someone. “Doctor, Doctor!” ”

“What’s Wrong?”Mario immediately woke up from his sleep.

“As time passed, the exotic beasts were also changing day by day to prevent any accidents from happening. Mario had been staying at the base for the past few days and had never returned. ”

“”Doctor, please come over and take a look!”The deputy minister hurriedly pulled Mario away ”

Mario was still wearing his pajamas. He hadn’t even changed into his lab coat. How did he manage to follow him to the laboratory.

“At this moment, the laboratory that was originally used to lock up the exotic beasts had already collapsed. ”

The exotic beasts had also disappeared.

“Mario’s face turned pale as he immediately asked, “Where are the exotic beasts?” ”

“The deputy minister shook his head. “When I came over to take over this morning, this place was already in this State!” ”

“One had to know that Mario had arranged for ten people to take turns to watch over the exotic beasts. But now, how could these people disappear for no reason? ”

What had happened here?

“The deputy minister continued, “Right now, no one can contact them! Including their families!” ”

“What about the surveillance department? What exactly happened last night?”Mario followed up with a question.

“The Minister of surveillance walked out and looked at Mario, saying, “Doctor, the surveillance system is out of order.” ”

“What?”Mario asked in disbelief.

“The Minister of surveillance braced himself and replied, “The surveillance system is out of order. We didn’t manage to capture any powerful images.” ”

“Trash!”Mario had never expected that this would happen. He flung the glass bottle on the table away. “What a bunch of trash!”

The head and deputy head of the surveillance department were so frightened that their faces turned pale. They didn’t dare to say anything else.

“Mario pressed his temples and roared, “What are you still standing there for? Go and look for it! If you can’t find the exotic beast today, then don’t come back!” ”

The two of them were so frightened that they hurriedly turned around and left.

Mario’s head was in a terrible pain. He took out his phone and made a call. “Come to my office.”

“It was unknown what was said over there, but Mario hung up the phone and walked towards the office. ”

“When he returned to the office, a young woman was already waiting. “Doctor.” ”

“Mario nodded and continued, “Track the location that was installed on the exotic beast the last time.” ”

“Hearing that, Joanna asked in surprise, “The beast… has disappeared?” ”

“Although Mario didn’t want to admit that he had lost control of the Beast, that was the truth. “Yes.” ”

Joanna frowned slightly. “How can this be?”

“Let’s find it first. It might just be a misunderstanding.”Mario still had a sliver of hope hidden in his heart.

Never in his wildest dreams did he expect that the beast would disappear one day.

“Hopefully, it was just a misunderstanding. ”

“Joanna walked in front of the computer and turned on the positioning system on the chip. After operating it for a while, she turned to look at Mario and said, “Doctor, we’ve successfully located the Exotic Beast.” ”

“Really?”Mario was overjoyed.

“Yes.”Joanna nodded.

“Mario immediately asked, “How far away is it from us?” ”

“”It’s nearby,”Joanna replied. ”

“Hearing this, Mario heaved a sigh of relief. ”

It was good that it hadn’t gone far.

“If it hadn’t gone far, it meant that the exotic beast hadn’t escaped. Something must have happened. ”

“Mario continued, “Where is the exact location?” ”

“Joanna zoomed in on the computer screen and continued, “It’s at 265 West Avenue.” ”

Mario nodded. “Then we’ll set off immediately.”

“At this moment, they had all overlooked a problem. That was the huge size of the exotic beast. How had it managed to escape without making a sound. ”

“The L continent base was heavily guarded. However, when the House of the exotic beast collapsed last night, not a single person had heard a single sound. ”

Thinking about it was extremely terrifying.

Doctor Mario sat in the armored car and arrived at West Avenue.

The buildings on West Avenue weren’t very tall.

“If the exotic beasts were here, they would be easy to find. ”

“However, even when the armored car drove all the way to 265, there was still no sign of the exotic beasts. ”

“This time, Mario was a little flustered. He turned to look at Joanna. “Are you sure this is the place?” ”

Joanna immediately turned on her laptop and confirmed the location of the chip once more. She nodded her head with certainty. “I’m sure this is the place.”

“”But there’s really nothing here,”Mario said. ”

“Qiao na also felt that it was very strange. After all, she had seen exotic beasts before, and she knew their sizes… ”

“After a moment, Qiao na looked at Mario and continued, “Oh right, doctor, can exotic beasts shrink their sizes at will?” ”

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