Almighty Daughter Runs The World

Chapter 2315

Chapter 2315: 482: Wisdom is bound to hurt! 2

Translator: 549690339

Yu Zifei shook his head. “There are no other problems for the time being. You Don’t have to worry with Professor Zhang Around.”

“”En.”Ye Zhuo summoned a certain someone to look at Yu Zifei and continued, “How long has it been since you’ve gone back?” ”

“Yu Zifei was stunned at first, then said, “About three to four months.” ”

“”Let’s go back today,”ye Zhuo said. ”

“”Go back today?”Yu Zifei looked at Ye Zao, his eyes full of shock. ”

“It was the official date soon, and there were a lot of things to deal with at the Mars base. How could he go back at this critical moment. ”

Ye Zao nodded slightly. “We can give your parents a surprise when we go back this year. I’ve seen your information. Your Mother’s birthday should be today.”

“After hearing this, Yu Zifei was stunned. He had been busy working all day, so how could he still remember that today was his mother’s birthday. ”

“”Go back.”Ye Zhuo continued, “As a son, I should give my mother a surprise on mother’s difficult day.” ”

“But I’m so busy now…”Yu Zifei was a little hesitant.

Ye Zhuo smiled and patted Yu Zifei’s shoulder. “It’s fine. Go back. There’s nothing to be busy with. You just have to come back before 6 o’clock tomorrow night.”

“Yu Zifei was a little touched. “Thank you, Miss Ye.” ”

“Go on.”

“Yu Zifei continued, “I’ll send this document to Dr. Zhang and then go back.” ”


Yu Zifei sent the document to Dr. Zhang and also talked about going home.

“Dr. Zhang smiled and said, “Then you should hurry back. It’s not easy for Miss Ye to give you a break.” ”

“”Okay.”Yu Zifei nodded. “Dr. Zhang, if you have any questions, just contact me directly or tell Xiaowen.” ”

Wen Zhi was Yu Zifei’s assistant.

“”Okay.”At the mention of Wen Zhi, professor Zhang seemed to have thought of something. He continued, “That Xiaowen seems to be a little off. Have you noticed?” ”

“What’s Wrong?”Yu Zifei asked.

“Professor Zhang Thought for a moment. “It’s just a little off. I can’t tell what’s wrong, but it feels a little strange.” ”

“Then, professor Zhang added, “Captain Yu, don’t you feel anything at all?” ”

“Yu Zifei shook his head and said, “No.” ”

“Professor Zhang scratched his head and said, “Then it’s possible that I was wrong. But Captain Yu, you have to be careful. I feel that Xiao Wen is different from before. At such a critical time, you can’t make a mistake!” ”

“Although Xiao Wen’s status in the Mars base was not high, sometimes a single piece of rat poop could ruin a pot of porridge. ”

There were some things that needed more attention.

“Yu Zifei smiled and said, “Professor Zhang, don’t worry. Xiao Wen has been following me for a long time. I know very well what kind of person he is.” ”

“Since Yu Zifei had said so, it was useless for professor Zhang to say anything more. He could only smile and say, “Alright, maybe I am really overthinking things.” ”

“After all, Yu Zifei was the leader of Wen Zhi. If even Yu Zifei did not discover any problems, what could he possibly discover? ”

“Yu Zifei looked at professor Zhang and said, “Everyone’s nerves have been tense during this period of time. Professor Zhang, if you have time, you should take a good rest.” ”

“Okay.”Professor Zhang nodded.

“Yu Zifei continued, “Then I’ll go back first. It’s My Mom’s birthday. I want to go back and cook for my mom.” ”

“”Okay, you should go back quickly!”Professor Zhang said. ”

Yu Zifei turned around and left.

“Professor Zhang looked at Yu Zifei’s back and said in a low voice, “Maybe I’m really too tired recently! Forget it, forget it, I don’t care!” ”

“After saying that, professor Zhang also turned around and left. ”

“Little did he know that after the two of them left, Wen Zhi walked out from the side with a proud smile on his face. ”

Two idiots.

Especially Yu Zifei.

“As expected of someone who was handpicked by Ye Zao. With this level of skill, Dr. Zhang had already reminded him so clearly, but Yu Zifei did not take his words to heart at all. ”

He was quite afraid of Dr. Zhang at first.

Now it seemed that there was no need for that at all.

“After all, Ye Zao had already signed the document. ”

Wen Zhi’s smile became more and more obvious. He picked up the custom-made communicator and sent a message.

That’s right.

Wen Zhi was a spy sent by C Nation.

His final plan was to overturn the entire oasis project.

“At present, half of his plan had been completed. ”

“C nation and Ye Zhuo were not ordinary enemies, but irreconcilable enemies. Back then, because of the BET Agreement on the aircraft carrier project, C Nation’s technological base was directly taken over by Ye Zhuo. ”

“So far, C country still did not have its own science and technology base. ”

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